8th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing

I received the following message about a conference on writing that will interest many in our WAC community:

Dear CUNY English Faculty and Students,

The University of Connecticut’s Freshman English Program will host its Eighth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing on Friday, April 6, 2013. Last year’s conference was our most successful yet, attracting over 120 attendees from more than 20 institutions for a rich program of presentations, roundtables, and panels. Our theme this year is “Collaboration and Conversation” and Dr. Judith Goleman, Associate Professor of English at University of Massachusetts Boston, author of Working Theory: Critical Composition Studies for Students & Teachers, will deliver our keynote address. 

We’ve attached a copy of our call for papers and hope you’ll consider submitting a proposal for this year’s conference. We would appreciate it if you could also distribute the CFP among your colleagues.  We welcome proposals from tutors and students that address issues pertinent to writing instruction from all disciplines and programs. The deadline for proposals is Monday, February 4. You can also find regularly updated information about this year’s conference on our website at http://freshmanenglish.uconn.edu/instructors/conference/.

We hope to see you in April!

Steven Mollmann and Laura Wright

The call for papers includes many possible topics about which those working on WAC projects will have much to contribute.


Developing Your Writing-Intensive Course, Tuesday, December 4th, 1:00-2:15PM


Please join us for our final workshop of the semester:

Developing Your Writing- Intensive Course

What is writing-intensive instruction, and how does it work across the disciplines? In this workshop, we will review the guidelines for writing- intensive courses, and consider ways to adapt our assignments and practices in developing them.

Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty and staff.

DATE: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
VENUE: N 227
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 2.15 p.m.

Lunch will be served.

RSVP to Faculty Commons: facultycommons@citytech.cuny.edu

WAC Workshop–Tuesday, November 13th, 1:00-2:15pm, V806

Please join us for our next WAC workshop, “Learning Course Content
through Writing.” Writing can be a tool to demonstrate what one has
learned; it can also be a tool to facilitate learning. In this workshop
lead by WAC Fellows, we will explore various methods for fostering
learning through writing in courses across the disciplines. Please see
below or click on the poster for further details.

“Learning Course Content through Writing”

Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty and staff.

DATE: Tuesday, November 13, 2012
VENUE: V 806, Voorhees building – 186 Jay Street
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 2.15 p.m.

RSVP: facultycommons@citytech.cuny.edu
Lunch will be served.



WAC resources

Want more WAC resources? One of our favorite places for WAC materials is the WAC Resource Center on the CUNY Academic Commons. This site houses materials from WAC fellow training, as well as materials fellows have produced.

Another great resource is the WAC Clearninghouse at Colorado State. There you’ll find more information, including links to WAC publications, programs, conferences, and research.

If you find something helpful in either of those websites, or if you find another one helpful, please let us know by adding a comment below–we would love to hear what you find useful!

Please join us for our annual WAC Welcome, and save these dates!

Please join us to welcome our new cohort of fellows to City Tech!

Save the date for these workshops for faculty and staff:

Tuesday, October 16, 1:00-2:15, N227:  Promoting Academic Integrity

Tuesday, November 13, 1:00-2:15, V806: Learning Course Content through Writing

Tuesday, December 4, 1:00-2:15, N227: Developing your Writing-Intensive Course

Please encourage students to attend these events, sponsored by WAC and the Emerging Scholars and Honors Scholars Programs:

Thursday, September 27, 1:00-2:00; 4:00-5:00: Writing Abstracts for Research Projects

WAC examples on the OpenLab

There have been so many great assignments posted on the OpenLab, and since the course privacy settings are set to public, we can browse through and share them. These are some that make good use of media, either through links or by embedding it directly in the site.

Art History (Humanities)

Sandra Cheng, ARTH 1103: Posting with art images: Prof. Cheng includes images of the artwork the class will discuss and elicits comments from students.

Sandra Cheng, ARTH 1100: Students posting with photographs: Here, students are writing posts and including photographs by the photographers they are studying.


Jody R. Rosen, ENG 1101: Responding to two versions of an image: I used to distribute copies in class, but I like how I can keep within copyright and still have students write about Saul Steinberg’s famous New Yorker cover and their own view of New York. I wish I could embed the images in the post, but that, too, would violate copyright.

Hospitality Management

Karen Goodlad, HMGT 1101: Tourism Video: Students imagined they were the concierge of a new hotel near Brooklyn Bridge Park and created videos to show guests some of the great features of the area.

John Akana, HMGT 1102: New York Times Dining and Wine RSS Feed: Students can follow along with current articles in their subject through the feed on the right-hand side of the site.


Jonas Reitz, Math 1275: Mathematical Treasure Hunt: Students were asked to find instances of particular terms they studied in class, such as parallel and perpendicular lines, parabolas, or repeating patterns. They had to post an image of each and explain what the image represented.

Jonas Reitz, Math 1575: Infinity: Students reflected on their earliest encounter with the concept of infinity, defined it in their own words, and included a photograph or image that represented the concept.

Jonas Reitz, Math 1575: LaTeX: Students used the LaTeX plug-in and coded sequences to create beautiful mathematical problems. They could solve each others’ problems for extra credit. They offered advice to classmates unable to get their problems to appear properly.

Speech (Humanities)

Justin Davis, Speech 1330: Evaluating Speech Competition: Students watch uploaded videos to rank contestants, and then write briefly about the strengths and weaknesses of each speaker–which was done off-line in class.