Refresher Rundown



I like this shot because the back light is very defused because of the clouds. This element allows for the subject to be much darker than the light. With these combinations the overall composition is great. I would like to try different positions next time to be able to manipulate the emotion that is expressed through the model and also the composition.

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Up Close Scavenger Hunt List


I feel that this picture is my personal best mainly because of the various ranges of contrast. The low key shadows and dark colors really gives the photograph a certain uneasy mood/feeling, which then makes the red handle standout. To me the whole picture looks like something out of a horror film.

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The Honda FCX Clarity is a highly sleek and “classy” looking vehicle. For a campaign for this car, one would need to capitalize upon it’s strengths, which are mainly it’s very modern design.  Each photograph should make the car “pop” or in other words stand out, drawing it’s buyers in. There is only one photographer who can capture the very essence of this vehicle and really bring out it’s beauty in every photograph. That photographer is Tim Wallace, Tim Wallace is a fantastic photographer that has numerous amounts of photographic techniques in his arsenal. I chose Tim Wallace over the other two photographers’ Don Dixon and Clint Clemens, mainly because of his photographic mastery of contrast. Wallace’s photos all have a wide range of contrast, which assist’s the subject by making it stand out. He has great control over the use of  low key, rich dark shadows, and nicely controlled lights which are not over exposed. This use of full scale and high contrast gives his work a serious and realistic feel, which is essential for the Honda FCX Clarity. His works are also highly sharp and crisp, which will tie in well with the Honda’s sleek design. Going even further, Tim Wallace is not a boring designer, he doesn’t have to stay traditional and just have a plain symmetrical design with the Honda. He has experience using shallow depth and extensive depth of field in his various works, by incorporating that into a design for Honda Clarity he can spice up the overall feel of the car by shooting it in different environments to make it feel more dynamic.

All in all I strongly believe Tim Wallace is the perfect photographer to help the Honda FCX Clarity shine. With his intuitive and dynamic photographic style, Honda would be surely be a cut above the rest. Morgan Gotham 2013 warmed

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HW1{Tim Wallace for Honda}

As the art director for Honda’s new FCX Clarity,  it is imperative that my photographer of choice knows how to capture the essence of Honda’s contemporary line. The main focus of this new model is to emphasize the importance of an environmentally safe alternative to conventional fossil fuel automotives. The photographer chosen would be given the task of providing an innovative visual that will give new meaning to the phrase “cutting-edge” and will ultimately skew what the public views as “inferior electric cars”.

My thoughts on Clint Clemens are not as profound as those on Tim Wallace, I do however admire his piece for Volkswagen. Most of the images are shot using selective focus, which gives the photos depth, in terms of what the viewer should pay attention to, as well as his choice in use of  natural sunlight; which is always a quality i look for, i believe makes the image more crisp and viewable in my opinion. The image also targets a certain viewer, which is clearly families; the overall mood is happy, sunny, and adventurous.

The winner for me today would be Tim Wallace. I feel he has the best quality of imagery that gives the best visual for what Honda’s new model needs. His use of low key tones in the majority of his photography gives his work a very dramatic look. He also shoots from many viewpoints which is great for car sales, and always has a very sharp focus in his visuals , which makes the product look extremely classy. I feel the mood he portrays in the majority of his work may help with targeting a younger demographic because of his use of recurring dark tones, but will still attract a more mature crowd because of the dramatic feel he produces , as well as the seriousness he adds to all of his work.

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The Honda FCX Clarity Is the one of Honda’s brand new line of Electric Vehicles. However the Public sees it as an inferior alternative to the traditional car which is hurting sales in return. The Honda FCX Clarity has just about as much power as the traditional car while saving costs on gas and protecting the environment.

Don Dixon uses a low key tone for most of his images, which gave me the impression that it was dull and the setting of his pictures where bland old places witch didn’t fit with my image of the car. As for  Tim Wallace’s images they  where play full, funny and vibrant but we don’t want consumers to see the car as a joke and his style doesn’t fit with the point we are trying to get across

My job as art director has lead me to choose Clint Clemens as my photographer over Don Dixon and Tim Wallace. I Chose  as my photographer Specifically because his photographs fit my image of the Honda FCX Clarity. The car is new and uses technology not well known to the public, so I would imagine this image as a representative of the car

volvo-xc70                The lighting in this image emphasizes the vehicle symbolizing that the car is bright, new and relevant. Although Honda FCX Clarity is a fuel cell Electric Vehicle It still has a lot of power and can be shown by the images deep space and Extensive depth of field.   It is shown by the distortion as if the car is travelling at a incredible speed which in turn shows its power.

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Who Should Honda Choose to Save Their Baby

The photographers that i have looked at were Clint Clemens and Tim Wallace. Both photographers are great and have the experience, knowledge, and skill to bring the Honda FCX Clarity back and give more public awareness to the next step in motor vehicles. As the Art director of this project i have chosen Tim Wallace to do the photo-shoot. Tim Wallace’s style of photography is exactly what we at Honda need in order to give the public a new view on our FCX. He makes the cars into art forms and comes up with creative ways to light the cars as well as great  ideas to make a traditional car ad look bad and out of date. Having his style of photography on board would get our audiences in a more wider spectrum. His style generates through the young adult buyer, but also resonates within the older demographic.

Tim Wallace’s style of photography has more of a traditional lighting approach buy using a 3 point lighting system and having a wide angle lens to capture more than just the car, in some scenarios. But also allows the background to come and play as well. Cars are personal. Cars you buy and you drive them for many years so we as a company need to instill this type of imagery to our potential and future buyers.

His style of photography is great. The reason why is that his still does not lead only one direction, but can go either way and this versatility and his aesthetic eye is valuable and is something that this company needs in order to sell the better, more fuel efficient car that also runs on electricity and it is better for the environment.


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HW1 – Tim Wallace R Estrada

Shelby GT500

It has come to my attention that the current sales of The Honda FCX Clarity is being hindered due to the public’s view on the car. Currently this view is that the people see this car as inferior just because it is an electric car. My goal is to change the opinion of the people into wanting this car and wanting it for what it can do. I believe at the very moment that Tim Wallace is the photographer to bring that idea to life.

Tim Wallace has shown within his car photo work that he is indeed capable of bringing out the features of the car and defining them. Whether its narrating a story with environmental elements, lighting, or placement, Wallace ensures that the audience’s eyes are drawn to the car within his photos. The style that Tim Wallace brings to the table is that he is able to make an instant impact with the images that he takes. The use of direct light combined with low key tones brings out and highlights the car’s angles and form. He also shows and aptitude to be able to flaunt a car in several different viewpoints including eye-level, overhead, and low level. I believe that it is these qualities that we will be able to entice the customer into wanting to buy this car due to how it can perform and its capabilities.

In the current manner that the Honda FCX Clarity is being displayed in this “modern day car” style is not a strong selling point. Rather than trying to sell it as a car that fits into today’s world, why don’t we use the resources that are available and sell the car for what it can do and build on that. We should be able to push the fact that this car can indeed perform, it can compete, and it can handle itself as an electric car to the customer. And Tim Wallace is just the photographer fit for the job.

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HW 1

Although the Honda FCX may be the future for vehicles, it won’t sell well with the audience because of the way it is portrayed. As sad as it seems, people don’t care for what a car will do for the environment, or how much you can save on gasoline. The one thing on a person’s mind is “how good would I look in this,” because let’s face it a car is more than just wheels that take you from one place to another. They are an extension of a person’s wardrobe, a fashion statement. In order to grab the attention of the public we would need to stop trying to promote what lies inside the vehicle and take a more simple and logical approach to selling a car. A first impression goes a long way, and who could be better at leaving a lasting impression than Tim Wallace and his photographs of cars?

Aston Martin 2013 Vanquish Car Photography

I decided to choose Wallace as the photographer for the new Honda FCX campaign because of his experience photographing luxury cars. Most of his photographs exert a sophisticated and classy atmosphere by using high contrast. This makes certain details pop out to the viewer and keeps their attention as well. Wallace uses abnormal angles to bring attention to the vehicle’s attractive areas and uses eye level viewpoints to show off the entire body of the car. His overhead shots give the cars personalities and depict them as aggressive creatures. He also uses extensive depth of field to make it stand out from the background. It’s not just another car on the road, it’s that car that you should be driving.

It is possible to make the Honda FCX look more appealing by focusing on smaller aspects of the car. For example, using an image of only the cars headlights and reflective grill could give tell the viewer that the future is here and they can be a part of it. We have to remember that a photograph can make someone desire almost anything with the right composition, and I believe that Tim Wallace has shown he has what it takes to sell the Honda FCX.

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HW: 1

The Honda FCX Clarity so far has not been receiving the kind of interest other cars on the market have received.  Honda is leading the way for cars of the future. “Inferior” is how the majority of the public views this specific auto mobile. The FCX Clarity is also less destructive to the environment then other vehicles on the road today. My job as art director is to bring the Honda FCX Clarity into a new light. A new light that will encourage people to race to their nearest car dealership and get this wonderful new car. For the upcoming campaign I’m looking for photos that appear electrifying and that give an environmental feel to these new advertisements.

The photographer I’ve enlisted to help with this project is Clint Clemens. In regards to his photos with cars in them, motion seems to be present in a majority of them. Electrifying motion is what we are definitely looking for. He also has on display various images with cars in open areas. Clemens has selective focus in some of his photos. This allows the viewer to focus on the car itself, which brings out in great detail the physical characteristics  of each car. I would describe the tone of his photos as high key. The reason why is because of the sunlight in the background is the main source of light. His photos appear to be at eye-level, the viewer isn’t looking down at it or looking up at it, but we coming towards us. There is also backlit light. The light is behind the subject and leaves a shadow in front of the car.

Mr. Clemens brings life to his photos compared to other other photographer I viewed. He seems to use natural sunlight in a great way which gives great focus to cars. I believe Clemens is the best person to show off Honda’s FCX Clarity and I look forward to working with him.


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Homework 1

Being an art director, it’s our responsibility to give out criticism to other people works. I am in charge of fixing up the sales for The Honda FCX Clarity because recently, the sales hasn’t been that for-filling to the company. In my opinion, this is all because of the way they advertise their car. From looking at their history of advertisement, its clearly shown that most of their photography is just plain looking. Nothing that is shown are appealing to the viewers. The photo are just straight forward, not must creativity put into it. In order to fix their issue, they have to be more creative in their advertisement. To begin with, hire a new photographer.

Since the previous photographer wasn’t working, it’s best to get a new one. I feel like Tim Wallace will be a perfect photographer for the Honda FCX Clarity. Majority of his photo are very dramatic. Dramatic photo will often capture people attention. In Wallace’s photo, majority of his image are very sharp. Allowing the viewer to see all the fine details of the cars. So it’s a good idea to make the image very sharp since it allows the viewer to see the beauty within the product. Also his image capture a very large range of high contrast. Which cause the image to be so dramatic since majority of the area remains dark as well as some area with light and middle gray. His camera angle technique is varies. There’s some that are taken at a low angle view causing the car to look superior; as well as eye level. There are few image that were captured from a high angle. Different camera angle will create a difference feeling toward the image/product. In terms of space, Wallace’s was able to demonstrate shallow space. Most of his images are captured in a way that we see the product to be very close in depth. So in my opinion, Tim Wallace will be a great photographer for The Honda FCX Charity advertisement. Wallace’s was able to bring out the beauty of the product in a way that it capture the viewers attention. It’s dramatic whether than having the image to be plain looking.

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