Read and React#4

In Disney, the full-time employees will have special pins, rewards and pictures after they work for Disney 5, 10, 15 years or more. We are all together to celebrate these special events and eat delicious cakes, and as well as the retire parties. This is a kind of magic that the management makes for all the employees in Disney. For our CPs, our resort managers will take us to different parks to experience Disney magic moment. So far we saw the amazing fire work in Epcot, we learn the whole stories about Tower of Terror and fantastic show in Hollywood studio. We gain a lot of knowledge about Disney attraction in the other side from these trips, not only to ride them as fun.

In the article, “Why Do Employees Stay? A Qualitative Exploration of Employee Tenure”, the theme 1, sense of responsibility reminds of the training. One day I step in the lighthouse accidentally and I realize that they have a meeting for all the trainers. The training manager says the trainers’ behavior is Disney’s behavior, the trainees will fellow what trainers do during the working time. Trainers should always have positive work attitude and correct training information for trainees. Therefore, the sense of training responsibility is very important for every trainer.

Theme 2, financial need to work is the most reason for people who work hard. Before spring break and summer time, many full-time employees work over time because they say they need money for their coming vacation. I know an old lady who is 70 years old still work for Disney every day, because she wants to be paid by Disney after she retires two years later. The finance plays a big role in people’s life career forever.

Theme 3 friends’ work brings me the similar idea with couples work. I know two sweet and cute couples who work together every day in our housekeeping department. They come to work together, eat together and help each other sometimes. They all work for Disney many years and will stay more longer because of their lovers.

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One Response to Read and React#4

  1. I think it is smart of you leaders to bring you to the parks, keeping the front line castmembers happy and informed will lead to better service for guests. When castmembers are satisfied with their position they will perform better, in addition, the more you know about the parks the better you will be able to answer the questions of your guests. Remember the opportunities you have had and how you might use similar activities when you have your own staff.

    Ensuring that trainers are well prepared for the role they will fill is vital to continually support and enhancing the culture of the workplace. Making sure that a new employee can emulate not only a task but a (positive) attitude can lead to long term success and growth for all.

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