Monthly Archives: April 2016

Response 13

To be honest I didn’t have the time to sketch out anything so this is what i have. Infographic: This infographic contains pie charts on the Reported rapes and rape offenders in America in 2010. I chose to use these … Continue reading

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Response 13

Infographic: For my infographic I am still unsure about where i want it to go and exactly what I want I want it to look like. I’m still debating what type of background I’m going to use. I know that … Continue reading

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For my infographic image I came up with the idea to use recognizable traps meant to catch animals to represent the TRAP laws that is associated with abortions. I drew a bear trap, box trap, mouse trap, net trap, Venus … Continue reading

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“The subversive imagination of anti-road protest and Reclaim the Streets”  I was very intrigued by this reading, especially with all the creative ideas the protesters came up with to display their version of a detournement and culture resistance. From the new … Continue reading

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Response 13

First and foremost, I would like to announce that I am not an artist, I am not good at math (graphs, charts, and those sorts of things), I am not versed in photo manipulation, and I find difficulty in coming … Continue reading

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Response 13

This is the first draft of my picture, im still deciding on the background color, im thinking of doing a mixture of black and white, since my project in on racism. Also, i chose to put hands on my project … Continue reading

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Response 13

This is my infographic, very early stage. I plan to give it a black background and use multiple colors for emphasis. Blue, red and pink are some that I have think will go well. I put them pictures in a … Continue reading

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Response 12

Reading the article by John Jordan, he stated many important factors of the purpose of poetry and art. Jordan elaborated through his essay that working together and joining forces is a form of art and can make a huge different … Continue reading

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Response 12

The essay by “John Jordan” is quite interesting, it has many points that is addresses and it makes a point to make each point fully understood by it reader.  I had to look up what exactly DiY was so i … Continue reading

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Th both reading ” Beautiful and Trouble” and “Culture Renaissance”, has relation to the project that i will be doing in the “detournament” project. The reading explains a detournament as a way to alter an existing media artifact that an … Continue reading

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In Class Assignment 4/13/16

The articles “Beautiful Trouble” and “Cultural Resistance: Arts as Protect” connects to the creative detournement because they explain both the term itself and culture jamming. The creative detournement technique basically takes images from popular media and puts a new creative … Continue reading

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Class Assignment – April 13, 2016

The two readings “DĂ©tournement/Culture jamming” and “Cultural Resistance: The arts of protest” connects to the creative dĂ©tournement project  because both articles gives us an idea of how to create our very own dĂ©tournement. In the “DĂ©tournement/Culture jamming” article it explains how  altering … Continue reading

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Reading Connection The readings on the Creative DĂ©tournement project are quite interesting. The Beautiful Trouble Piece explains what creative dĂ©tournement is and its connection to the “pepper spray cop” piece, while the creative cultural resistance piece goes into detail about … Continue reading

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Response 12

As I was reading the piece, there were a few points made by the John Jordan that could serve as the central focus of the essay. For example,  on page 131 he states that “Art has clearly failed historically as … Continue reading

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Class Assignment – 4/13/2016

The two pieces that we read in class connected to the creative dĂ©tournement assignment because the central focus in both articles were the opposition to oppressive and corporate forces. The assignment that we will be working on requires us to … Continue reading

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Class work 4/13/2016

The two readings “Beautiful Trouble” and “Cultural Resistance: The arts of protest” relate to project because they both involve making some form of protest either through direct or indirect ways. Making dĂ©tournement pictures and the creation of memes as a … Continue reading

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Response 11

“Matthew Arnold warned that ” faith in machinery” was mankind’s greatest menace” Page 42 Literally: The quote meant that, we as a people placed all our hopes on technology, that it has become a danger to us. We have surrounded … Continue reading

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Beginning Passage – First Paragraph on page 43 ‘The nineteenth century also saw the emergence of utopian communities, of which perhaps the most famous is Robert Owen’s experimental community in Scotland called New Lanark. There, he established a model factory … Continue reading

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response 11

“Arkwright created the first mechanization of production in a hostile environment, without protectors, without government subsidy, but nourished by a relentless utilitarianism that feared no financial risk or danger.”(41) Literally: The quote says how Arkwright was the first to create the … Continue reading

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Response 11

Passage 1: “Alfred North Whitehead summed it up best when he remarked that the greatest invention of the nineteenth century was the idea of invention itself. We had learn how to do things and the question of why we invent things … Continue reading

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Response 11

From Technocracy to Technopoly, by Neil Postman Beginning Passage “We had learned how to invent things, and the question of why we invent things receded in importance. The idea that if something could be done it should be done was born … Continue reading

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Response 10

“Do Artifacts Have Politics?” – Langdon Winner “At issue is the claim that the machines, structures, and systems of modern material culture can be accurately judged not only for their contributions of efficiency and productively, not merely for their positive … Continue reading

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Response 10

“Do Artifcats Have Politics?”-Langdon Winner “The roots of unavoidable authoritarianism are, he argues, deeply implanted in the human involvement with science and technology. “If man, by dint of his knowledge and inventive genius, has subdued the forces of nature, the … Continue reading

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Response# 10

Langdon Winner’s “Do artifacts Have Politics?” I picked the first paragraph on page 129, but the part that really stood out is located at the end of that paragraph where it says: “The roots of unavoidable authoritarianism are, he argues, deeply … Continue reading

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Response 10

While reading this piece, I’ve discovered a few passages that were similar to articles we’ve read recently. One of those articles were Anti-homeless spikes: ‘Sleeping rough opened my eyes to the city’s barbed cruelty’ by Alex Andreou. Before I start, I must … Continue reading

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The Issue Paper

Issue paper The issue papaer

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Issue paper

My paper is on Racism, i realized racism is an extremely broad topic, i feel that i could have elaborated more on racism because is such a big problem in the US today. I also felt that interviewing someone, who … Continue reading

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Issue Paper

My issue paper is about substance abuse and treatment facilities. It targets specific areas of treatment facilities and factors that lead to substance abuse. This paper was fairly difficult to write for me because of schdule and work load of … Continue reading

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Issue paper

issue-paper final-Simone The topic of my paper is Rape Culture: The Sexualization of Girls and Male Sexual Violence. The easiest part of this paper was probably selecting the topic from my exploratory paper, from then on i had difficulty finding … Continue reading

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Issue Paper

Abortion My paper is about the effects of the restrictive laws place on abortion, and the planned parenthood organization. I struggled with  coming up with a solution that would be on the scale as the example given in class and … Continue reading

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issue paper

My paper is about human trafficking. Finding sources went good for me since there is lots of information. Coming up with solutions were the hard parts. If I would change anything i would try to come up with new solutions … Continue reading

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The Issue Paper

IssuePaper: ENG 1710 (Abigale) My paper is about gun violence in urban communities. It’s basically a continuation of my exploratory paper where I chose to dig deeper into the pervasive violence in the Black and Latino communities. I discovered that … Continue reading

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