Journal 9

Week 9, I ended up closing another shop I’m not too fond about which is Bakery. Bakery consists of a lot of cleaning, throwing away the cupcakes and wrapping up the pastries in bags for second harvest. Second harvest is when you have to write how many pastries your putting in the bag, I the specific name of each type, the date and where it’s coming from. Every time I close bakery I never actually cleaned out the cappuccino machine by myself. This time I decided to go for it without any assistance, I was able to clean everything and I was proud of myself that I finally did it.


I had a funny interaction with another mom and her daughter. After I had greeted the mom, I had asked “Which Park are you going to today”? The mom states, “Magic kingdom”, then her daughter states to me “OMG, it’s been so long”, I ask How long has it’s been for you” and that’s when the mom states, It hadn’t even been 24 hours yet. I personally thought it was funny during the moment and cute since the little girl exaggerated their stay and they basically just arrived. Interactions like this with different families brightens up my mood and it makes the moment much meaningful to remember.

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Journal 8

Here’s to Week 8, I ended up closing Market again and finished earlier this time. I only finished early due to the fact that they already had two cast members restock everything before they left and when it was my time to close it not many products had to get refilled. My coordinator that night only put me in Market and had other cast members help out so I can leave on time since I had a morning shift the next day. My coordinator was also very helpful in putting away some products in dry storage and getting the alcoholic drinks from the refrigerators backstage as well for me.

I had one magical moment for myself with this mom and her daughter when I was at the register one busy night. I was just talking to the mother about the parks eta and then while saying “Goodnight have a magical night”, her daughter came to the side of where I was standing and gave me the tightest hug she can and said “Thank you, goodnight!” When this little girl gave me that warm hearted hug, it made my night feel way better and I didn’t even care as much how busy it was getting.

This week was the first time I picked up a three hour shift before class; 8:00am-11:00am, it was challenging due to me getting lack of sleep and feeling tired in class. Overall, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would’ve been. Looking forward to next week!

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Journal 7

Week 6 was one long fun and interesting week, now here’s to week 7. One of my assignments this week was Market which is at the bottom of the assignments I dislike other than beverage island that’s the worse one, personally. Market consists of having to restock multiple products in the big cooler backstage which is connected to the kitchen, two small coolers on stage by the registers, refill the Resort mugs, and snacks; chips, whole fruits, Rice Krispy’s, eta. I ended up closing Market and finished closing close to a hour than my original closing time which was 11:30pm. Every time I close Market I learn something new such as what time to actually close down and take away products to put back in the dry storage, and where products actually go, eta. This is one shop that I never actually got trained for which is the same routine for morning and night shifts. I had to learn as I go and ask around myself how to do certain things dealing with this shop.


During my morning shift, I was assigned a new assignment that I never done before. I went to my coordinator and told her I had no idea how to begin. She asked me “If I wanted to get a new assignment” since I never done it before which it was preparing four different types of flatbreads for lunch. I had a choice to say yes I will like a new assignment but instead I told her “No, I will like to learn”. She basically got one of my coworkers to teach me how to prepare everything, where to go to get the foods, and how many we have to make in total so the cast members who work at night will not have to run out of flatbreads at all. I had a great time learning something new and being able to do it myself after he demonstrated everything to me on how to make each type of flatbreads.

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Journal 6

After a long first 4 weeks, I finally get a whole week of morning shifts. Once I asked my leader, Anita, on the second week of starting my position that I was interested in learning how to work morning shifts she was fine with that. When the first day came along, I thought I was going to get trained but not at all, my first assignment was burger and I had no idea what I was doing. There was this sweet coworker that knew everything, and she basically trained me that whole time I was there even when it got extremely busy. I noticed she was pre- making the egg, cheese, bacon with croissant sandwich with tater tots and I didn’t know why. Then I noticed that guests were mainly ordering that entrée and pre-making the sandwiches made everything way easier. When I knew the names of the numbers on the menu, I was working with the flow and I was able to make every order the guest wanted. It was a little challenging since I never been trained for mornings but I did learn a lot this week. My coworkers were very helpful and understanding since they know I am a CP and new to this position.


In the ending of this week my job had a scavenger hunt for us to basically network, meet other CP’s and the Culinary students as well from French Quarter and Riverside. It was a way for us to have a great time and work as a team. Whichever teams come in first, second and third will get a prize. They picked the winners by whichever team answered the most questions. They split us up in groups of five, my group was called Magnolia and we had to answer questions that relate to both Resorts; Riverside and French Quarter. It was actually fun to work with one girl I already know, a Culinary CP who works at Riverside who I will see in the kitchen before this game but we never acknowledged each other, and two other CP’s I met from French Quarter. We all worked as a team and whoever knew the answers right away will write it down. This game actually taught me something’s that I didn’t know about both Resorts. When time was up, the leaders from different roles and the general manager had food, dessert and drinks for everyone to enjoy. My team came in 2nd place, we was actually shocked and thrilled at the same time to have been one of the winners. We ended up getting a puzzle that has Riverside 25th Anniversary.

During the weekend I actually made some fun memories as well since it was my birthday weekend. It was my first birthday without my Immediate family but I actually have other family members who live not too far from where I live currently. I was able to make reservations at a Moroccan Restaurant called Marrakesh in Epcot, I wanted to try something new since I never had Moroccan food before. I was grateful that everyone was able to make it to my birthday dinner which were my roommates, Gabby, Sam and Sam’s roommate Angel. During my birthday weekend I was also able to hang out with my cousins to celebrate, Sam and one of my roommates was able to go. We had a blast!

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Weekly Journal #12

Week 12 was defenitely and interesting one! I was deployed to Disney’s Art of Animation Resort this week… it was defenitely a huge change for me!

The resort itself is actually identical to my home resort, Disney’s Pop Century.  The only difference is the theming of the resort.  At Disney’s Pop Century Resort, each building represents a different decade of music… the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.  Disney’s Art of Animation resort is themed to different movies! There is the Little Mermaid building, Lion King suites, Finding Nemo suites, and Cars suites.  I personally think the theming is much at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort is nicer than Disney’s Pop Century Resort. The main pool at Art of Animation is the Finding Nemo.  I was told that if you swim underwater in the pool, you can hear the voices from Finding Nemo which is SO cool!

The Main Entrance of Disney’s Art of Animation Resort

Finding Nemo Pool

Me at costuming getting a new costume for Disney’s Art of Animation Resort (minus the hat & sandals)

The lobby at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort

Later on in the week, I met up with some ICP’s (International College Program) friends from my last CP! Rebekka is fron New Zealand and Emma is from London! I hope to visit them in the near future.  We worked at Sassagoula Floatworks Factory together and Disney’s Port Orleans French Quarter Resort.  I had work in the morning, but spent the night with them at Disney’s Hollywood Studios!  We had some delicious food at Mama Melrose’s near the muppets show, and rode rides until closing! It was a great day well spent!

Me with my ICP friends Rebekka & Emma at Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Me with my ICP friends Rebekka & Emma at Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Week 12 was great! Can’t believe this semester is almost over! Time really does fly when you’re having fun.  Looking forward to week 13!

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Week Journal #11

Week 11 was great! I luckily was only scheduled a few days this week. Coincidentally it was my birthday week so I spent most of the days at the parks!

I started at Epcot on my actual birthday!  Since the food and wine festival was still going on, I ate my weight in food! I started with shrimp tacos in Mexico! They were paired with a spicy red sauce, I couldn’t get enough! I then had a skirt steak w garlic aioli drizzled on top which was AMAZING! After the steak, I had a crab cake from “Earth Eats” and a spinach and artichoke dip with pulled chicken. I paired these dishes with a glass of pinot grigio.

My colleagues Brittany & Gabby with their roommates Natalie and Angela as well as my roommate Angel

My friends from Disney’s Pop Century Resort

I ended up with cheesy buns from Brazil which were my favorite of the three dishes.  Of course I had to pair my food with an Avocado Margarita as well.  I invited some friends who I work with at the front desk Disney’s Pop Century Resort as well as my colleages from CityTech and their roomates! It was a great day well spent!

Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Crab cake and Pinot Grigio

Skirt Steak

Two days after my birthday was Halloween! I worked in the morning, but was luckily out by 4pm! I went to one of my favorite pubs, Independent Bar and dressed up as a cat! It wasn’t as fun as Halloween in New York City, but I still had a delightful time!

Halloween night with some from friends from work

Halloween night with some from friends from work

On my last day off for the week, I went to Magic Kingdom! I rode a few rides… of course I had to ride space mountain. I had a Mickey Mouse ice cream sundae on Main Street USA and took a picture in front of the “Purple Wall”.

My “Purple Wall” pic in Tomorrowland and Magic Kingdom

Overall my birthday week was awesome! Looking forward to Week 12!

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Read and React 5

There were many concepts that I’ve learned about or already knew about and my professor Pamela went more in-depth with each one of them. However, one concept that I found fascinating was the legal contexts of Employee discrimination. This broad topic was discussed in my “Human Resource Management class” which is significant for every employee to know about with any company there are working for. There are many Acts that protect all employees in many ways. The ones we mainly discussed were Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Equal Pay Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Especially for myself to be knowledgeable about these acts now and for my future to be either in a managerial position or in any Human Resource position.

Each Act has its main legal point it is mandated to protect each employee in any company and they should be aware of. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and is led to the empowerment of Equal Employment Opportunity. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits arbitrary age discrimination, protects employees 40 years of age and older to be able to get hired, promoted, discharged and any privileges of employment. This act is specifically for companies and organization with 20 or more employees. Equal Pay Act of 1963 is intended to eliminate the practice of paying lower wages to women. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 is companies may not terminate a female employee for being pregnant, refuse to make an employment decision based on pregnancy and deny insurance coverage. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 protects employers with fifteen and more employees, extends employment protection for qualified disability status, reasonable accommodations, and eliminates pre-conditional job offer medical exams. Lastly, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 covers companies with fifty or more employees, job protection, and continuation of the employer in sponsored health insurance.

An article that mainly stood out to me that supports the Employment Acts is Women’s Equality Day is Aug.26 by Rena Gorlin, which includes the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and tides in with the Equal Pay Act. Throughout the workforce history, there was a barrier for women to have the right to earn a living which they rarely had access to the same jobs as men and gender equality. Although the Equal Employment Opportunity Act benefits everyone in the workforce there has still been some inequality amongst men and women and Human Resources is willing to make some adjustments. In the article, Women’s Equality Day is Aug.26, although this day is to recognize females in the workplace it’s also for equality has a whole. The Forbes article mentions the importance of Women’s Equality Day noted that “Equality is not a female issue, it’s a social and economic imperative.” American women are taking over the workforce and many have their own business as well. The Department of Labor states, “Women make up almost 47 percent of U.S workers; women own nearly 10 million businesses; 70 percent of mothers with minor-aged children work; women’s participation in the labor force has grown from 33 percent (in 1948) to 57 percent (in 2016)”. Although females have been working in female-dominated occupations which are 39 percent, women still are considered belittled in occupations such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) occupations and many others as well ( This article made me realize that there are some occupations many women find themselves not having the same opportunity and ability to receive promotions than their colleagues that are males. Women end up realizing they must succeed ten times harder than males to be in a higher rank in their occupation. If it’s like this now I wonder how situations in the workforce will be when I join my occupation. Although I know to have a leadership role in my occupation you will need the experience and many more but however in any occupation in order to get to the top it is never easy to get there automatically.

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Read and React 5

Gabriela Mota


One of the topics that we discussed in my organizational leadership class was about the different forms of leadership that form according to the different forms of development of a worker. The situational leadership study discusses the notion that not everyone that is in a company or moves to a new position will have the ability to adapt or learn at the same rate, therefore a leader needs to understand the type of leader they will be to fit the need of that new worker. The Situational Leadership theory was developed by Paul Hershey and Kenneth Blanchard, behavior scientists that sought to explain the most efficient way of leading people efficiently. Hershey and Blanchard argued that “the type of power that is most effective depends on the circumstances.” (Blanchard/Hershey, 419) This means that when it comes down to the way leaders use their power, or interact with their subordinates, it directly comes from the way they behave. For example, someone who is new at a job is going to be given more direction and attention than someone who has been in a job for years. The person who has been in a company for longer will be given more responsibility and has higher expectations, therefore, they will interact with a leader differently. In Situational Leadership, the style of leadership is directly correlated to the abilities and maturity levels of the followers. These development levels are broken into four main stages: Low, Low to Moderate, Moderate to High, and High Maturity. According to the different stages of development a follower is in, leaders are able to change their leadership forms to meet specific needs.

The first stage of maturity is called the “Enthusiastic Beginner.” In this point in time, the individual is just starting a new job, while they are full of excitement, enthusiasm, and commitment, their levels of maturity are considered low because they do not have any experience. In this position, the individual is easily coerced into doing what needs to get done; they are willing to go above and beyond to learn everything needed to complete tasks. Whatever they may lack in experience, they make up for with their need to make an impression and do things as best as possible. When a subordinate falls into the category of  Low Maturity, a leader needs to be able to compensate becoming a “Teller.” Because the follower is unable to make decisions for themselves, whether it is because they do not want to or because they do not have the resources to do so, the leader must take on the task of delegating instructions. They have to be able to give clear and concise orders to ensure that the task gets done well. The relationship between the subordinate and the leader tends to be “high task behavior and low relationship behavior.” (Blanchard/Hershey, 422) This means that while the leader gives the follower a lot of attention and support, the interactions between the individual in power and the follower revolves around work and does not become personal.

The second stage of maturity is the “Disillusioned Learner.” This individual can best be described as someone who understands the basic tasks that need to get done as well but may sometimes be unwilling to get those tasks done. They do not have all of the motivation, experience, or confidence to excel at their job; however, they do have the ability to complete the task at hand. When leaders are dealing with disillusioned learners, they must be able to fall into the “selling” category. In this area, the leader has to convince and support the individual to get things done. The interactions involve two way conversations where the follower is able to ask the leader questions and interact more versus in the teller stage where there was only one line of communication. The relationship between the leader and the follower is largely based on “high task and relationship behavior” meaning that while the leader and follower are working together to get things done, there is a personal relationship that is also developed between the two. The follower is allowed to ask questions and seek explanations for why tasks are being performed a specific way.

The third stage of maturity is called the “Cautious Learner” and in this stage the individual has a moderate to high maturity level. In this point in time, the individual is able to complete task beyond what is required of them but lacks the confidence to do it. This is the point in time when the follower needs a motivator that will give them the confidence to go above and beyond they’re usual performance. In this case, the leader takes on the task of becoming the “participating” or the support system. As a supporter, the main goal of the leader is to give the most support possible to show the follower that they have the ability to do more than they are currently doing. In the case of completing tasks, the leader does not do much worker, instead they push the follower to do more than what is asked so that they come to the realization that they have the ability to do so. In this relationship, the leaders and followers have a strong personal relationship. The line of communication goes both ways, and more than anything the follower is asking questions so that they can enhance their experiences. It is important for a leader to be a good support system and show that they are willing to take the follower further than they’ve ever gone before, because the point is to teach the followers to be the very best that they can be.

The final stage of maturity is the “Confident Performer” who shows high maturity and high commitment. At this point in time, the follower is able to complete the tasks at hand without any extra help; they have the confidence to execute plans that go beyond their normal duties; and they are motivated enough to get the job done efficiently. When it comes to leadership, the leaders have been able to train the followers well enough that they no longer need to be present for the job to get done. They have empowered their subordinates to the point where they have the ability to do anything on their own. The leaders and the followers at this point do not have a direct line of communication, not because it does not exist, but rather because it is not needed. Most of the support or questions that the followers had they could most likely answer on their own. For this reason, the leader has little personal interactions with the followers. The high maturity stage is the ideal place for both leaders and followers because it is here that the jobs are being executed the most efficiently.

I found this study to be unique and important because to a certain degree and in a more condensed version, Disney makes sure that their cast members get the support and the training that they need to be successful. For the most part they do instill a lot of responsibility and freedom but they also ingrain a sense of power to be independent and self sufficient in the fastest way possible.




Hersey, P., Blanchard, K., & Natemeyer, W. (1979). Situational Leadership, Perception, and the Impact of Power. Group & Organization Studies, 4(4), 418-428.


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Read and React 5

One concept that was explored in class that I found interesting was learning about businesses adapting to the culture they are in to build their customer base. This topic was explored in week 2 of my “Human Resource Management” class. Recalling back, one example that was discussed in class was one of the largest fast food restaurant chains in the world; the company McDonald’s. In present day McDonald’s has become globally successful due to its ability cater to different demographics worldwide.

Going in depth with the concept, this particular company is known for its experiments with their menu. The food items in American McDonald’s restaurants are not the same in other countries.  The McDonald’s corporation takes many items into consideration for its many properties around the globe.       Items include the surrounding cultures, religions, agriculture, and government restrictions. This is a primary example of McDonald’s efforts to understand their customers’ wants and needs and how they differ from country to country.

An article I have come across to support these ideas and provide more example comes from the textbook literature of “African Journal of Business Management”– Michela Addis, Giulia Miniero, & Francesco Ricotta. This articles primary topics speak of the extreme importance of the experimental marking strategy and the impact it has on creating either positive or negative brand imaging for its company. The article visited a few locations to which they conducted test and took surveys. Overall the article did find more negatives than positive results. However, this test was done in a small setting in surrounding area. Take a larger view and perception of a company such as McDonalds (with thousands of locations globally) and just as discussed in class, it was deemed as a positive image.


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Read and React 5 – Employee Turnover

My professor for my Human Resource Management class was always pretty transparent about what working for Disney is like, its imperfections, mistakes and the college program. We learned about Union/Shop Stewardesses, lawsuits, terminations and even re-hires. It made me understand the scope of an HR manager and how it is more than just recruiting and training. HR managers really need a wide breadth of knowledge of their nation’s laws and rights.

My professor also went into detail about the reprimand and points system. And after observing three CPs self-term and learning about the firing/rehiring 0f full time employee(s) at my location, I choose an article about employee turnover. It is not an academic article but it is a reputable source my HR Management professor gave us for our article review assignments.

Mark Hewitt from tells us that there are holistic ways to keep employees in the workforce: adhering to the company’s core values; proactive communication and listening; genuine connection and community building; and caring “caveats.” Using the technology and consulting company Allyis as his main example, Mark describes how this company uses surveys, altruism and places priority on long term relationships among employees so that it rolls over to employee – client relationships. In a way, it is similar to Disney but I’m not sure how this company fares with its average turnover.

Allyis has had a 95% average retaining employees for three years so something was probably done right. Granted, this article was written in the year 2007 so things might have been challenging in recent years. It’s just interesting–people either really love or dislike the Walt Disney company and decide to stay. I wonder what company I’d like to permanently stay with because right now I have no idea.



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