Read and React 5

In my Human Recource Management class we explore many different sections of the Human Recource department. A concept that stuck out in my mind is the concept of a Performance Improvment Plan within the work place. I did a study on an article regarding this topic and it caught my attention.

The article ā€œHow to establish a performance improvement planā€, Ā teaches Ā the reader new ways to help employees with their job performance. This is capable through a performance improvement plan (PIP).Ā  A PIP helps struggling employees with their work related issues, through a variety of methods. This article gives many scenarios that a PIP would help improve. For example, an employee is struggling with their job because they are not positive of their work duties. A PIP would be beneficial in this situation, as it would assist the employee. The PIP also allows employees, as well as their employers, to Ā figure out what the problem is and how to solve it.

A PIP relates to the four functions of Human Resource Management, mostly in the Training and Development process, regarding the development side. PIPā€™s help improve an employee thus developing them in their role. PIPā€™s occur after an employee has settled into their position, which fits perfectly in the development category.

PIPā€™s impact Human Recourse Management directly, as they are essential in the Human Recourse Management department to maintain and develop employees. Without PIPā€™s, your employees will miss out on opportunities to grow and improve. PIPā€™s not only help the employee in growing, but they also help the employer better assess their employees on their job performance.

I think that the article was efficient in explaining the importance of PIPā€™s. It explained a lot of different scenarios that a PIP would be used and truly conveyed the importance all around in a business using a PIP. In Human Resource Management it is very important to be aware of opportunities to improve your co-workers and employees, which is where a PIP comes into play. I enjoyed reading the article because it improved my knowledge on how I can go to my employer and improve my performance and knowledge at work.

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2 Responses to Read and React 5

  1. I took the same Human Resources class as you. Performance improvement plans are definitely a huge part of human resources. I like how efficiently Ryan was able to include WDW as a company and also other large companies in his lesson plans. I definitely learned a lot on his class.

  2. I took the same Human Resources class as you. Performance improvement plans are definitely a huge part of human resources. I like how efficiently Ryan was able to include WDW as a company and also other large companies in his lesson plans. I definitely learned a lot on his class.

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