home sick

This internship is now getting harder than I expected.  Assignments are coming up from all classes. Work is getting hectic, and on top of that I’m feeling home sick.  All I do everyday is work and sleep. There have even been days were I went without eating.  It’s times like this when u look back and wish to be home with your family again where there is fresh cooked meal on the table everyday and when your sick there’s someone there helloing you get better.  Just a little over two months left so I know I must suck it up and get past this, because when this is all over and I have Disney on my resume and I am trained by their standard, I will stand out at any interview in the near future. For the past two weeks I practically had no time for myself, so now I’m trying to play catch up. Work just drowns all my strength from me, but I guess this is a sneak peak on reality.

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2 Responses to home sick

  1. Suzanne says:

    I know the feeling. Definitely had some moments during the past few weeks where I felt completely drained. Some light at the end of the tunnel–we’ll get a break from classes the first 2 weeks of April, and we’ll be done with the courses come May. In the meantime, try to take care of yourself (the whole not eating for a few days isn’t ok!) otherwise you’ll feel far worse, and try to carve out some time to just enjoy yourself.

  2. Yes, there will be a break from classes but work will become more demanding. Finding balance in your work and personal life can be difficult but each day brings new rewards. Focus on these rewards as you work through the challenges.

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