Learning patience…

Learning patience has been absolutely key since I started the DCP, and I donā€™t imagine that changing–from patience with waiting for buses just to get anywhere to patience with handling guestsā€™ situations to learning patience with myself.

As trivial as it seems, a regular stressor has been the buses particularly on my way to and from work. It has been especially frustrating after a long shift when I just want to be home, have some dinner and relax, get work done, and have to start the routine over again. DCP was not kidding when they suggested driving down here (have yet to get a license, but I can dream!). It feels like a whole lot of waiting, and wasted time. Being a New Yorker, I have spoiled with multiple transportation options. It is one of those things where ā€œit is what it is,ā€ and I should make the best of it utilizing that wait time.

As I am spending more time working the front desk, I am encountering more and more situations from smooth check-ins interjected with pleasant interactions to guests who are impatient, and unreasonable. The tendency can definitely be to panic, shut down, or be reactiveā€”not the way I would like to handle these moments. I have seen fellow cast members turn things completely around, and I hope to excel in that before the end of the program.Ā  I need to understand that since I am dealing with a higher volume of guests at this hotel than the previous one I worked at, and as such, there is a higher possibility of issues to tackle as well as higher chance of rewards.

I think a key piece for completing this program successfully (and as with anything) is to be patient with myself. It is easy just being hard on myself, but it truly does not move me forward. Ā There are times when I wish I was further along with my career, and life, but have to acknowledge that it was only fairly recently that I figured out that hospitality is the field that I love, and this program in all its complexities, and frustrations is a stepping stone.

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2 Responses to Learning patience…

  1. The transportation situation is not always easy at Disney. Try to manage your time by being prepared with reading materials that you need to read for your classes. Your time will then be well spent instead of frustrating.

    To your final statement about career advancement: When you take your career seriously and focus on your goals you will find the success you seek. Do not be concerned with age or with your title. Instead concentrate on your professionalism and your ability to lead a team. The title you desire will follow when you are a professional and able to handle yourself as such.

  2. jenniferm says:

    Oh suzy! I know in NYC we are so spolied with the subway system and buses and the fact that everything is walking distance no matter what! Over here the bus system is just insane and I have also realized that paitence is the key to everytihng down here. We have to plan everything out with time because if we don’t we will never get things done! But you know something we will get through this whole transportation system down here! & I wish I had my license too! Lets go to DMV and take the test! hahaha! Oh boy we will get through this! don’t worry! šŸ˜€

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