Week 10! Extension Approved!

So far work has been going smooth, well the attendance of the guests to the parks have just been increasing like crazy! but other than that I am already used to the whole system . Its March 28th . I hear my roommate scream her lungs out , I run into her bed room and I ask her what happened! she responds to me and tells me that her extension for approved. I get a huge knot in my stomach she looks at me and tells me to go into my email and see weather my got approved or denied.  I logged into my email and I see the Disney email , I open it up and I put in my information. It says congratulations! your extension got approved for YOUR CURRENT LOCATION  . -__- BUMMER!
So , I was hoping for my extension to get approved for a different location not for my current one . I mean I like my job now but I would of liked to experienced a different role here at Disney . I told my roommate that I got approved and we both started jumping up and down. She got approved to do transportation than what she is currently doing House Keeping at the Yacht and Beach Club. We both looked at each other and said at the same time ” are you going to accept? ”  we froze and made a face! hahah . We had until April 2 to accept the offer or denied it . On the same day the offer ended we both accepted our extension and we both spoke to our family and friends about it. Now we are excited! we will be rooming together instead of being house mates and we will be living in Patterson Court! yeay! 😀


Jennifer Medina


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2 Responses to Week 10! Extension Approved!

  1. Congratulations. If you stay until the fall semester you will need to fill out a “leave of absence” form available at the registrar.

    Good luck.

  2. NicoleW says:

    Congratulations! I was looking into extending but was unsure if I wanted to stay for the summer. I am regretting it now that I did not apply. I wish you the best of luck in the summer! I hear those are the most busy months for Disney!

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