Read and React 1

Traditions couldn’t have been a better introduction to the Disney Company. My instructors Adam and Deborah were great, they were so enthusiastic about Walt and the company it was contagious. I learned about the fout keys that make up Disney which include: Safety, Courtesy, Keeping Role and Efficiency. It seems simple enough however it takes thousands of dedicated cast members to give guest an unforgettable experience. I also learned about services for guest with disabilities, every guest must be treated equal and we must provide them with the suitable accomodations in order for them have as much fun as everyone else. Another way to treat guests is as a V.I.P. (Very Individual Person) which basically facilitates an interaction with a guest by smiling, greeting them by name and figuring out what makes them happy.

Traditions was fantastic, they made everyone feel special by giving us our first set of Mickey ears and name tag.

In the article “Create Company Loyalty with New Hire Practices”, I liked the idea of having the employees try the hotel room in order to have their very own guest experience and give feedback. This is similar to what Disney does as far as, given cast members free access to the park to be knowledgeable of the park and make recommendations to guests.

The idea of finding ways to make new employees become intergrated to the rest of the staff is important because when starting at a new job, it’s very difficult to be the new guy who doesn’t know anyone. These philosophies help new hires have a smooth start to their job and also make them loyal to the company because they feel valued.

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