An NSF-Funded Initiative to Develop Extraordinary STEM Teachers

NEST: Noyce Explorers, Scholars, Teachers
An NSF-Funded Initiative to Develop Extraordinary STEM Teachers

Interested in becoming a high school or middle school STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Teacher in New York?

The NEST initiative will

  • Provide early classroom teaching experiences
  • Mentor you towards and through STEM teacher training
  • Provide exciting Science and Teaching workshops
  • Provide Large Scholarships

How can you get involved? How much will you get paid?

  • Teaching Internships   $750/semester
  • 3‐week Summer STEM workshop   $700
  • Exciting STEM workshops in Spring and Fall
  • Scholarships for Future STEM Teachers   $10,000/year

Attending information sections

  • November 26, 2013, 12PM‐1PM, Namm Hall 0908
  • December 10, 2013, 12PM‐1PM, Namm Hall 0908

    To apply or for more information contact:

    Dr. Fangyang Shen, Computer Systems Technology, N1000, fshen@citytech.cuny.eduDr. Andrew Douglas, Department of Mathematics, N707,

    Dr. Estela Rojas, Department of Mathematics, N727,

    Dr. William Roberts, Career and Tech. Education, M201,

City Tech’s Graduate School Fair

City Tech will have its First Graduate School/Professional School Fair at this year’s Emerging and Honors Scholars poster session.  Eleven plus schools (CCNY, CUNY Grad Center, CUNY Professional Studies, Hofstra University, John Jay, LIU, NYIT, NYU Poly, St. John’s Law School, Touro Graduate School of Business, and others) and two fellowship programs (Math for America and The Woodrow Wilson Fellowship) will be represented. Below is a poster for the Graduate School Fair.  This is an opportunity for you to learn more about:
  • Various schools and programs
  • The benefits of a graduate degree
  • Scholarships and fellowships
  • Admissions requirements
The Graduate Schools will have tables in Namm 119 from 11 am – 2 pm on Thursday December 5, 2013.
Image: Grad School Fair flyer

Research Mixer for students and faculty: 12/4, 3:00-5:00

Image: Research Mixer Fall 2013 flyer


Join the Undergraduate Research Committee at our semi-annual research mixer! This will be a great opportunity for students and faculty members to meet to discuss their research interests, with the goal of establishing mentor-mentee relationships for next semester.

If you are a faculty member who has mentored student researchers before, or are new to the mentoring process, we hope you can come meet the next group of student researchers!

If you’re a student interested in starting a research project, come learn more about the opportunities available at City Tech.

We hope to see you in N119 on 12/4 at the end of the first day of the Student Research Poster Session.

Join us this Thursday for LAYING THE FOUNDATION: The Mentoring Journey

Image: Mentoring November 14, 2013 flyerFaculty members are invited to take part in a SIX PART SERIES of FACULTY WORKSHOPS FOR FALL 2013 & SPRING 2014 presented by the Undergraduate Research Committee

Proven Strategies for Success


DATE: Thursday, November 14th
TIME: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Save the date for the remaining four sessions next semester:

02/27/14 Session 3: Characteristics of Effective Mentors and Mentees
03/27/14 Session 4: Developing a Mentoring Program of Undergraduate Research 04/24/14 Session 5: Evaluation and Tools
05/08/14 Session 6: Successes and Lessons Learned


Internship with NPR

Winter/Spring 2014: Code Switch

ID 2013-1825 Job Location US-DC-Washington
Division News & Information Type Intern
Semester .. Application Deadline ..
More information about this job:
NPR’s Code Switch is one of the largest teams in the country reporting on some of the most fascinating topics of our day: race, ethnicity and culture. As the intern for Code Switch, you’ll be working with a diverse, fun team of journalists doing path-breaking coverage of these subjects. And while we can’t promise you’ll emerge Internet-famous, let’s just say there’s a really good chance.

You’ll work with top national correspondents to produce digital packages, lead discussions on social media, contribute story ideas, and report and write stories for the team. As a hybrid broadcast and digital unit, Code Switch works with almost every division at NPR — every show, every desk, multimedia, news apps, marketing and communications, and more — offering a terrific perspective on every aspect of working for NPR News.

We’re looking for a candidate who is fascinated by the different ways that our cultural backgrounds affect our experiences of the world, and who can approach this topic as an explorer rather than an advocate. We seek strong writers with good social media instincts and a passion for community and conversation. A knack with technology and an eye for a good photo certainly won’t hurt your application.

  • Produce digital builds for daily radio stories.
  • Research, pitch, report, write and produce pieces for publication online.
  • Coordinate with editorial units outside of Code Switch, including other desks, shows, reporters, editors, and producers.
  • Additional editorial tasks — such as conducting and/or transcribing interviews, procuring images, etc. — as assigned.
  • Interest in and familiarity with issues of race, ethnicity and culture.
  • Proven writing and storytelling abilities.
  • Ability to do accurate, thorough work on deadline.
  • Digital production expertise, including some multimedia experience. (Fluency with software such as WordPress will be helpful.)
  • Fluency with social media.
  • Strong research/reporting skills.

Before applying, we strongly encourage you to read our Internship FAQ’s here.  Please do not apply for more than 3 internships.

Paid Internship, Metis Associations, NYC

Metis Associates, a national research and consulting firm, seeks an undergraduate or graduate student for a paid internship position.

Primary Responsibilities/Duties

  • Assisting with data collection and data management.
  • Scheduling interviews and focus groups.
  • Conducting basic data analyses (e.g., running frequencies) using SPSS and/or Microsoft Excel
  • Summarizing data findings and visually presenting data (e.g., creating charts/figures, drafting presentations and memos, assisting with reports, etc.).
  • Assisting with general administrative tasks.


  • Current undergraduate or graduate student majoring in psychology, sociology, education, or other relevant field.
  • Interest in education research and evaluation.
  • Strong written and oral English communication skills.
  • Experience using Microsoft Excel and/or SPSS preferred.
  • Ability to work independently in a team-based, project-oriented environment.
  • Detail oriented and strong organizational skills.
  • Hours are flexible and may include two to three days per week. Candidate should be available to start immediately and work through the end of the fall semester. Continuation of work during spring semester is possible but not guaranteed.

How to Apply

To apply please email your (1) Cover Letter, (2) Resume, and (3) a short writing sample to Susanne Harnett at Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

CUNY Science Scholar Information Session

Image: CSS Information Day FlyerThe CUNY Graduate Center is hosting an Information Session for prospective applicants to the Science doctoral programs at CUNY. Join the session on Friday, November 1st in the Science Center, Room 4102 at the CUNY Graduate Center, 4:00-6:00pm if you’re interested in learning more about applying to graduate school in the sciences. RSVP by October 30th.

Mentoring: Proven Strategies for Success

City Tech faculty members are invited to join the Undergraduate Research Committee for a six-part seminar, Mentoring: Proven Strategies for Success
Image: Mentoring October 18, 2013 flyer
Session 1:  Mentoring Success
Date: Friday, October 18th
Venue: N227
Time: 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Upcoming sessions:

11/14/13 Session 2: Laying the Foundation: The Mentoring Journey
02/27/14 Session 3: Characteristics of Effective Mentors and Mentees
03/27/14 Session 4:  Developing a Mentoring Program of Undergraduate Research
04/24/14 Session 5: Evaluation and Tools
05/08/14 Session 6: Successes and Lessons Learned
(Sessions 2-6 will be held 11:30 am – 12:30 pm)