Category Archives: Reading Summary / Reflection

Wiki galaxy & 3 types of Sources, Reflection # 3

As looking at the wikigalaxy its looks really cool but it would be nice for users to be able to create custom galaxies, galaxies with set limits, meaning that show only those pages that fit a specific category. Its almost the same idea like google earth, but just like article mentioned it has only 100,000 articles so far i think in future wikigalaxy will be a useful tool to have it.

Article on types of sources is really clear and easy to follow, now at least i can tell the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary sources. I feel like secondary and tertiary sources are related to one another.

Whiskey Wars, Visual Notes – Chapter 1: Introduction & Chapter 3: A Journal

When I reflect on the Whiskey Wars, the illustration of the soldiers in conflict with the mob of protesters and hostile people are affected and greatly influenced by my reading of chapters one and three from the Visual Notes text. I see that the newspaper served as a form of a descriptive sketch and journal that not only depicted the seemingly unbiased view of the reporter, but also the capacity of the accuracy of the scene of the event to be influenced by the reporter’s experiences and preconceived notions. I did not read the original newspaper article from the mid-to-late 1800s, but I tend to observe from the illustration that the protesters and hostile people were more enraged and confrontational than the soldiers were, even though there were seemingly equal amounts of people and soldiers on both sides. I saw that the expressions of the protesters and hostile people were more animated with intolerance, anger, and rage, while the soldiers’ faces were mostly not drawn towards the reader(s) perspective, and the ones who could be seen had neutral expressions that were left to the reader(s) to decide on the emotions in an abstract sense.

I think that the Whiskey Wars were indicative of much corruption on all levels with bribery and criminal activities of that era, but to get a true sense of the actual events would have to have been directly experienced by myself. Only then, my conclusions would have been unaffected by the direct reference of the newspaper illustration and the author’s description, and only by my own biases. Visual Notes prescribe looking through a “clear,” an “accurate,” and an “acute” perspective, in order to translate an unbiased representation of a scene or event.

Sketches and journals add to the quality of information and knowledge. There is more learning and creativity involved when there are sketches that show the indirect and unseen and when there are journal concepts, thoughts, interpretations, and reflections that assist in linking and associating concepts.

War On Taxes, Reflection # 2

After reading this article, another article just pooped up in my head, which i was reading almost two weeks ago. Here is the linkĀ Today situation on Taxes, it feels like nothing changed. All that rich people who were not paying taxes in 1870 they are still not paying in 2016. Rich person is getting richer and richer and poor are getting poorer. I think this problem will never end until corruption ends, because as long as there’s a demand for the end product, there will always be a person, group or loose alliance looking to profit legally or illegally off of the wanted items.

Homework #2 The Whiskey Wars

The unwillingness for New Yorkers not to pay their taxes doesnā€™t surprise me. Tax evasion seems to be a never ending problem in this country in the past and even now in the present. And with tax rate being as high as it is, thereā€™s no doubt this problem will continue to rise. I believe the Government should give people and small businesses more tax breaks. This might end all the corruption and illegal activities people use to hide and swindle their income. After reading this article now I know why some parts in Brooklyn looks so run down and ruined. I had no idea the IRS had the power to enforce such a war on tax evaders.

Reflection #2: The Whiskey Wars That Left Brooklyn in Ruins

This article helped clarify the relationship between taxation and criminalization.Ā Reminscent of the Boston Tea Party, the idea of tax for businesses such as distilleries induced a criminal like lifestyle. Despite it’s legality, the sudden tax increase of alcohol was quite absurd,Ā Ā from $2 – $30. That amount (equivalent in today’s terms) was enough to send Irishtown, or what was Vinegar Hill “over the hills”, whereby the creation of an underground ring for importing and exporting liquor feasible. Irishtown was conveniently located next to a port, which was perfect for smuggling. Street gangs, sailors and smugglers were born, as corruption rings in the police force were also apparent.

The presence of corruption did not limit itself to Vinegar Hill, but instead showed itself to be a prime example here. Allegations were found as far the White House, which makes the readerĀ understand the breadth and urgency of taxation. I found this article not only to be entertaining and informative, but as a great piece to commemorate Vinegar Hill’s rich history. However, I’m a little disappointed in how the author summarized the deterioration of the Irishtown ring, as I wish Dalzell was more descriptive about it. Also, I wish Dalzell included more forms of documentation within the article (i.e Whiskey labels, distillery images, maps of the raids etc.)


Reflection #2: The Whiskey Wars That Left Brooklyn in Ruins

I was fascinated by the assigned reading on the Whiskey Wars of Brooklyn. One of my initial thoughts while reading about the Whiskey Wars was that in some ways it reminded me of the Boston Tea PartyĀ from 1773. Both were acts of rebellion in protest of high taxes on specific items. IĀ learned thatĀ Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn was heavily involved with creating illegal distilleries. The article mentioned that “legitimate” distilleries would close down and be replaced by “vinegar” factories. This leads me to wonder if these “vinegar” factories somehow influenced the naming of the neighborhood Vinegar Hill. I like that at the end of the article the author concludes with a small paragraph on modern day Vinegar Hill. The arrival of the Kings County Distillery isĀ like a tip of the hat to the rebellious, rich history of late-19th century Vinegar Hill.

Second 100 Word Reflection: Visual Notes

While and after reading chapters one and three of Visual Notes book, I was able to kind of understand why my mind works the way it does. I am a person that usually needs to write things down for it to make sense to me but sometimes I have to take it a step further and draw out what is really going on in my mind, and how (the thought process) those things are going on in my mind and usually everything because so much more clearer. So reading these two chapters just felt familiar and relatable, and definitely enjoyable.


I was never too familiar with the history of Brooklyn, much less the greater of New York, but the Wikipedia postings revealed a goldmine of information about such a small chunk of land. One of the things I found interesting was after the Canarsee Indians sold the land to the Dutch, it was renamed Breukelen and so far that name has stuck. Also the major rezoning of Brooklyn after World War II allowing it to continually evolve in itā€™s own right was interesting to read about, and in many ways Brooklyn still operates and maintains an identity apart from New York.


Brooklyn is an interesting place, with a rich history a stunning locale. I learned that Brooklyn has gone through some dramatic changes throughout the years. Ā I am interested to learn about differentĀ indicators of change in Brooklyn, and too see if there are relationships between them. I am new to the Brooklyn area, so most of the information I learn is very new. Ā  I didn’t even know that a place like “Vinegar Hill” even existed.

01. The reflection on the borough of Brooklyn and its neighborhoods Vinegar Hill, Downtown and Dumbo.

After the readings I found out that Brooklyn has so much history to offer by reading, but most interesting by visiting its neighborhoods and feel the past. It amazing how they have been able to keep this historic areas untouched until now days like Vinegar Hill neighborhood. I can’t say the same about Dumbo and Downtown Brooklyn since they have been modernized and very expensive, but some part of this neighborhoods are kept the same old way. One of the things thatĀ surprised me about Brooklyn was that it’s the second most densely populated boroughs not just in New York State, but in whole United States. Another surprising thing to me was that the name Breuckelen (Brooklyn) came from a Dutch farmer in 1646. Can’t wait to learn more about Brooklyn and looks like this class will do this in details.