Weekly reflective journal 13

I just got back from my trip to New York, im pretty bummed out cause it was so nice to see evryone again. When I got home I jumped on top of my sister that was sleeping and she thought she was dreaming. When my mom got home from work I was hiding behind my room door, when she went in the room and sat on the bed I just came out she almost started crying, she kept hugging me and looking at me it seemed like she also thought she was dreaming. They had no idea I was coming home to visit, my plan for that week was to obviously spend time with my family but to also eat all the things I couldnt get in Orlando. My dog Benny was I think the most excited to see me, he kept jumping up at me the whole time, and when ever I would open my laugage he would jump inside, he probably thought I was going to leave again. The day I was leaving I told my mom that I wanted us to have a pre-Thanksgiving dinner since I wasnt going to be with them on Thanksiving day. I helped her prepare the food, let me just say there is nothing better than you’re moms cooking, I wish I couldve brought some back over here. It was such a marvelous week, I miss them already, but I am also glad to be back.


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3 Responses to Weekly reflective journal 13

  1. I am so jealous, I wish I could have gone home to visit. Being away from my family for the holidays is really hard for me too. I also miss all the delicious food. But I’m glad you were able to enjoy it even if it was a little earlier then usual.

  2. Kaity says:

    Just reading this post is making me feel home sick. Nothing is better than home thats the truth. I also miss my dog Yuki. He is so cute, fat and fluffy. I really hope my dog is doing alright! The program is almost ending so I will be home soon but I will also miss all my beloved friends I have made in the program.

  3. Ayesha Cuevas says:

    I know the feeling of having to come back and leaving your loved ones behind. I was laughing when I read you say that you should of brought some back, because my sister came the day after Thanksgiving and I defiantly made her bring me back some left over’s and she did.

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