Author Archives: Alan Hernandez
Danish pastry, soft rolls and, Whole Wheat Boule
Homework #2
Coffee has played a big role in this country, especially back in the early 1800’s. After reading the article, I came to realize how coffee was so important to the troops; drinking coffee gave soldiers encouragement and strength to keep on going. In the 10th paragraph, I found the part where it said they would consider coffee a weapon pretty funny, because they put their trust so much in this liquid they believed gave them some kind of power to do better. I myself love coffee, it has helped me stay awake when I lack of sleep, it has helped me throughout tough days. If i had to choose between coffee and food, I would pick Food without a second thought; because it would provide me with the nutrients my body needs. I think i wouldn’t be able to survive just eating a hardtack as a everyday meal, We need a lot of nutrients to keep ourselves healthy and strong then again a hardtack with a nice cup of coffee doesn’t sound that bad too right?
Baking piped cookies :)
Alan Hernandez #studentHW
This picture is a salad we use to do at work, it’s a strawberry and quinoa salad. This salad was made by adding a little of basil balsamic vinaigrette to the spinach, then adding quinoa on top of the spinach; which later was added avocado, fresh cut strawberry’s, chopped pecans and finished with a touch of goat cheese. The texture of the salad was something i liked, it was a colorful and tasty salad. This salad was like a spring salad, it represented some spring colors and freshness, with the greens (avocado, spinach) , fresh red strawberry’s, pecans and white goat cheese. This was an interesting salad to do because it was a sweet salad something i have never done until now.