First Disney experience

When I first arrived here at disney from my long 24 hour train ride, I was very excited and and scared at the same time. Since everyone greetsahoy and they are so welcoming it reassures you that your in good hands. Another thing I was worried about was The room mate situation. I instantly clickedevery everyone and we even have a lot in common. I have never been to Disney world before now, but I know I’ll lI’ve it here.  I love to smile and I can’t wait to create happiness for so many people no matter if you 6 or 86.

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3 Responses to First Disney experience

  1. At Disney everyone is a kid! Keep this in mind when making “Magic”!

  2. stevek says:

    I was also a little nervous when I arrived here. Sharing a house with 5 complete strangers was something new to me as well, but just as you we all clicked very well. It’s great that you love to smile, because in Disney the magic begins with you as a cast member. Seeing a smile on your face when a guest first walks in the park shows them that you are friendly and are welcoming them in with your smile. Enjoy your stay at Disney!!!

  3. Mei Lin says:

    Isn’t it fun? I wish I had more roommates not that I don’t like the one I’m with now but everyone seems so friendly. We would walk around at night or go shopping and end up randomly starting a conversation with Disney cast members that we’ve never met before.

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