Tragedy at Vista Way

It has been almost a week since we lost a CP in a horrific hit-and-run accident, right outside our apartment complex at Vista Way. She was an ICP from China, worked at Magic Kingdom, and was just 22 years old. All the details about her and her tragic death have come through the grapevine, and the news, but there has still not been an official acknowledgement from the Disney College Program. It is upsetting that the program has not informed the community of her death, and it makes me wonder why there is such a delay or if there will ever be an official announcement. Many of us cannot help but feel as though the way DCP has responded or really the lack of the response is to brush over what happened. Sadly, it makes me question if they value the CPs and their priorities.

Suzanne Tran
Front Desk Cashier
Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground

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3 Responses to Tragedy at Vista Way

  1. This is sad to hear. Loosing a person so young in life is a great waste. Please accept my regrets.

    Your post brings up an important issue of work place communication and how moral can be affected by no communication. There might be concerns of privacy associated with the tradgedy leading to the silence of the company (then again there may not be). Who is in the HR class? Can you bring this subject up with your teacher to find out the policy that Disney has about announcing the death of a Cast Member?

  2. Suzanne says:

    I am curious about the HR aspect of this as well as I am sure they have a protocol for these types of situations. However, I still find it unfathomable that there has not been a message to the community of any sort. When someone from my class passed away while at my previous university, the college acknowledged his death in a message to the campus as well as with a memorial. Even alumni that have passed away were acknowledged in a note to the community.

  3. I agree. Is there a place on the portal for general announcements? Often newsletters will have a section that pertains to events in the lives of the company’s employees presenting information regarding births, promotions, and sadly, deaths.

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