Homework #2: Food vs Coffee

img_0451If i had to choose between food and coffee I would no doubt choose food. I don’t prefer food because coffee is bad for you. I choose food because there’s so many different types of food to choose from. You can always have something new that you’ve never tasted before when dealing with food. When it come to coffee, there’s not much play room.
After reading the two articles, I understood why coffee was such a huge thing back then. Soldiers weren’t on helauth diets, they lacked energy and they needed something warm to help them through this war. This is where coffe saved the day. They allowed coffee to take over. Coffee became the escape item that made their taste buds dance and had them awake and alert on the battlefield.
However, too much coffee can have you sluggish and lack energy throughout your day. It gives you a few hours of nonstop productivity then you may crash. But for me, I’ll continue to drink coffee in the mornings but I’ll still compose food first.
This is an image of dinner I cooked on Sunday. It’s a mix of shrimp, corn, okra and dumplings in a spicy soup.

Homework #2

Coffee has played a big role in this country, especially back in the early 1800’s. After reading the article, I came to realize how coffee was so important to the  troops; drinking coffee gave soldiers encouragement and strength to keep on going. In the 10th paragraph, I found the part where it said they would consider coffee a weapon pretty funny, because they put their trust so much in this liquid they believed gave them some kind of power to do better. I myself love coffee, it has helped me stay awake when I lack of sleep, it has helped me throughout tough days. If i had to choose between coffee and food, I would pick Food without a second thought; because it would provide me with the nutrients my body needs. I think i wouldn’t be able to  survive just eating  a hardtack as a everyday meal, We need a lot of nutrients to keep ourselves healthy and strong  then again  a hardtack with a nice cup of coffee doesn’t sound that bad too right?


I understand that how important it is for the solider during the war. It was the only thing that can wake them up and focus on war instead of putting their life in danger and not dying, unlike now days they prepare some other healthier foods for the solider. It is hard to give up coffee, you can get addicted to coffee and is hard to live without it. It is not good for your life. I think if I have a choice, I would like to choose food that provides us vitamins, protein and some other healthy things in it. The picture that I posted is Luke’s Lobster under the Brooklyn Bridge.It is one of the best lobster rolls in the area, the crispy of the bread and the lobster is so fresh that you can taste the sea.


Homework #2 Civil War, Rice and Coffee


If I had a chance to choose what I can give up, I would give up coffee. We all know protein gives you the most energy and power. Coffee would wake me up all day and night. But eventually some points, it will take my health away, and lose focus and lead me to death. I would not want that even that make me awake for a long time. I understand why the soldiers dependence on coffee at that time. They were in danger, and could not go to sleep because they would not know what would happen at any time. They had to awake all the times. If they could take rice and coffee together, it would be a good combination.

However, since our question is to choose one from the rice and coffee, my choice is rice instead of coffee.

The picture is showing ‘kimchi fried rice.’ It is one of the best and famous food in Korea and many people loves it. Simply just fry some rice with kimchi. 

HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

I was completely unaware of how important coffee was for the soldiers during the Civil War prior to reading the two articles. Their diet was not that great or healthy for that matter most meals consisted of meat, potatoes and a piece of bread. Although the job of The Sanitary was to take care of the soldiers health and nutrition while supplying reliable food this was overlooked most of the times because of the army’s large size. So the food that was cooked lacked in flavor and variety as the soldiers sometimes ate the same thing twice in a day. I can see how that could happen especially since they didn’t have a lot of cooking and kitchen skills at the time. So they were feed just enough to keep them from starving. Surprisingly, coffee seemed to be something that they all looked forward to during supper time. Coffee for the soldiers was a sense of comfort and safety. It powered soldiers through battle and relived the survivors afterwards. They made it from anything they could and took it everywhere with them this is how important it was to them.

I personally have a love for coffee and sometimes even depend on it to keep me going throughout the day so I can relate to the soldiers a little. I sometimes try to take a break from the caffeinated beverage because I drink it almost everyday, mostly iced coffee. But If I had to choose between food and coffee I would have to say I wouldn’t want to give up eggs. I absolutely love them, served in any form especially as a omelet and don’t forget the cheese please!

mushroomomelet scrambledeggs


This was a dish made by my mother right at home. It is composed by a “moro” (rice and black beans cooked together) made with just enough water to obtain a loose easy to eat rice, topped with onions which were cooked to a tender yet crispy point.  This rice was accompanied by baked chicken meatballs, which to my taste were a bit dry, just because they were baked and completely fat free, however its flavor was delicious. Also mouthwatering fried Dominican cheese, melted on the inside and crunchy on the portions that are exposed to the oil. The salad had a firm texture, fresh and vinegary.

Rosa Luciano HW # 1


This is a cookie dough shake that is served at a popular restaurant called Black Tap. Many of you may be familiar with these shakes because they are all over media. When I first visited this restaurant it was at the beginning of the summer. Although I had gotten a meal from this place and it was really good what had caught my attention the most was the way these shakes were made. I had ordered the cookie dough shake as shown above and just by looking at the shake before tasting it I knew I was going to enjoy it. The top of the shake that include most of its detail had a very soft and moisture taste and feeling. The whip cream on the top had a fluffy texture and the cookie itself is soft. Overall this is a very sweet dessert but is enjoyable to have. I find this shake very exclusive because I never seen one as detailed as this one and I recommend everyone to try it.

Homework #1 Texture

I remembered this from Jacks’s Wife is a famous brunch resturant. The other day I ate their chicken sandwich it was amazing especially the texture of it. The crispy bread it self taste good alreayd is like you step on the dry leaf that is how it feel with the hard layer and the soft inside. The chicken it self taste really good as well most of the time when I eat chicken There is no flavor inside ,just the outside skin but this one the sausces breaks into the chicken skin and even the inside have a great flavor.  Everyone should try them out at some point! image

Mussels without Muscules

This is a photo of a dish I made when I was in the mood for both Italian and Seafood and decided to combine the two. I normally always take a photo of the food I make so I thought this would be good to use for the homework about texture in a dish. You can see the hard shell that the mussels have similar to the bowl that their in just not as thick. The mussels also have some lines that run along the shell in a pattern but they do not affect the smoothness of the shell. The inside part is soft with a rubbery like consistency. The spaghetti texture is also seen here as a bit smooth all around yet intertwined with each other. It is cooked pasta al dente, so it still has a bit of a bite to it not like over boiled pasta that ends up more on the mushy side. The dish overall is simple yet the plate looks like a lot is going on.

Mussels without Muscles

Mussels without Muscles