
The period of life when a child develops into an adult.

He says: ” In that sudden revelation of power and beauty all the confusions of adolescence dropped from me, and I trod the narrow, resilient boards of the foot way with a new confidence that came, not from my isolated self alone but from the collective energies I had confronted and risen to.”

I understand that he is saying he matured.

Advice for future student

Dear, Students

I was in your situation I didn’t know what to expect from college. The time does go quick! That’s your only enemy in college time! So make sure you use it wisely because you don’t want to be wasting it by getting home taking a nap, watch TV, play video games, and then last minute start to panic because you have an essay or a project due the next day. College is nothing like high school so take that off your mind. The only person who cares and should care for your education is no one but yourself! Professors are not going to be behind you and telling you to finish your hw or reminding you to read a chapter or when an assignment is due. You are going to have to be responsible for all you’re school work. Some of you may think what you already want to study for your career. Some have no idea what they want to major in and that is completely normal so don’t feel that you should know what you want to major in. Most students may think they know what they want to major in, but then after a year or so they plan to change majors. So there is no rush because you may think you know what you want but there is a chance you will change your mind, don’t take too long you want to major in though. You are going to have to try hard in college it is not like high school if you are borderline passing and your high school teacher feels sympathy and passes you with a 65. No professor will feel sympathy for your lack of work and effort, you will get what you deserve! So try your best make sure to use your school resources because they do come in handy when it comes to assignments. One of my high school teachers gave me some words of advice that I always remember, and I would like to share them with you to “It doesn’t matter where you start from, but where you finish at!”


Gabriel Perez

Advice for Future Students

Dear Students,

When I first started the semester, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Now that I am here, almost at the end of my first semester, I realize I learned a lot and that it wasn’t as hard or dreadful as you may expect. I enjoyed this semester very much with my classmates and professors. Everybody is helpful and has positive energy when dealing with situations that can be stressful in school. The professors are very fair when it comes to deadlines and understanding about influences that may hinder your ability to produce work. My best advice would be to let you know that nobody will nor should care more about your success in school than you. This is for your future and to do well will be to put yourself in a better, more comfortable position ultimately. Try to find a major that your interested in doing for a career because that is my major problem right now. It’s hard to choose something that you will do for the rest of your life, but just try different things if you have to. No matter what, if you’re in school, you’re learning and you know more to put towards any opportunities you may have. One thing thats different about college from high school is that you may have been able to get away with minimal work to graduate high school, but in college you are counted for everything and that means that you need to try your hardest on every aspect. Things like registering and making your schedule will make you more responsible and put into perspective how much of an independent accomplishment it is to go to college. When things get a little hard and cause a lot of stress, just know that it doesn’t last forever and if you do a good job at the end, there is no greater feeling. Be the best student and person you can be and only good will come of it. Use you’re resources given to you by City Tech to help you through your endeavors. Even though it is up to you to succeed, others want to see you succeed as well.

Ryan Hobe

Project #4 Summary

I decided to use Barclay’s Center for my project because it is a remarkable place to begin with just by its presence. Once I heard some of the more interesting details of why it took so long to get built and what it’s being used for other than the obvious home of the Brooklyn Nets, I wanted to know more, so I did lots of research and all my questions were answered. The creator of the arena had a lot of drama surrounding him with the construction and public mistreatment. The recession caused the project to pause for an extended period of time and there was talk of it never getting finished. Now that it’s here, they use it for almost anything you can think of when it comes to entertainment. A lot of people take it for granted or almost resent it because of its short history, but I think that since we have it at our disposal, we should embrace it. If nothing else people in the area should be educated about it because it is a huge part of the community now, regardless. Now, when i think of the Barclay’s Center, I think of an enterprise, a luxury, a behemoth, and a focal point when at first it was only a basketball arena.