Faculty: Research Mixer today!

Would you like to engage City Tech students in your research project ?

Are you seeking research mentees ?

Would you like to meet a cohort of our best, our brightest, and our most promising students ?

Are you interested in learning more about funded research opportunities at City Tech ?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then please join us on Thursday, February 21, 2019 in room N119 (first floor of the NAMM building) from 12:35 – 2:00 PM for the 18th semi-annual Research Mixer event that is hosted by City Tech’s Undergraduate Research Committee. We promise that you will not leave the session disappointed. Bring a colleague with you and invite your students to come and explore the tremendous research resources that City Tech offers.

Internship Opportunities at the American Philosophical Society Library

2019-2020 Fellowship and Internship Opportunities at the American Philosophical Society Library

The American Philosophical Society Library in Philadelphia invites applications for long and short-term research fellowships for scholars working in all fields, and especially those working on projects pertaining to the history of science, technology, and medicineearly American history; and Native American and Indigenous Studies.  The Library is also accepting applications for its 8-week Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Summer Undergraduate Internship program.

The strongest applications will demonstrate a clear need to consult materials housed in the APS Library and will list which collections will be used during the fellowship term. Comprehensive, searchable guides and finding aids to our collections are available online at www.amphilsoc.org/library [amphilsoc.org].

Undergraduate Internships

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Summer Undergraduate Internship

These paid 8-week internships provide three talented undergraduates with the opportunity to conduct research, to explore career possibilities in archives and special collections, and to learn about advanced training in Native American and Indigenous Studies and related fields. The internship will take place from mid-June to mid-August 2019. During this time students will work at the APS Library and will also have the opportunity to travel to Native communities to share their work. The stipend is between $3000 and $3500 (depending on housing costs), plus a travel allowance.

Further information about the internship and application process can be found at https://apply.interfolio.com/56020 [apply.interfolio.com].

Faculty and Staff researchers should review the additional opportunities below.

Continue reading “Internship Opportunities at the American Philosophical Society Library”

Math and STEM undergraduate summer research projects (MSEIP)

Dear Colleagues,
As a part of the collaborative MSEIP grant with BMCC (funded by the Department of Education) we have funds in the City Tech budget to support undergraduate student research projects to be conducted over the summer. 
We have $42000 in the City Tech budget to recruit 28 students for summer research projects, along with their faculty mentors. 
Each faculty mentor is expected to develop appropriate undergraduate research projects and can advise up to 2 students. The faculty can recruit the students directly but if they need help recruiting students, they can contact me. 
Each student researcher will receive $1000 stipend upon successful completion of the summer research project, which will involve giving a short presentation at a local conference (either at City Tech or BMCC). Each participating faculty mentor will receive $500 in summer salary for each student they supervise. 
Faculty and student applications are due by April 24. Please let your students know about this summer research opportunity, and if you are interested in advising students, please let me know and we’ll go from there. 
Below you will find additional guidelines regarding international students. Please note that interested students must meet the guidelines in either A or B described below.
A.  US citizens or Green Card holders (permanent residents) are eligible to receive a student stipend.  
B.  For non-US Citizens, additional information about eligibility can be found at the US Department of Education website:
Best Regards,
Boyan Kostadinov
bkostadinov (at) citytech.cuny.edu
MSEIP Student Research Coordinator

Applications are now open for the Emerging Scholars Program – student deadline Feb 17, 2017

The Emerging Scholars Program provides a $500 stipend for full-time students (enrolled for 12 or more credits) and a $250 stipend for part-time students (enrolled in 11 or fewer credits) for conducting research with a faculty member. The purpose of the program is to provide students with an opportunity to apply what was learned in the class room to discover new knowledge, to solve real-world problems and to develop professionally while working with faculty to advance scholarly endeavors. The program includes specially designed workshops offered by the Honors Scholars and other programs and participation in a biannual poster session. If there is a student that you would like to work with, please provide them with this information and encourage them to apply.
The Application
Parts IIA (link) and IIB (link) of the application include: (1) PREA, (2) CUNYfirst Expense Reimbursement form, (3) W-9 and (4) Consent forms.
(1) PREA – Must be completed electronically and signed by both the student and faculty mentor.
(2) CUNYfirst Expense Reimbursement form – Students should clearly write their name, CUNYfirst ID, address, telephone number, City Tech email address and sign the form.
(3) W-9 – Students should complete parts I and II and sign in part III- DO NOT INCLUDE THE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ON THE W9 FORM.
(4) Consent form – Both the student and mentor must print and sign. Faculty mentoring multiple students should only submit one copy.
(5) An unofficial copy of the student’s transcript, including Spring 2017 registration.
Emerging Scholar Program Requirements
1.  Undergraduate researchers are expected to attend the mandatory orientation meeting on Thursday, February 23, 2017, from 12:45-2:00 PM in Namm 1001 (To be confirmed).
2. The Emerging Scholars application deadline (Parts I AND II)is Friday, February 17, 2017. Part I should include the mentor information, project title, and project abstract by this date. Please complete part I online and submit a completed part II to: Ms. Chioma Okoye, Provost’s Office, Namm 320, Phone – 718.260.5560 OR Email: undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.eduSUBJECT Line: ESP application
3. All students must also complete the responsible conduct in research online training
and submit their Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) certificate by Thursday, March 23rd, 2017to Ms. Chioma Okoye, Provost’s Office, Namm 320, Phone – 718.260.5560 OR email:undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.eduSUBJECT LINE: CITI certification. Even if you have submitted this in previous semesters, you are still required to submit a copy of the certification.
More information on CITI training can be found at:
Make sure not to click that you want college credit – if you indicate that you want college credit the program then indicates that you have to pay for the certification. Submit the completion certification (pdf file) using the following Dropbox link:
4. Attend the spring 2017 Research Mixer sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Committee. Date February 2nd, 2017 12:30-2:30 PM at Namm 119.
5. First-time undergraduate researchers must attend the four Group I workshops. Returning researchers must complete four workshops from Group II. If you have already completed all of the Group I and II workshops and do not wish to participate in them again please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi @ undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.eduSUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.
Group I: Mandatory Workshops for first time participants:
Thursday, March 2                        Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
1-2 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM                          Prof. Rebecca Devers & Prof. Marianna Bonanome, Namm 119
Thursday, March 16                     Advancing Library Research Techniques
1:00-2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM                            Prof. Anne Leonard and Prof. Monica Berger, Atrium 540 (Library-5th floor)
Thursday, March 30                     Developing and Delivering Effective Research Presentations
1:00 -2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM                           Mr. Marvin Bennett, Namm 119
Thursday, April 6                          Designing a Research Poster Presentation
1:00 -2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM                           Mr. Marvin Bennett, AG 30
Group II: Advanced workshops for returning participants – please attend 4 different workshops:
Thursday, March 16                     Advanced Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
1:00-2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM             Prof. Rebecca Devers & Prof. Marianna Bonanome, AG 18
Thursday, March 23                     ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
1:00 -2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM            Dr. Karen Lundstrem, General 604
Thursday, March 23                     How to Navigate Culture in the Workplace
12:30 -1:30 PM                                             Professional Development Center, Namm 119
Thursday, March 30                     Small Talk: Elevator Pitch
1:00 -2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM            Professional Development Center, AG 30
Thursday, April 6                          ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
1:00 -2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM            Dr. Karen Lundstrem, General 604
Thursday, April 6                          Writing Effective Cover and Thank You Letters
1:00 -2:00 PM or 4:00 – 5:00 PM            Professional Development Center, Namm 1002 (1-2 PM) and N119 (4-5 PM)
Optional Workshop
Thursday, April 20                        Research Poster Design Workshop
1:00 – 2:15 PM (classes follow Monday Schedule)         Mr. Marvin Bennett, Midway 308 (Bring your own laptops)
5. In collaboration with the faculty mentor, prepare a final abstract summarizing the accomplishments of the project. Mentors should proofread, edit, and upload it by Wednesday, April 19th, 2017 at the following Dropbox link:
Additionally you should prepare your poster based on your final results for a poster session event. The poster file must be uploaded to the following Dropbox link by Wednesday, April 26th, 2017.
Signing the consent form indicates permission to publish abstracts and posters on the college website.
6. Participate in the Honors and Research Scholars poster session and award ceremony
Wednesday, May 3                        Honors and Research Scholars Poster Presentation
11-4 PM                                                           Atrium Ground & First Floor
Thursday, May 4                            Awards ceremony will begin at 12:30 PM
10-3 PM                                                           Atrium Amphitheater
7. Be a full-time student in good academic standing (exceptional part-time students are eligible for a $250 stipend for 25 hours of work with their mentors and attend all workshops).
To optimize the number of mentors available to students and to ensure a proper depth of focus on
scholarly work, Emerging Scholars are limited to ONE research project per semester. Undergraduate research stipends are not available to those receiving stipends from another project although they may participate in the program.  Faculty mentors involving multiple students on a project should distinguish the expected roles to be performed by each student on the Pre-Research Application (PREA).
*Due to restrictions in funding, students must be US citizens or permanent residents (they must have a social security number) to receive the stipend. They must be recommended by a faculty member into the program, and be in good academic standing, i.e. not placed on academic probation. In order to be paid, a W-9 and Reimbursement Request forms must be completed and submitted with the rest of the application. Allow 6-8 weeks for processing the stipend payments. To ensure timely delivery, please verify that the college has your correct address on file. At the Awards Ceremony, you will receive a certificate for your accomplishments.
Program websites:
Emerging Scholars:
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Prof. Hamid Norouzi (undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu). Thank you for considering this opportunity for our students.
Hamid Norouzi
Hamid Norouzi, PhD , P.E. 
Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Research

New York City College of Technology, CUNY

300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY11201

718 260 5410
Personal Website
Doctoral Faculty 
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY10016
Graduate Center Webpage

CFP, win17 CUR Quarterly: Innovative Learning Spaces That Promote Undergraduate Research

CFP, win17 CUR Quarterly: Innovative Learning Spaces That Promote Undergraduate Research

deadline for submissions:
January 6, 2017
full name / name of organization:
Elizabeth Foxwell / Council on Undergraduate Research
contact email:

New approaches and designs for learning spaces on college campuses that are intended to encourage group work and active learning also provide great environments for undergraduate research. These innovative spaces can be found in libraries, residence halls, and student unions in addition to renovated classrooms and academic buildings.

Four to five articles of 2000 to 3500 words each are sought that share how campuses have deployed new learning-space designs to promote and support undergraduate research. The editors are interested in learning about how the learning-space designs were created and implemented, and how they affect student learning and outcomes. In addition, shorter vignettes (300 words) are invited that offer succinct descriptions of approaches that have worked for specific learning spaces or programs.

Some examples of topics of interest are the following:

–          How was the new learning space design achieved? What was the motivation and purpose for the design? How has it benefited undergraduate research in specific disciplines and/or across disciplines?
–          How do faculty members utilize new learning spaces to support undergraduate research? What are the benefits and challenges for faculty members and students?
–          What approaches are faculty and staff members using to assess the impact of new learning environments on student achievement and outcomes?
–          What have been the impacts of a new learning space on participation in undergraduate research across campus and/or in specific disciplines? What new partnerships have been formed, and how have they benefited student inquiry?
–          Has the availability of innovative learning spaces helped to increase participation in undergraduate research by traditionally underserved students and/or by students in majors with little prior participation?

Submission Details. Submit a 300- to 500-word prospectus, describing the focus of the proposed article or vignette. Please indicate in the prospectus whether the proposed piece is an article or a vignette. Invited authors will be notified by January 20, 2017. Final manuscripts will be due by March 13, 2017. All articles undergo peer review.

Spring Research Mixer this Wednesday!

Calling all researchers and future researchers! The Undergraduate Research Committee hosts a research mixer each semester to help students and faculty meet to hear about the exciting research conducted within the City Tech community and to plan for future partnerships.

The Research Mixer will take place this Wednesday, May 4th, from 3-5pm in Namm 119.

Image: Researcher Mixer Spring 2016 Flyer

Participate in current research study

Interested in participating in research (described below) conducted at the CUNY Graduate Center? Anyone interested may contact:  secondgeneration@gc.cuny.edu


Our study aims to offer new evidence into the nature of language change in the Spanish speaking community of New York City. In the first session, participants will listen to Spanish sentences while we measure the brain’s reactions using ERPs (Event Related Potentials). In the second session, participants will provide acceptability judgments about Spanish sentences. The ERP procedure involves wearing a sensor cap during the experiment and is completely non-invasive.

**Participants must meet the following selection criteria:**

First Generation Spanish Speakers


Second Generation Spanish Speakers

• 18 – 50 years old

• 18 – 50 years old

• Came to the US after age 18

• Born in the US or arrived before age 8

• Born and raised in Spanish-speaking Latin American country

• Parents born and raised in Cuba, Dominican Republic, or Puerto Rico

Participants who meet the selection criteria after screening will be paid $80 for completion of the study.

Total expected time commitment: 4 hours (over 2 sessions)

Testing will take place at:

The Graduate Center
City University of New York
365 Fifth Ave. (between 34th & 35th)

New York, New York 10016

For further information, please contact:

Gita Martohardjono (Principal Investigator) Second Language Acquisition Laboratory The Graduate Center, CUNY

secondgeneration@gc.cuny.edu or (212) 817-8525

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of CUNY Graduate Center.

Research in the Classroom: Idea Grant


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is offering grants that will be awarded on a competitive basis to fund innovative ideas for incorporating authentic research projects into the undergraduate curriculum. Successful projects will be implemented into new or existing courses and must incorporate a researchable aim. For the purposes of this competition, authentic research is defined as a plan for seeking answers to a research question for which the outcome is unknown. The research question should be based on the expertise of the PI, and should involve the development of new avenues of inquiry.

For additional information, guidelines, and contact information, see the Research in the Classroom: Idea Grant page.