I ended getting moved up to commons. In checking day, when they told me I was going to move into the commons, I was upset because I thought I was going pay more for rent. Commons is the complex that has free laundry because it’s in the house. I have co workers that pay rent up to $120 which I was really worried about. I was paying $98 in vista and I was fine. I just didn’t want my check to lose less because of my rent. So it’s five girls now instead of six. They seem really nice and cool to hang out with. Everything it’s good so far and when they told me rent its 91$ I was even happier and relieved. I ended up in the 3 person room, but at least I’m not in the top bunk bed, I took the bottom.
Now that I finished class, I have been getting scheduled a lot of hours, and the more hours the better. It’s a good feeling knowing that I real days off, I get to go out, I love how now I’m getting auto plaza shifts, and closing shifts are 7:30 which is great. Now I get to actually go out with my friends. I went to blizzard beach with my co-worker and it was really fun. We went to all the rides and stayed in the pool for like 30 minutes. We went as soon as they opened the park so we get to do everything early and fast.
I used to live in The Commons and I absolutely loved it! I think it’s beautiful and the washer and dryer being right in your apartment is extremely convenient. Plus, you have The Grid right at the front of the complex!
I’m sure the end of classes has taken a load off your shoulders. It’s perfect timing as the weather has gotten so beautiful! I hope you enjoy your new schedule and that you make the most of your time with your friends!