Journal # 2

Hi again!

I recently started my first week of class for Disney. I am taking the Experiential learning class and also a Human resources class. They both seem really interesting and my professors are also informative and funny. I love how they both try to make class as hands on as they can. For my experiential learning class we played a game where a Disney star was placed on your forehead and you had to basically guess which Disney star it was. You have to ask only yes or no questions to figure out this character. It was fun and a little comfortable because you have to rely on strangers to help you figure out who you are. So It forced you to walk up to someone that you wouldn’t normally talk to and become better acquainted. I very much liked this exercise, I was snow white! By playing this game and out professor being so interactive time went by so fast. A three hour long class seemed like half of that. I’m excited to be back in a school setting and to be learning again!

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2 Responses to Journal # 2

  1. Snow White, very precious. I like this activity and feel that it is a smart icebreaker. I have played it with faculty and like you, it helped me meet new people. I am happy she chose this exercise in that particular class as you will need to interact with your peers all semester long.

    I would like to suggest that you use every day to learn. I know you meant “formal” classroom learning but make sure that Disney is your classroom and that you embrace every experience as if you were studying the organization.

    I hope you enjoy all your classes!

  2. Account Deleted says:

    Hello Nadia,

    I also began my courses and I really enjoy how interactive they are. I can be very shy but both my courses utilized different exercises that also allowed for us to interact with the other classmates in a fun and interesting way. The more and more, I open up to people throughout this program the more I realize how much in common you can have with people from across the world! Disney really does a wonderful job in bringing people together.

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