Trip to BHS

On Monday we met at school and started our journey around Brooklyn and was an entertaining learning experience for me. I have lived here for about 2 years but have never taken the time to go to that side of the city. We first went to the court house and was amazed how the giant building was once a movie theater but burned down. Then we took a trip to a nice little park were there were a few statues, one being Henry Ward Beecher and the other Christopher Columbus. I liked the stories Prof. Rosin shared about how Beecher preached against slavery and people would travel on boat just to hear this man speak. Beecher also freed a slave named Pinky and he was honored so much that they’d create a statue of them in the middle of the park. After the park we headed toward the edge of Brooklyn and stared at Manhattan but on the way what I thought was really cool was that Prof. Davis showed me and Chris a “boot scraper” on the side of a building, I found it amazing that this was still there. At our final stop we arrived at the Brooklyn Historical Society were we were given information about the men celebrated as busts on the sides of the building. We went inside and although our stay was short we learned a little about the history of the building, like the tiles inside and how it was built in the late 1800s. We were also given permission to use the buildings resources and archives and given rules on handling the delicate material.

Homework 9/30



For the second project I’m going to choose Skate Brooklyn. This is a skateboarding shop located near the Atlantic Center Mall on Saint Marks PL between 4th and 5th AVE. I chose this shop because there is a whole new group of people, way of thinking, and world to Brooklyn most people have never thought about and they soon realize it right after you walk through the hidden entrance in the back of a garage. I felt this was the best place that I know to portray a juxtaposition, this just being a shop or a second home for Brooklyn skaters.

“You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it.” – “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead
This quote relates to my essay because I feel the skaters pay attention more to the city than anybody else. A skater could tell you about any spot in the city from the private New York in their head, from the stair-sets, rails, ledges, smoothness of the ground, and security in the area. There is a whole list of details in a skaters head and they can explain to you every crack and crevice just from a few seconds of staring at a spot.

“My dream was to write a bookshelf of volumes, so many that one day I might drown in them, paper and ink suffocating me in an ocean of my own thoughts.” – “Fort Greene Dreams” by Nelson George
This quote relates to my essay and why I chose Skate Brooklyn because George said this to express his passion and how he just wants to surrounded by it. I feel that when in Skate Brooklyn a skater really feels at home and the feeling being surrounded by something you love is such an indescribable feeling to explain to someone.

A Walk In New York

I was born in New York but I left at the age of about 5-6 to Florida so I didn’t really remember anything. A few years later I came back to visit New York and was amazed by how different a place could look. I was not used to buildings being more than 3 floors high and when I came here there were no building less than 2 levels high, it was crazy to me that I’d have to turn my head to see one whole building. It wasn’t only the buildings,  I also remember a disticnt garbage smell that I have forever associated with this city, I feel like there is no fresh air anywhere due to all the cars and factories in such a tiny area. Also the atmosphere was weird, there was so much graffiti everywhere and nothing looked clean, and the people here looked so much meaner. The streets were 10 times smaller than what I was used to and we’d hit a traffic light every 100 feet or so. However the city felt so raw and it made me feel alive in a way because of the authentic vibe that seemed to be ringing through every corner.

Speech Class Summary 9/23/13

On 9/23/13 we were given a topic which was the “Importance of Good Hygiene” and we had to construct a speech to target the audience we were assigned. We were allowed 7 minutes to prepare for the speech and Prof. Davis has written down comments on our evalution sheets. We will get these sheets back tomorrow to see what we need to work on as a public speaker.

City Limits Summary

In the story “City Limits”, writen by Colson Whitehead, New York is described through the author’s point of view. This playfully sarcastic character explains how everyone has their own New York because this city is always changing and you start building your own as soon as you lay eyes on the concrete jungle. He goes on to show his obessesive love for New York, claiming that since he has lived here it has ruined him to go anywhere else, but not only for what it is now but also loving the city for what it used to be through his eyes. The author still refers to buildings by their previous names because that’s how he built his New York, the same goes for the shops the took over what was once a place he liked reminiscing on his own New York. To me it seems a little depressing how he’s so attached to these shops and buildings and then they are taken down and something different is put up and he says you’re not a real New Yorker until you realize New York will keep going on without you. Even though things leave they still exist because they are part of your vision when you first built your own view of the city in your head

Fort Greene Dreams

In Fort Greene Dreams, Nelson George looks back on how his life played out. He begins his story by telling us he started living in an apartment located in Jamaica, Queens then moved to Fort Greene in 1985. He grew up around Fort Greene because of shopping with his mom and had heard about the bad areas and gangs that used to inhabit Fort Greene but he says it was easy to love. He gave a good amount of detail describing his apartment which he loved because he was tired of living in beatdown apartments. George was able to afford this because of a quick bio he wrote on the pop king Michael Jackson which became a best seller, one of his first real sucesses that gave him a great deal of money. In this apartment he wrote 5 books, including his breakthrough work, The Death of Rhythm and Blues. He also invested in movies including She’s Gotta Have It while writing and producing screenplays. Being in this new empty apartment it filled him with ambition due to all the inspiring talent that he could critique. He seemed to be living in an area surrounded by iconic people and this was all on his way to get something to eat. George worked in his apartment and dispite how bad of a reputation Fort Greene had he had never ran into any trouble except getting robbed which had been his own fault, this place had been a rebirth because he found himself in a new way. He learned what kind of writer, lover, and son he was and where mentoring, criticism, and producing overlapped in the process of living in Fort Greene.

HW: Reading Images

Photo 2

  • The picture is taken in bright sunlight
  • It seems to be in a sepia type color format
  • There are 3 ladies
  • The ladies are dressed very modestly with long clothing, they also have ties and big hats
  • They seem to be having a picnic in a park
  • The photo is from the 1890s
  • Season seems to be fall from all the leaves on the ground
  • They seem pretty wealthy
  • My guess is that the picture was taken to show that women don’t need a man to be out
  • The further away from the center of the image the more blurry it gets, maybe because of the lens used in old cameras back then

Project 1: Introducing Yourself

My name is Gabriel Algabyali and my family is originally from the Middle East. My grandfather came here about 50 years ago as an entrepreneur looking for a new start and a chance to be successful. With his slim-chanced success he brought his family to America. I was eventually born Brooklyn and I lived here for 6 years until I moved to Orlando, Florida about 15 minutes away from Disney World where I would go many times as a kid. Although I was born in the city I consider myself a suburban kid because of the majority of my younger years in Florida. Down in Florida I was introduced to skateboarding at the age of 10 and since then I haven’t stopped. I had a hard time with high school because I was always transferring and with my parents rocky divorce things took a while to get stable in my life.  I ended up going to two high schools in Florida and finally moved back to Brooklyn at age 16 where I went to another two high schools. Being back was such a culture shock to me, everyone here is a lot meaner, I feel there are a lot more crazy people, and it is a lot busier here too. Either way, life is life and you have to roll with the punches.

I looked for an avatar that I feel would represent me in the best way possible. I thought of sceneries of where I lived, maybe something from my culture, or even what I’m going for in my major but none of those felt like they gave an in-depth view on what represents me. Then I thought way not an avatar of what I do on a daily basis? So that’s exactly what I did, I chose a picture of me doing a backside crooked grind down a 4 stair handrail. Skateboarding has become such a huge part of my life since I was a kid. It has helped me get through rough times and has made good times better. Throughout my life, no matter where I was or what was going on, I can always remember myself skateboarding and forgetting everything. This is why I felt me skateboarding as my avatar best represented me.

How someone else may interpret my avatar is in a wide variety in ways. Many of views on my avatar may contradict others because there are many negative stigmas connected to skateboarding but if they really thought about what skating really was there’d be many more positive views. Some of the bad views on me would be that I am involved with drugs, disrespectful, uneducated, and hostile which all of these are untrue but there are many positives associated with skateboarding. Some good views would be that I am dedicated, persistent, perseverant, athletic, and confident. It is all a matter of what you hear from other people or believing stereotypes but skaters are not bad at all.

My profile will hopefully convey who I am as person to the point where you would know who I am by clicking on my name and going through the page. It should start by showing who I am and my interests then show why I am in college and what my major will be.  In my opinion it shouldn’t matter to someone else who I am because I realize the more you worry yourself the more productive you would be in your own life.