Read and React #4

How does Disney keep the magic alive? I know at my location they started a celebration for the employees that 5, 10, 15 and up years within the company. The part was closed out to employees and was catered for them. They had the Cp’s and regular workers worked that night as a cheer crowd. Even last week when I worked the two private events where the park was rented out, before the guests came we the employees were given the chance to ride a ride non- stop. That was a great feeling after having to deal with the guests earlier in the day and to clean before the new set of guest come inside the park.

They even pay employees a dollar more on  their paycheck when they train someone that is new to the company. There is also a event where the full time employees gets a bonus check for passing their health exam. The private events the empolyees received when a new ride or part of a park opens. There is a cast preview, I was able to take part in that for the New Fantasyland  These little things that the company do makes you enjoy working for Disney. Even when you make a magical day for a guest, that guest smile can turn your not so excited day into a day that you will not forget.

From the article ” Why Do Employee Stays? “, it talks about the different types of reasons that employee stay at their job. Theme 3 talks about friends at work, I have witness part-time workers whom are working for Disney even though they only work once a week stay because they their friends that are also working too. They will complain and discuss about getting a new job but still come in the next week and work because their friend is working with them.

Food & Beverage

Studio Catering Co. – Hollywood Studios

Nicole M Schloss

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One Response to Read and React #4

  1. I like that you brought up friends at work. The social aspect of ones work like often morphs with their professional one. These interpersonal relationships come with a positive and negative result. The positive is what you wrote about, when employees develop strong bonds retention tends to increase. However, relationships develop in many different ways. Making sure that managers and or line employees do not take advantage of interpersonal relationships is not easy.

    Always make conscious decisions about your interpersonal relationships at work. Friendships take time to develop, working relationships take less time to develop but can develop into friendships.

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