Please click on the link to view my annotated bibliography: CopyofAnnotatedBibliographyTemplate
Author Archives: SparkIntelligence
Site Report 2 – Troy Sieusankar
Good morning Prof. Almeida:
How are you? I hope that you are well. I noticed a few minutes ago that you had commented on OpenLab that I should submit my Site Report 2 as soon as possible. I will do this, but please remember that I had technical trouble submitting it on OpenLab, so I had attached it to an email with a subject heading: “Site Report 2 – Troy Sieusankar” that was concerned about the issue (the date proves on-time submission).
Please click on the link to access my Site Report 2 on OpenLab: CopyofLearningPlacesSiteReport2
Thank you very much for your time, and have a very pleasant day.
Troy Sanjai Sieusankar, B.E.E.T.
Technologist/Engineer/Educator/US Army Iraq War Veteran
Cell: 1 – 347 – 553 – 4749
Professional Profile:
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” – Elbert Hubbard
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin
GIS as a tool for research
Geographical Informational System (GIS) as a tool for research is now an integral part for many institutions for analyzing and planning architecture, infrastructure, facilities, etc. especially for ensuring conformity to established policies and regulation; however, the GIS technologies available today are still not advanced enough to forecast accurately. The potential for improvements in planning and development of human and environmental interests are still adequate enough to continue to use and improve GIS capabilities and qualities. Also, enabling more user friendly apps will help to permit data to be more efficiently, effectively, and appropriately acquired and discriminated, so not only less than expert GIS users can have access and implementation to this incredible technological resource. The only major concerns now are in the ways that this publically accessible information will be used. Also, there needs to be a cost effective means for verification and confirmation of the accuracy, legitimacy, proper and ethical uses, etc. of the open source GIS technologies. GIS technologies may help in many ways but there are still more complexities and concerns involved/inherent within the use and improvement of GIS technologies. The work load still doesn’t become reduced, but the gain in quality of life and of the environment is priceless. GIS technology is worth the investment of reasonable resources, it is economically and environmentally profitable, and it is worth every effort thus far…
Learning Places Library/Archive Report 2
I usually check up on my posts, and I just noticed that I mistakenly attached the wrong file for my second library/archive report. Please pardon my mistake. Please click on the link to view my second library/archive report:
Observation of Library/Archive
The time frame that my research is generally within is between the 1920s and 1960s. A number of my primary sources are maps and texts, such as the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper archives; and many other secondary sources are also maps and text, such as articles found online. The Robert Moses website will provide many of the leads for locating governmental agencies involved in the city planning, finding documents and recorded information, and understanding political motives. The focus of my research is on Hudson Avenue, particularly the motive behind the urban renewal that caused it to be altered from the original construction. The context of my research is aimed at the point where Hudson Avenue intersects York Street. There were many major technological developments during the 1920s and 1960s, such as the radio and automobile. Aerial photography was used in surveying the landscape of Brooklyn. This timeframe also was just after World War I and enveloped World War II, which played a major role in the industry and urbanization of Brooklyn. The Navy Yard was utilized primarily for the wartime efforts. This also played a major role in the development of Vinegar Hill. Robert Moses and Mayor Laguardia, along with other influential agencies, played an important role in the development of Brooklyn and the relationships with nearby localities. There are many documents that can be retrieved from archives or online from governmental public records that can assist me with my research project. Knowing and understanding the contexts (primarily political and economic) for all of the urban development and renewal is a major aspect of truly capturing the accuracy of my research project.
Learning Places Library/Archive Report 2
Please click on the link to view my second library/archive report:
Reading Reflections Homework
Reading: Rothman, Joshua. “Why is Academic Writing so Academic?”
People benefit from various forms of literature, but primarily specialists in an academic field of study are the ones who benefit most from academic literature. The wording used in academic literature is not intended for the ordinary/public audience so it may use jargon particular to the specific filed and void of layman understanding. The context may even be written in less rhetoric and provocative words that the layman may find boring and uninteresting. Academic writing is not usually meant to strike an emotional response or connection to the general public that the vast majority of written materials are known for. I agree with the article that the subject matter in academic writing is supposed to be directed towards the most serious of readers, professors. They are not interested in “sidebar” conversations, and they are only interested in pure facts and details, not rhetoric or connections. Their is little time for distractions (everyone is busy these days), and focus and concentration is necessary for pure scientific and unbiased interpretation of the data, the academic writing.
Reading: Annotated Bibliography
Is an annotated bibliography another for of academic writing? I strongly believe it is, because it is supposed to be concise and to the point. There is only a brief description and analysis of the referenced material (sources) and that means that there is no room for “fun and play” in your writing. Again, this writing is meant for your professor. No matter how funny and charismatic they may seem, if they are given something outside the norm of their expectations for a final paper (academic writing), you will lose points. Think – would you write jokes or a story about your research topic in your annotated bibliography?
Library/Archive Report 1
Please click on the link below to view my Library/Archive Report 1:
Archives: Robert Moses papers
* How are the papers organized? The papers are organized by 16 series, some are categorized by chronological order and others by alphabetical order. I think that if the archival department were able to afford to pay someone to simply set hyperlinks from both chronological and alphabetical categories, searches would be much easier and simpler. Technology (scanners) today is already available and capable of reading, organizing, and categorizing documents. All someone would have to do is to load the feed tray with the documents. How difficult is this? After, someone can verify if the scanner had not made any mistake or faulty scans of the documents. Even if there were not enough funds available to pay for someone to check for mistakes, ordinary researchers who stumble on or discover mistakes could report their findings and have the necessary/appropriate corrections made.
* What kinds of materials are included? The kinds of materials that are included are “correspondence, related press releases, reports, speeches, magazine and clippings.” Someone/people had endured a lot of trouble or simply went out of his/her/their way to gather all of these documents. Is there anyone who could “step-in” to continue this work of contribution in the archival system/technology? What are the duties and responsibilities of the archival employees? Maybe someone who is working on a library project can contribute some time to this effort.
* How could you access these resources? Access to these resources could be accomplished by clicking on the link under the heading “ACCESS TO MATERIALS,” where a pop-up window will appear containing a form for the requester to fill-in. Advanced notice is advised for accessing this resource. It may be put away in archival storage and the time for the archivist to retrieve it may be overwhelmed by numbers of other requests, so prior notice may aid in simplifying his/her work load (and in relieving stress); or maybe the archivist may not be aware in time to coordinate his/her activities or efforts to coincide with your arrival to the library. So, acquiring access to the archives and its resources may not be as simple as checking a book out of the library. Good luck with your research involving the use of archival materials and resources. There may be an uphill battle ahead!
My Reflection on the Loingsigh Reading
Application of the RECAP criteria to the Loingsigh reading:
Mr. Eamon Loingsigh’s article “The power of family lore: uncovering Brooklyn’s “Auld Irishtown”,” is written on the official Brooklyn Daily Eagle’s newspaper website: This makes Mr. Loingsigh article a reliable secondary source, which can be used and referred to in a research project.
Relevance: This information would be relevant to my needs if I were conducting research on Brooklyn’s Irishtown.
– The source helps me research my topic and/or answers my questions.
– The source meets the requirements of my assignment.
Expertise: The author is a direct relative of the primary sources in his article, and the publisher is an official newspaper.
– The author is qualified or an expert who knows about the topic.
– There is information about the author on the web page.
Currency: The information was written on April 8, 2013.
– The source is almost three years old.
– This website does get its information from up-to-date sources.
Accuracy: The source’s information is reliable but may have the potential for some falsification.
– The source states where the information comes from.
– I can verify any of the information by checking other sources.
Purpose: My information source was created for career and a sense of family duty.
– My source was designed to inform, educate, entertain, and/or to make money.
– I do not think that my source was designed to further a political, religious, or institutional cause; but it is biased towards the Irish perspective. Consider the point of view of “Whiskey Wars,” for instance.
I strongly believe that this is a “credible source,” because the author’s article was published in a credible newspaper; however, the information, though acquired from primary source interviews and secondary literature, was not purely taken from historical archives of governmental sources, such as libraries or historical documents. There is no official document claiming that Vinegar Hill was once called or known as “Irish-town.” I would use this source in the context of an unofficial historical research project.