Journal # 6

Health is a very important part of life. This week was a bit of a struggle for me because my wisdom teeth are coming out and I have a bad infection in one of them. It was awful trying to do a good job while dealing with an uncontrollable pain. Luckily one of my roommates has a car and she drove me to an emergency dental clinic. They gave me some antibiotics and had me at work the next day. I have to get the tooth extracted in a few weeks but I’m preparing for that time by communicating the situation with my leaders and administrators.  These situations help me get acquainted with health services and our point system, now I can tell where most of the offices in my work location are.  Work this week was surprisingly good. I have my section and am becoming used to each room and their needs for the day. I find familiarity helps a lot in housekeeping. My managers are always coming around to give me feedback on the job I have done in my rooms for the day, and lately it has been mostly  positive and encouraging, I like to know that trying my best is working.

This week in my experimental learning class I learn about my learning style. I found out that I am an experiencing learner; this means that I have the ability to find meaning from deep involvement in  an experience. In other words I learn best by doing. It’s very interesting to know that there are actually different styles for learning. My human resource was very fun this week we learned about our rights as employees and sexual harassment within the Disney Company and outside. The class was very interactive because of all the different perspective with individuals in the class.

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3 Responses to Journal # 6

  1. Account Deleted says:

    I am sorry and good to hear your story. And I thought about senior and manager level cast members careness. They do care of cast members as well as guests. I sometimes feel they really worry about our safety.

  2. Victoria, I hope you get better. I know how uncomfortable for a housekeeper can be working sick or suffering a pain. However, now that you know how importat health means for all of us try your best to get better. I am really happy to hear that you are doing a great job. I know how challenging is the Housekeeping Department in the Resort Operations, and how hard can be for us phisically but we can do better everyday. We are here to learn and give the best of us not matter what. Good luck & I hope you get better soon.

  3. Good luck with your wisdom teeth, this is a painful thing to deal with so I hope that you will have an easy time until the tooth is removed.

    Knowing your own learning style will allow you to develop in your career and will provide you with the understanding of how to help those around you learn as well. Your learning style is evident in your work (you are getting better and better each day and have developed an understanding of the tools needed to be a successful house keeper).

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