Birthday bash

So my sister and her boyfriend came here for my 21 birthday and it was amazing !!!! It was so nice to see some family down here in florda. She only came for 2 days and 1 night but I am so thankful she made the trip down here. We went Kouzzina for my actualy birthday dinner and it was AMAZING. I got the braised short ribs over feta mash. YUMMMMMY. The appatizers were even more amazing to be honest. We got a warm goat cheese spread with a balsamic reduction and cripsy calamari that was soacked in buttermilk for three days. It came with a tangy chili dipping sauce. I was in heaven !!!! I bought my first legal drink ( that was gross but whatevere !). But anyways I had such an amazing time with my friends and family for my birthday I couldnt ask for anything more. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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One Response to Birthday bash

  1. Account Deleted says:

    Happy Birthday! I am glad you had such a great birthday and you were able to spend it with family. I know I would have been sad if I was here and was not able to enjoy my birthday like I wanted. The feta mash sounds amazing so do the calamari! I definitely want to try the food there one day.

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