NEST: Noyce Explorers, Scholars, Teachers
An NSF-Funded Initiative to Develop Extraordinary STEM Teachers
Interested in becoming a high school or middle school STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Teacher in New York?
The NEST initiative will
- Provide early classroom teaching experiences
- Mentor you towards and through STEM teacher training
- Provide exciting Science and Teaching workshops
- Provide Large Scholarships
How can you get involved? How much will you get paid?
- Teaching Internships $750/semester
- 3‐week Summer STEM workshop $700
- Exciting STEM workshops in Spring and Fall
- Scholarships for Future STEM Teachers $10,000/year
Attending information sections
- November 26, 2013, 12PM‐1PM, Namm Hall 0908
- December 10, 2013, 12PM‐1PM, Namm Hall 0908
To apply or for more information contact:
Dr. Fangyang Shen, Computer Systems Technology, N1000, fshen@citytech.cuny.eduDr. Andrew Douglas, Department of Mathematics, N707,
Dr. Estela Rojas, Department of Mathematics, N727,
Dr. William Roberts, Career and Tech. Education, M201,