It is who you know among other things…Read and React 3

I remember the saying: “It is not what you know, but who you know.” However, it is no longer one or the other as both are important in not only obtaining employment, but being successful in a position, and facilitating a long-term career.  Participating in a program like the DCP supports both initiatives.

The College Program Alumni Speaker Series (CPASS) presents great opportunities to network. Each event starts with panelists sharing their journeys from CP to their current positions at Disney. After the question and answer portion, the speakers get in to networking stations, and the current CP’s hop on line to have one-on-one chats, or small group chats.

Through a C-PASS event, several weeks ago, that featured cast members that work on events in different capacities at Disney, I was able to set up one-on-one meet-and-greets.  Most recently, I spent some time with Tobin, a catering manager, at the Yacht and Beach Club. He graciously gave me a tour of the convention facilities at the resort followed by a chat about a career in events at WDW. During that time, I also had conversations with other cast members who work on various aspects of events and catering at Yacht and Beach Club. It was great getting a behind-the-scenes look on what it takes to produce an event here as well as get a real perspective on his position.

In February, I connected with Randev of the Disney Service Center when I was sorting out some scheduling issues. He has been a great resource by providing me with advice as to how to maximize my time during meet-and-greets, and has even set up introductions with individuals working in events and catering.

I am also planning on going to a networking workshop as part of Career Development series to learn how I can improve on these skill sets. I am not the most extroverted person, and instead prefer to connect with a few individuals through meaningful conversations; however want to get over that initial nervousness of networking.

With regard to understanding what is necessary to become a manager at Disney, I consistently find that many cast members have risen through the ranks starting with completing the DCP, which is comforting because they started where we are now.


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3 Responses to It is who you know among other things…Read and React 3

  1. Fiona says:

    I definitely agree with you. Attending workshops or any kind of events is a great resource to networking. You can meet so many different kinds of people, both CPs like ourselves and also managers from various different departments too. I heard if there is a certain position you are interested in, you should definitely network with a manager within that department and when applying for your professional internship in the future, if that manager recognizes your name and sees that you’ve done a great job during your CP here, there is a bigger chance of you getting the role. So definitely get your name out there, make sure managers all know your name and that you’re a great cast member. It really helps.

    Caribbean Beach Resort

  2. How did you learn about the CPASS events. Many CPs mention that they do not have time for these events because of work. I am sure that if the events are posted in a timely manner that time off of work can be arranged. Are the events at differnt times each time the are offered? If you have the calendar of event please post them on this OpenLab site.

    • Suzanne says:

      I think I first heard about CPASS events when I was back home, and there was one in particular that I did not want to miss. It can be difficult to make it out to many of the events because I am usually scheduled for work, and modifying schedules isn’t easy, which I think many of us are encountering. We don’t have set schedules, and do not find out about our schedule until a few days before. There’s a weekly housing email that highlights events for that week including CPASS. I’ll also post the CPASS events on the site.

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