I’ve been craving spanish food since I’ve arrived here at Orlando, I tried a Puerto Rican cuisine restaurant, I was not happy with my dish so I decided to go to Walmart. So I tried to cook Rice, chicken and maccoroni salad, it was a total success. I’ve never really had to cook because my mom always did, but since she’s not here I had to try and do it for myself. I facetimed her the whole time, so she can tell me exactly what to do. The second time i cooked spanish food I made it for my roommates aswell and they were surprised that it was only my second time cooking, they joked and said that they want me to cook every day. I’m really proud of myself, ive always said that I hate cooking, but its not so bad im actually starting to enjoy making meals and adding my own little twist to them.
You and most of your classmates are experiencing sustaining yourselves for the first time. This is an important time for all of you as you transfer into adulthood.
Regarding your roommates. Try to find some time to share each others cultures through food. Also, put those culinary class skills to good use.