Read and React #3

Trailing a manager or a leader can be pretty difficult. But I try to make the time and opportunity to observe and acknowledge the leadership tactics they use to provide a better service. However, when it comes to complete managerial tasks it is nearly impossible. It is such a tough position and an overwhelming position at times it is complicated to complete it.  Neverthless, there are times when I finish my rooms early and I go to my managers office and have a chat with her. We converse about many things, such as: the new royal building; the room is decorated with objects from the Disney movies, beautiful rooms, about my board and how it is they organize it, the significance of pin collection, how she became successful and become a manager and many other things. Aside from having these conversations I watch how she speaks to everyone else and helps out. As a leader she is very approachable and helpful. For example, if someone is running behind she will make sure she sends help or come and help herself.

The other day I had a 17 rooms but I did not have any check outs or anything. This gave me the chance to step up my game and prove myself to her. Being, I completed my full board and went and helped someone else. Today also, March 11, 2012, I finished my rooms and went and helped another cast member in order for her to finish on time. I believe these opportunities is a chance for me to prove myself and my leaders that I am capable, strong and a hardworker.

I admire her for how she fulfills her role and believe she does a great job at being a leader. An approach I will go for when I become a manager. She tries her best to reach out to everyone and make sure everyone is content.


Port Orleans Riverside


About hsrtyuksel

I always knew I was a people's person. Always enjoyed spending time, talking to people and learn many new and interesting things from them. Basically, learning and providing them what I know.
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4 Responses to Read and React #3

  1. In what way did the required article for the 3rd read and react influence your approach to your work? Making sure that your manager is aware of your work and your ambitions is important.

    What specific advice has she given you that you feel you can implement now?

  2. hsrtyuksel says:

    Well, my leader and I were conversing about how she became a manager. And how all leaders and managers started from bottom low. She constantly gives me tips on how to make it easier for myself and not to stress out as much. She too was a housekeeper for a year and a half. Just speaking to her alone about success and the hardships that she went through and is where she is now made me push myself even more. For instance yesterday I bought three more rooms equalling 20 rooms in total. Was very proud of myself.

  3. stevek says:

    Almost all managers must start at the bottom, and work themselfs up. This is because, you need to know all aspects of the company before you start managing it. You also need to be familiar with each role that is being played in the facility so you know whats the right way of doing things and wrong, and then you get promoted to being a manager.

  4. Suzanne says:

    I find that many cast members currently in high-level positions started out as CP’s/”the bottom.” I think it is important for cm’s that are not necessarily at the frontline to know what it is like to work different roles as it will help them become more effective to lead. It also gives us peons hope that we’ll get there one day soon!

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