Reflective Journal #12 ( Week Of Nov 30)

This week I spent it trying to get to know more of my cast members. There were some that I have not said more than a hi to. I found out that a few cast members and I have a few things in common, which is probably why I have yet to sit down and get to know them. My mother have said to me plenty of times that when I am around people that are just like me, I have a hard time being in the same room with them. But I am taking this opportunity  to change the negatives of myself .

Before I was homesick, now that I realize that my time here is almost over. I am trying to do everything in this short period of time. I wish they gave us CP’s a week off to explore Florida.

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6 Responses to Reflective Journal #12 ( Week Of Nov 30)

  1. Huihong He says:

    I am sure they won’t give us a week off to explore Florida. However, we can try to make time from ourselves. Now I am trying to enjoy the rest of the days in Disney. I hope you can enjoy your days here also.

  2. As far as Disney is concerned you are there to work. I do know CPs who asked for back-to back days off in order to explore their new and temporary surroundings but it is probably too late for that. If you can not travel make sure to embrace what Disney can offer before or after work.

    • nschloss says:

      My co -workers and I are doing the parks and everything that Disney can offer after co-work. There are so many activities to do, I do not know how the guests cram everything into two weeks.

  3. It’s good that you are taking the time to get to know your fellow cast members. Not only will it help you be more productive at work but it will also help build you Disney network. An into today’s world, the larger professional network you have, the better off you will be.

    • nschloss says:

      Carlos you are so right, I have heard and seen so many managers that were CP’s and worked there way up. And some to the fact that they got to know there managers and cast members which caused some of them to reach were they are in company.

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