Project Plan

Deliverables: I will be analyzing a summary of the street I have selected from 1920-1940 which I may present as a PowerPoint or as a documentation report. I will decide on the most appropriate choice once my project is in the final stage. I will consult with my classmate since we have a focus on a similar aspects of the project.

Report/Summary Construction Process:  Most of the information I accumulated was from my classmate and others were from resources such as books, articles, websites, archives and historical maps/documents. I will use most of the information from my reports and bibliography. I will be combing all information and focus mostly on the changes of Hudson Avenue over a period of time.

Research Gaps: My time period gap is from 1920-1940 because I was trying to keep it within a 20-year gap. There is limited information relating to the causes for the changes of the Hudson Avenue.

1 thought on “Project Plan

  1. Nora Almeida

    In addition to a presentation, you could document your project on OpenLab. We’ve set up a collective project site that can serve as a kind of portfolio of projects on the neighborhood. Depending on what you plan to focus on, you may need to conduct more secondary source research to capture data about demographic or social changes resulting from demolition and urban renewal projects if this is within the scope of your project.



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