Weekly Reflective Journal #11

One of the requirements to complete the Disney College Program and earn 12 credits as a full time student at City Tech, is to take two collegiate courses which Disney offers. The courses I took were Disney Organizational Leadership and Disney Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management. I figured these courses were very helpful for my career in the hospitality industry. Each course was 14 weeks long, once a week for 4 hours. We had assignments, quizzes, and projects due just like a regular college class. What made this journey a little hard was that I was away from home, living on my own, working full time for Disney and at the same time taking these two courses. However, I learned a lot from both courses which I know I will apply for my future hospitality career.

While checking on facebook I saw most of my friends from high school were graduating from college. Indeed, 2016 was my year to graduate from college as well, but things happen and now I’m here at Disney. I may not be graduating from my bachelor’s degree but I got my ducktorate. Not only one but two ducktorates from Organizational Leadership and Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management. I am very proud of passing both classes, and learning from one of the best companies in the world. I will carry these accomplishments with me everywhere.

ducktorate 2            ducktorate 1

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