Weekly reflective journal 12

I was so happy when I went to follow up on the situation about my week off in Nov, it got approve so now I can finally relax. My sister left already and I already miss her, but I get to see her again in about a week. Shes the only one that knows that im coming to New York, im so excited to surprise everyone, they have been asking me when is it that ill be visiting and I kept telling them that I couldnt get time off of work. Its such a bittersweet feeling that ill be seeing everyone but would have to leave them again to come back. Im also going to be telling my mom that ill be extending so I wont be home till may, I know shes going to be a little upset because everytime we speak on the phone shes always telling me how many weeks I have left till l I come home. But she knows 100% that this a career enhancement for me, and its giving me first hand experience on what Ill be doing in the future.

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