Workshop: Journal Club 2

Undergraduate Researchers and students in Health Sciences at City Tech: Journal Club is back for its second session! Check out their Journal Club site on the OpenLab.

In Journal Club #2, Prof. Gurung will lead a discussion about the following topic: Marijuana and illicit drugs: Correlates of condomless anal sex among adolescent and emerging adult sexual minority men.

Register and join via Zoom for the Friday, November 8, 1:00-2:00pm session.

For more information, review the Meetings section of the Journal Club site.

Photo credit: “Outcropping” by foodchronicles via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Workshop: Journal Club 1

Here’s an exciting opportunity for Undergraduate Researchers and students in Health Sciences at City Tech: Journal Club! Check out their Journal Club site on the OpenLab.

In Journal Club #1, Prof. Gurung will lead a discussion about the following topic: Alcohol and substance use diagnoses among HIV-positive patients receiving care in NYC clinic settings.

Register and join via Zoom for the Friday, November 1, 1:00-2:00pm session.

For more information, review the Meetings section of the Journal Club site.

Photo credit: “Stone circle” by jclor via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Workshop: Journal Club 1

Stone circle” by jclor via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Here’s an exciting new opportunity for Undergraduate Researchers and students in Health Sciences at City Tech: a Journal Club! Check out their new Journal Club site on the OpenLab.

In Session 1 of the new Journal Club 1, Prof. Gurung, along with Lead Discussant Brett Millar, PhD, will lead participants through a consideration of the following question:

Is the association between adverse childhood experiences and later depression buffered by the trait of psychological flexibility?

Students are required to read this article in advance of the meeting.

Register and join via Zoom for the November 2, 1:00-2:00pm session.

For more information, review the Meetings section of the Journal Club site.