Trip to BHS

On Monday we met at school and started our journey around Brooklyn and was an entertaining learning experience for me. I have lived here for about 2 years but have never taken the time to go to that side of the city. We first went to the court house and was amazed how the giant building was once a movie theater but burned down. Then we took a trip to a nice little park were there were a few statues, one being Henry Ward Beecher and the other Christopher Columbus. I liked the stories Prof. Rosin shared about how Beecher preached against slavery and people would travel on boat just to hear this man speak. Beecher also freed a slave named Pinky and he was honored so much that they’d create a statue of them in the middle of the park. After the park we headed toward the edge of Brooklyn and stared at Manhattan but on the way what I thought was really cool was that Prof. Davis showed me and Chris a “boot scraper” on the side of a building, I found it amazing that this was still there. At our final stop we arrived at the Brooklyn Historical Society were we were given information about the men celebrated as busts on the sides of the building. We went inside and although our stay was short we learned a little about the history of the building, like the tiles inside and how it was built in the late 1800s. We were also given permission to use the buildings resources and archives and given rules on handling the delicate material.

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