This is my last full week of work and class before I go on my mini vacation back to New York. A couple of days ago in class, I learned that staffing and recruiting is really important. Who you fill your company with is very important. It costs money to train people and to drug test them. Which are precautions into making sure that you’re hiring the correct person. In companies, it is better to internally promote and then externally hire. With someone that knows the company’s ins and outs and backbone, it would help better.
I also learned what types of interviews are offered and that background investigations is a normal thing to do in companies. For the Disney College Program for example, our school has been coordinating with Disney for years. I happened to see a poster on the wall at school and it sparked the idea for applying. We went through two interviews, an online survey and a phone interview before we were selected. I am grateful to be part of the selected team of Spring 2016.