Reflective Photo Journal #4

This is my third week at work and I feel very fortunate and proud. first, one of my leaders congratulate me for such impeccable work that I’ve been doing in housekeeping since day one. Just to add a little bit more about housekeeping department, I want to say that out of all positions within a hotel housekeeping is one of the most harder positions to work in.

Today  I was chosen to participate in a special event coordinated by my leader and supervisor. The event was based on my country independence’s day, we were celebrating The Dominican Republic Independence’s Day which is February 27th. Some of the things we pointed out during our presentation was our agriculture field, Dominican Republic agriculture mostly produce; Sugarcane, Coffee, Cotton, Cacao, and Cattle. Some of the things we exports are; Ferronickel , Sugar, Gold, Silver, and Coffee. Another thing that many people may not know is that The Dominican Republic is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Adding some more about our culture, our country cuisine is predominantly made up of a combination of Spanish, Indigenous “Taino”, and African influences.

After our presentation we showed a video about all different places of our country so the audience could  have a better idea of how this beautiful island looks like. It was a very emotional moment for everybody specially for all of Dominicans that were there including myself. I did this event because I am really proud of who I am as Dominican, and that’s why I did it, but when at the end of the presentation all of the managers came over to congratulate me and they gave me a recognition card then at that moment I felt that all my work and effort was paid off. And after that I felt more proud than before. I also want to say that this event helped me to brand myself and to get all of my leaders and co-cast members to know more.

here are some photos about this morning’s event and also my recognition card!.



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