

My Experiential Learning class is awesome! Our instructor Debi combines learning theory and learning practice perfectly. Before we have kinds of activities such as to recognize the lime between the paper one and the real one, to visit the theme park Epcot and ride three attractions to figure out the relationship between education and entertainment. This Thursday we have games to playļ¼Debi gives us six games and we should choose two of them which we would like to play and one of them that we donā€™t want to play. After this learning experience, we are asked we enjoy the game we like or dislike; I have fun with the one I donā€™t like because I find the interesting part that I never realize before! What I learn from this lesson is try to do something different or unusual and I will have my life surprise experience which is good for me.

One of our managers says that our PM housekeeping is a kind of work we have more individual work done by ourselves because everyone has different linen room to fill out and guest room to clean, we donā€™t have a lot of time to work together as a team. Therefore we need to learn how to work individually. However our CPs prefer to work together. On my side, I always finish my work first and then go to help somebody else, but some of them like another way: I help you first and then you help me later on because they donā€™t want to work lonely. I think it is important to work as a team because we learn how to corporate with each other and it is also important to work by our own.

The PM senior housekeepers are so nice to our CPs and I feel like we are a big family right now. They make delicious food for us because they take care of us like their children and wish us can eat better; and we buy them some special food as well and do the massage which they really need and like it. They are all the best.


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