Chapter 1, pp. 29-46 (due 9/14)

22 Responses to Chapter 1, pp. 29-46 (due 9/14)

  1. Fyaad Nazim says:

    Fyaad Nazim

    Chapter 1 pg 23-46

    Perspective of hospitality management

    Prof. A

    Sustainable hospitality, meeting the needs of the present while at the same time protecting the natural resources of the planet. Being in the hospitality industry is all about understanding the role of the guest, and is basically success of service. Which is when a guest benefits from the work you put out towards them, or how far are you willing to go for that guest. Guest are always right and are always changing so as management you should be equipped with the attributes to lead you and the rest of your staff. TQM gives employees the ability to work together and succeed all of the guests needs. While TQM focuses on error prevention, QC on the other hand focuses on error detection. Disney has a huge approach to guest services and happens to actually take in on feedback and make adjustments well. The reasoning for them being so successful is that they put out a model that is well followed and most importantly does a good job for caring about the customers satisfaction.

  2. Yanibel Medina
    Perspective in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Akana

    Chapter 1 PowerPoint
    Sustainability is the ability to achieve economic prosperity without endangering the planet and future generations. I learned that external customers are the people who pay for a company’s service while internal customers are the ones inside the company who get benefits from the output of work done by others. There’s 5 steps to complete to achieve success in service, one of them in focusing on the guest. A moment of truth in hospitality is when an interaction happens between the customer and the employee which can leave either a positive or negative impression on the customer and every hospitality organization has thousands of moments of truth every day. I learned that TQM is a process that makes all employee work in groups to establish guest service expectations. Also, it determines the best way to meet those expectations. This chapter talks about Disney’s service model, and their 5 steps of Leadership. Recruiters look for service oriented people who have good gpa, good work experience, and a positive attitude.

  3. Danielle says:

    Chapter Summary 9/14/17
    The hospitality industry basically never ends. The philosophy of the hospitality industry encompasses the company’s ethics, morals, fairness and equality. Sustainable hospitality has a great belief of meeting today’s needs without ruining the natural resources for future generations.
    “We live in the age,” almost 70% of the American and Canadian economies rely on service industries. Ultimately, it’s the guests’ satisfaction that are the goals for those working in the hospitality field, but there are internal customers (i.e. business owner) that benefit from their employees work. “Moments of truth” is when the hospitality organization encounters a guest, such as making a hotel reservation on the phone to taking the food order at a restaurant.
    Even though technology is quite useful, it is best to not rely on it. An effective leader would be able to accomplish tasks using their knowledge, skills and attitude without using technology. A great leader would also be able to change and accommodate different guests.
    Total Quality Management (TQM) is everyone working together to satisfy or exceed the expectations of a guest and tries to prevent any errors from occurring, while Quality Control (QC) focuses on where the error occurred.
    The Disney company has a simple motto: “We create happiness.” The motto is enforced in the development and understanding of their employees, and when that is recognized it is rewarded. Their service seems simple yet very effective and that is starting with a smile to respecting and welcoming all guests.
    There are different paths that may advance someone due to their experiences in different areas of the industry, also known as cross-training. “We take pride in caring about others.” A great way to reach our goals of being in the hospitality industry, outside of good grades and experience, is to self-assess to find out our strengths and weaknesses and ways to make those improvements. Another way is to get involved at in-school activities to show your commitment to the hospitality and tourism industry.

  4. Karasudani says:

    Chapter Summary

    Chapter 1 pp 29-46

    Total quality management (TQM) is a continuous process that works best when managers are also good leaders. The difference between TQM and quality control (QC) is that QC focuses on error detection, whereas TQM focuses on error prevention.

    Disney, for example ensures the best guest service. Their mission statement is “We create happiness.”

    Disney service model:
    ÂĽ It begins with a smile
    ÂĽ Make eye contact and use body language
    ÂĽ Respect and welcome all guests
    ÂĽ Value the magic
    ÂĽ Initiate guest contact
    ÂĽ Creative service solutions

    Disney’s five steps of leadership:
    1. Provide clear expectations and standards
    2. Communicate these expectations through demonstration, information, and examples
    3. Hold cast members accountable for their feedback
    4. Coach through honest and direct feedback
    5. Recognize, reward, and celebrate success

    A career path is not always straight line. For instance, becoming a General Manager in a hotel requires experience from a combination of positions. Both internships and professional work experience helps to gain experience, and working in different areas of a hotel will help one better decide what career path to take. Self-assessment measures one’s current strengths and weaknesses and determines what one needs to improve in order to reach his/her goals. It is very important to be involved in on-campus activities and professional organizations and events to show commitment to the industry.

  5. Maria Claris S. Pineda says:

    Disney’s Mission Statement “ We create happiness”, is a simple but very meaningful statement. Since disney is a company that connects to audience of all ages, its main objectives are to make sure that both guests and employees enjoy being a part of the “Disney” experience. Disney’s service model is a very good example of what future aspiring employees of the hospitality management should follow. Not only does disney take care of their employees, they also take care of the employees that can be their future leaders. Their leaders also follow through steps in order to maintain good leadership. When it comes to careers, the path to success is not always bright and happy-go-lucky. One way to become good General Manager, is to go through cross training, which is a combination of positions in order to gain experience in many areas. Exploring many areas also help to gain knowledge about hotels, and help you decide which career path you want to take. The hospitality industry expertise in good service and caring about others. Job recruiters hire people that have good work ethic, experience, have a positive attitude, good GPA, and is very involved in any campus activities. Self-assessment helps us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, to make us aware of where we need to improve in order to become successful. It makes us aware of our standing and connects us to where we want to go. Participation in many activities, in school or club activities, in organizations that are connected to the industry are very helpful for exposure, for you to be recognized and hired. Following trends is one of the things that the hospitality industry mainly focuses at. Any changes of trends could affect the industry in good or bad ways.

  6. Disney’s Mission Statement “ We create happiness”, is a simple but very meaningful statement. Since disney is a company that connects to audience of all ages, its main objectives are to make sure that both guests and employees enjoy being a part of the “Disney” experience. Disney’s service model is a very good example of what future aspiring employees of the hospitality management should follow. Not only does disney take care of their employees, they also take care of the employees that can be their future leaders. Their leaders also follow through steps in order to maintain good leadership. When it comes to careers, the path to success is not always bright and happy-go-lucky. One way to become good General Manager, is to go through cross training, which is a combination of positions in order to gain experience in many areas. Exploring many areas also help to gain knowledge about hotels, and help you decide which career path you want to take. The hospitality industry expertise in good service and caring about others. Job recruiters hire people that have good work ethic, experience, have a positive attitude, good GPA, and is very involved in any campus activities. Self-assessment helps us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, to make us aware of where we need to improve in order to become successful. It makes us aware of our standing and connects us to where we want to go. Participation in many activities, in school or club activities, in organizations that are connected to the industry are very helpful for exposure, for you to be recognized and hired. Following trends is one of the things that the hospitality industry mainly focuses at. Any changes of trends could affect the industry in good or bad ways.

  7. The hospitality is a field in which you cater to the customer’s needs. There are a few components that are need in order to be successful in that industry like leadership, a joy to serve others, positive attitude, etc. Disney has perfected these ideals by hiring the right people for the job. They make sure that these people are truly into catering to peoples needs when the visit there space. There mission statement is, “we create happiness”, short but straight to the point and its exactly what they strive to do. The hospitality field is one that is very asking in which you would have a verity of working hours some as early as 7:00AM to 3:00PM or as late as 11:00PM to 7:00AM. It also asks for participation in things going on around you and getting out of your comfort zone.

  8. Moonchen says:

    Yueman Chen (Moon)
    Date: 9/13
    Course: perspective in Hospitality management
    Instructor: Akana
    Chapter 1 pg 29-46

    We are living in the technology life, people are dependent on technology very much too, so some of the people will no doubt believe the hospitality employment industry will be taken over by technology. However, people are always remembering great experiences, some which might touch your heart. Can robots give you these memorable feeling? Technology is providing people with convenience, but the best customer service can touch your heart.

    To provide best customer service, chapter one mention TQM, it is a process that works best when managers are also good leaders. A good leader empowers all levels of employees to work in groups to establish the best guest service expectations. Also TQM focuses on error prevention.

    The Disney service is the example of the how to provide best service to meet the customer’s expectation. The key elements that Disney enforced include meeting certain criteria, such as hiring, developing and giving training to the employee. Also they will measure the guest’s satisfaction, recognizing and rewarding performance.

    So to develop our career especially to become a good manager in the hotel industry might take a lot of steps, and combination of different positions. You have to set your own career goal, to know about your self and assess what you are good at what you still need improvement on.

  9. Bryan Caba says:

    Total quality management or TQM is the process in which the manager facilitates a group of employers, teaching them how to work together in creating a good impression to every guess who decides to visit the place they want to be served and respect. Disney simply uses this method by teaching their employees to smile , have positive body language, greet guest and make eye contact. The TQM method can improve the service within’ the hospitality management industry because more people would be willing to come with good reviews.

  10. Chris Raghubir
    HMGT 1101

    Sustainability is presently a key topic in the hospitality industry. The hotel Industries are promoting actions to make their hotels more sustainable and reduce their impact on the environment. It’s also the ability to achieve ongoing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources of the planet and maintaining an ideal quality of life for its people and future generation.

    To achieve success in service, it is critical to offer guests exceptional service. This is the age of service, and guest expectations have increased and the realization is that “we buy loyalty with service.” For success in service, we need to do the following:
    • Focus on the guest.
    • Understand the role of the guest-contact employee.
    • Weave a service culture into education and training systems
    • Thrive on change-constantly improve the guest experience.

    TQM is a continuous process that works best when managers are also good leaders. Implementing TQM makes all employee work in groups to establish guest service expectations. Top executive and managers are responsible for the success of the TQM process. TQM is a top-down, bottom-up process that must active commitment and participation of all employees. TQM has helped improve service to guest by empowering employees to to give service that exceeds guest expectations.

  11. Kaitlynn says:

    Kaitlynn Reyes
    Perspective of hospitality management
    Prof. A
    Chapter 1 pp. 29-46

    In this part of the chapter it talks about what is the purpose and what to do to make a good outcome so that you are right for this job. To be in this industry it takes a good leader someone who can take control. You have to make the guest happy because when they are happy that means you are doing a good job. So you have to have a good performance in order to do a good job. Disney mission is that they “ create happiness” and by doing that they are putting the customer first. In order to have a good performance you have to have good body language, make eye contact and also to smile. You have to show the customer that you are about them and make sure that they have a good stay. You have to show respect to the customer and also help solve any problems that they have. TQM gives employees the ability to work together and succeed all of the guests needs. When your guest is happy they are gonna want to come back and give the business more business. In this industry it is all about moving around and doing different things and by doing that it helps to find your perfect career. There are so many positions to do and moving up in the business helps you do them all. Getting the job the company’s look for a good work experience, a good attitude, and a good GPA. Now is the time to get involved with the business and to do that you have to do some internships to get your foot in the door and see what you will like to do. You have to do a self assessment and see your strength and weaknesses and to show where you wanna go.

  12. robin says:

    Robin Singh
    Prof. Akana
    Perspective in Hospitality Management
    13 September 2017
    Chapter 1 pg. 29-46 Summary
    TQM, which stands for Total quality management basically is a system of management constructed on the value that every staff member should work in groups and must be devoted to maintaining high standards of work in every part of a company’s operations to keep the guests satisfied with the services. Quality control focuses on error finding while Total Management Quality focuses on error prevention. There are many key factors of Disneyland guest services. These factors include hiring, developing, retaining the right people etc. To satisfy the guest, Appearance plays a big role. You must seem happy and make the all guest feel respected and welcomed by using body language and making eye contact. As a leader, you must provide expectation to all the members clearly. The members must understand that they are responsible for any negative feedback that is received. The leader is also accountable for recognizing the member’s success and rewarding them based off how well they handle their guest. To move positions up, progress must be shown. No career has an easy path to the best position especially in the hotel industry. An individual must be experienced in all positions in the hotel industry. To gain that experience, internships and jobs are some great ways and they can also brighten your resume when you apply for jobs. Recruiters in the hospitality industry look for individuals who are involved in on-campus activities, have positive attitude, good GPA, and some work experience. Self-assessment is a great way to measure our strengths and weaknesses which can determine what we need to improve to reach our goals. This can also alert us knowing where you currently stand and show links to where you want to be in the future.

  13. Yanina says:

    Saving the planet has become a hot topic and it is great. More and more people in different industries are becoming conscious of sustainability and living less of a carbon print after their business. Hospitality is a massive industry sustainability is the key to prosperity and preservation of natural resources in the future.
    What is number one key to a successful business and specifically successful hospitality business? Of course it is service. There are many models of a good service. The moment of truth is present no matter what and ability to talk to a client and to better meet their concerns is super important.
    It is crucial to be up to date with fast changes ,specially in the time that we live in , full of technology and speed. Never stop learning and upgrading in your service but key things may still be the same and the good example is Disney model of service.
    TQM and QC are focusing from different angles to control the quality of the service.

  14. Nicaury espinal
    HGMT 1101

    Chapter 1 summary (part2)

    This section of chapter one is talking specifically about how Disney trains its employees to make all of the customers dreams come true with a smile on their face. As quoted in the chapter Disney’s idea is to “create happiness”, this is why it’s very important for each and everyone of their employees to understand the mission that they have on a everyday basis. They also have five steps to leadership for everyone who works for them which are, “1. Provide clear expectations and standards, 2. Show all of these expectations with demonstrations, information and examples, 3. Hold everyone accountable for their feedback, 4. Coach through honest and direct feedback, and lastly 5. Recognize, reward and celebrate success.” It goes on by talking about career and how things don’t always go on a straight line so you have to make the best of it, and you also have to do your best and keep moving up in position. Set some career goals for yourself and explore different areas of the field so you can make sure that the hospitality field is truly for you. All you would need to do is get involved in different activities and different events that are happening around you.

  15. Amos wescott says:

    Total Quality Management(TQM) is basically a process that pushes for all types of employees to work together in groups to see the expectations of the guests and figure out how they can go about meeting or surpassing those expectations. Quality control(QC) is more on error detection and (TQM) is focused on error prevention. Disney’s approach to guest services is that they want to create happiness. They have certain procedures they do to make sure their guest services team succeed. One of the things that is important for Disney is the people they hire. The people they want must be happy and excited to be there because if they aren’t neither will the guests. In the hospitality industry a career is not guaranteed just by moving on up, one must know more than one position and is recommended that you gain experience from different positions. You can gain that experience by either taking up an internship or work experience. You are more likely to decide on your career path by gaining experience from different areas of the hotel. The hospitality industry isn’t for everybody, leaders in the industry look for people who are a good fit for their company and if they think you will represent it in a good manner. some of the things they look for is a positive attitude, good work experience and a good gpa. I think it’s a good thing to have work experience early so that you know if hospitality is a field you would like to pursue.

  16. Chrest Laza says:

    Chapter 2
    Francising is such a big thing with so many successful business that we see almost everywhere like hotels, such as Holiday Inn, Marriott, Hampton Inn and thats just to name a few. Many might see these franchises and automactally believe it will be a success. But there are many cons that fall especially on the owner of this certain franchise. You are putting in money, you are trying to live up to the top hotels in your chain. When theres downs theres also up’s like advertisement is included so you don’t need to pay out of pocket, discounts. And for some people who don’t want to there is some many other hotel ideas you can invest in, like resorts, casinos, bed and breakfast, motels. Plus where you would like to locate them next to airports, city centered, off the road. Thinking about the best location where people need hotels gets you more business meaning more revenue and if its good service you will get a lot of people flowing in out.

  17. janele says:

    Janele Garrison
    Summary chapter 1 part 2 (page29-46)

    Total Quality Management (TQM) is base on the principle that every staff member must uphold a high standard for work. The Disney Approach to guest service is to create happiness. Some of these approaches are
    • Hiring the right people
    • Understanding what exactly the brand is about
    • Excellent communication and customer skills
    • Great leadership
    Disney Service Model
    • Making eye contact and using good body gesture
    • Make all guest feel welcome
    • Value the guest
    Great way to gain experience in area you want to have a career in is an internship and work experience. Hospitality Management industry takes pride in everything they do. Self-Assessment is to measure our current strengths and weakness and where improve is necessary. They are a few professional organization that can get us involve some of them are:
    • CHRIE
    • NRA
    • AH&LA
    • ISES
    • PCMA
    • NAMH

  18. Victoria Liao says:

    Total quality management (TQM) is when there is a continuous process that works effectively when managers are good leaders and allow all employees to work in groups to demonstrate guest service expectations. Quality control (QC) is different from total quality management because it focuses on error detection. Disney’s mission statement is “We create happiness”. The mission statement for Disney might be simple has a message behind it. The message behind the mission statement is that they want the guests to enjoy their stay at Disney whether it is at the hotel or the amusement park. Their 5 steps of leadership include having clear expectations, communicating the expectations through demonstration and information. Some other steps are holding cast members accountable for the feedback, coaching through honest and direct feedback, and recognizing the hard work that they do.

  19. Herson says:

    Chapter 1 pt 2,

    Chapter 1 pt 2 talks about disney motto which is to we create happiness. It also says what tqm is a participatory process which has employees like the managers shift manager etc etc to work in groups to find the best way to establish guest service expectations and find a way to meet or exceed those expectations. Disney motto is to create happiness they follow that with everything they do most people who go to disney always create happiness and a new moment who doesn’t want to go to disney. Disney employees at taught to make eye contact and use body language but to start everything off with a smile be respectful to all those who enter the gate and breathe in all the good vibes and energy and positively the park brings and if there is any trouble to create any solution that you may. Chapter 1 pt 2 also speaks about what disney’s 5 steps of leadership which are
    1.Provide clear expectations and standards
    2. Communicate these expectations through demonstration, information, and examples
    3. Hold cast members accountable for their feedback
    4.Coach through honest and direct feedback
    5.Recognize,reward,and celebrate success
    The final 3 slides talk about about the hospitality career and what it takes to become successful.

  20. Lisa Torres says:

    Lisa Torres
    Prof. Akana
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Chapter I Part II
    The Disney mission statement is very simple and straight to the point. “We create happiness.” This statement is short but very meaningful when it comes to hospitality. Hospitality is all about giving to others so that they could feel comfortable wherever they’re staying. Always put guests before you and their wants when they go to the business. Disney’s 5 steps of leadership are to provide clear expectations and standards,
    communicate these expectations through demonstration, information, and examples,
    hold cast members accountable for their feedback, coach through honest and direct feedback, recognize, reward, and celebrate success. You always have to think about what’s popular at the moment and what are some things that people are enjoying. Putting peoples wants before yours helps you get the respect and knowledge you deserve for hospitality.

  21. Hospitality management is all about learning how to serve the costumer, how to give good services, get to satisfy the costumers expectations. Hospitality management is very important for someone wanting to open a business or work in a hotel or a restaurant. it is necessary to be able to know how to handle any bad situation that happens at your job, regardless if it is between a costumer and worker or between two costumers.
    World Disney is a great example of good hospitality management, there mission statement is “we create happiness”, they give great costumer service, every worker has a smile on his face, and is committed to serve the people.

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