Components in full effect

Nothing out of the ordinary has occurred over the past week so I’m just going to talk about how the learning, living and earning aspects of the program are all in full force and how each component is requiring me to dedicate more time.  Over the past week, numerous assignments have been handed out which involves writing research papers and reading books which then also requires a paper. Since I am on the topic of classes, I am sincerely enjoying experiential learning however human resource management thus far, covers similar material that was taught in legal environment. I’m still enjoying the class, but I was hoping for new topics that  was not learned at City Tech.

Work as also required more of my time as I had to come in 3 hours early twice last week as someone called in sick on two different occasions. The living component is one that remains constant because I’m always meeting new people and we try our hardest to hang out whenever we have the time which doesn’t come often. I knew before heading into the program that prioritizing will eventually come into play and it most definitely has over the past week.


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3 Responses to Components in full effect

  1. Thanks for the feedback on the HR class. I will talk to a number of the students who completed the Disney Program and ask for more detailed information about the class as this is the first time I have heard that comment. It is important to know. Who is your teacher? I am curious if each teacher’s course work differs based on their experience? Who did you have here at City Tech?

    What is it that you like about your Experiential Learning Class?

  2. hsrtyuksel says:

    I too agree with Michelangelo’s comment regarding HR. I feel like I am relearning legal environment all over again. We speak about the laws and how to be rational when managing. As far as experiental learning goes, I am in his class as well, I enjoy it. Debbi, the instructor explains everything clearly and has our attention. I enjoy the fact that we are also getting to know about ourselves and character with these assignments that are given to us and experiences in general.

  3. OK, As the semester progresses please keep me posted on the overall content in the course. Sometime objectives might overlap but others may be new.

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