WAC-related Resources

Designing Effective Assignments

- John C. Bean and Dan Melzer. Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom, 3rd Edition. 2021.
- Kerry Walk. Teaching with Writing. 2007.
- “22 Simple Assessment Strategies,” TeachThought.
- “Why should assessments, learning objectives, and instructional strategies be aligned?” Eberly Center.
- “Characteristics of Effective Online Assignments,” Brown University.
- “Aligning Assignments with Learning Goals” DePaul Teaching Commons.
- Todd Gilman, “Designing Effective Online Assignments” .
- Vicki Caruana, “Designing Meaningful and Measurable Outcomes: A First Step in Backwards Design.”
- Nikole Patson, “Using Reflective Writing to Get Students Connected with the Material”
- Flower Darby, “The Secret Weapon of Good Online Teaching: Discussion Forums.”
- Budsaba Kanoksilapatham, “Research Article ‘Moves’ and ‘Steps’.”
CUNY Series on Generative AI
- Session 1: What is AI and What Can it Do?
- Session 2: AI in the Classroom
- Session 3: Bias, Accuracy and Ethical Issues of AI
- Session 4: Teaching and Learning About and With AI: Discipline-Specific Ideas
- Session 5: Using AI Collaboratively with Students: UDL, Open Pedagogy, and Accessibility
Developing Your WI Syllabus

Minimal Marking / Effective Grading

Digital Writing