Spring 2025 Workshops

Undergraduate researchers, new or returning, participating in any research program must attend four workshops. If you have already completed all workshops and do not wish to participate in them again please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi, undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu, SUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.

Presenting Yourself Online
Focuses on how students can create and maintain a professional and/or academic online presence. City Tech’s OpenLab team supports students developing a presence on online spaces including their OpenLab sites during their academic career and even into their job search post-graduation.
Profs. Rosen and ReitzMarch 11, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Research Types and Methods Panel
Before beginning your research project, you need to decide how to design a study. This workshop will give you a brief overview of various types of research using field surveys, secondary data analysis, and laboratory experiments.
Profs. Gregory, Kim, and ParveenMarch 13, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Being a Professional
Students will learn about professionalism and strategies to develop from varied perspectives.
Profs. Davide and WalljasperMarch 14, 3-4 PM Online Registration
Using OpenLab Sites for Research Projects
City Tech’s OpenLab team supports student researchers by showing how to communicate about and display research via open platforms such as OpenLab and CUNY Academic Commons.
Profs. Rosen and ReitzMarch 20, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Academic Works for Student Posters
Adding your poster to CUNY Academic Works creates a unique, permanent link for your resume, CV, and graduate school application.
Prof. BergerMarch 25, 4-5 PM Online Registration
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Learn how to use the library and Google Scholar to find sources for your poster and general strategies for the literature review.
Prof. Leonard

Prof. Berger
March 27, 1-2 PM L540 (Library Eclassroom)

March 27, 4-5 PM Online Registration
SPSS #1 Consort Diagrams
The first session of the SPSS Workshop Series will delve into the intricacies of consort diagrams – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation. Students from all majors are welcome to attend.

Students will need to read the freely available, selected article below in advance of our session. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications
Prof. GurungMarch 28, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Grad School Research Workshop 
Thinking about Graduate School? This workshop will cover the essential things you need to know before applying. Learn how to research degree programs, internship offerings, and funding opportunities. Various application components including GRE, recommendation letters, personal statements, and portfolios or work samples will be introduced. Participants will also have the opportunity to reflect on their own expectations for graduate school.
Prof. AlmeidaApril 2, 2-3 PM L540 (Library Eclassroom)
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Students will learn about abstracts: what they are and how they are used. They will also learn the necessary elements to writing an abstract and go through a series of exercises in small groups to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful abstracts.
Profs. Garcia and WongApril 3, 1-2 PM Online Registration

April 3, 4-5 PM Online Registration
SPSS #2 Creating Tables and Exploring Associations between Two Variables
The second session of the SPSS Workshop Series will explore the nuances of demographic, clinical characteristics, and bivariate analyses tables – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation. Students from all majors are welcome to attend. 
Students will need to read the freely available, selected article below in advance of our session. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications
Prof. GurungApril 4, 1-2 PM Online Registration 
Demystifying and Managing Citations  Students will learn more about why they need to cite sources for their poster and gain awareness of why citation is a powerful and meaningful practice. We cover different kinds of sources, necessary knowledge needed to properly cite a source, and will also showcase Zotero, a free tool for formatting and managing references (citations).Prof. BergerApril 9, 4-5 PM Online Registration
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
Create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.
AtoLApril 10, 1-2 PM Online Registration

April 10, 4-5 PM Online Registration
SPSS #3  Creating Tables and Exploring Associations between Multiple Variables for Scientific Journal Articles
The third session of the SPSS Workshop Series will explore the nuances of multivariable analyses tables – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation.  Students from all majors are welcome to attend.
Students will need to read the freely available, selected article below in advance of our session. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications
Prof. GurungApril 11, 1-2 PM Online Registration 
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Understand the purpose of a scientific research poster; learn important layout principles and components to create and present effective research posters.  Please register before midnight on April 23, 2024. Registrations submitted after this deadline cannot be guaranteed approval.
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and Xiao April 24 1-2 PM Online Registration

April 24 4-5 PM L540 (Library Eclassroom)

Photo credit: “Workshop” by Daniel Mee via Flickr under the license CC BY 2.0.

Fall 2024 Workshops

Undergraduate researchers must attend four workshops. Returning researchers must complete four workshops. If you have already completed all workshops and do not wish to participate in them again please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi, undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu SUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.

Zotero for Undergraduate Researchers
Students will learn how to use Zotero, a powerful tool for formatting and managing references (citations), for their posters and other projects including reports, research papers, and presentations. Please download Zotero and create your account before the workshop.
Prof. BergerOct. 9, 4-5 PMOnline
Being a Professional
Students will learn about professionalism and strategies to develop from varied perspectives.
Profs. Davide and WalljasperOct 10, 1:00-2:00 PMOnline
Research Types and Methods Panel
Before beginning your research project, you need to decide how to design a study. This workshop will give you a brief overview of various types of research using field surveys, secondary data analysis, and laboratory experiments.
Profs. Gregory, Rahman, and KimOct 15, 1:00-2:00 PMOnline
Presenting Yourself Online
Focuses on how students can create and maintain a professional and/or academic online presence. The OpenLab team supports students developing a presence on their OpenLab sites during their academic career at City Tech and even into their job search post-graduation.
Profs. Rosen and ReitzOct. 17, 1-2 PMOnline
Using OpenLab for Research Projects
The OpenLab team supports student researchers by showing how to communicate about and display research via OpenLab.
Profs. Rosen and ReitzOct. 24, 1-2 PMOnline
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Learn how to use the library and Google Scholar to find sources for your poster and general strategies for the literature review.
Location: L540 (Library Eclassroom)
Prof. LeonardOct. 31, 1:00-2:00 PMIn-Person
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Description: See above
Prof. BergerOct. 31, 4:00-5:00 PMOnline
Journal Club #1
Alcohol and substance use diagnoses among HIV-positive patients receiving care in NYC clinic settings.
Prof. GurungNov. 1, 1:00-2:00 PMOnline
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
Create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.
iTECNov. 6, 1:00-2:00 PMOnline
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
Create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.
iTECNov. 6, 4:00-5:00 PMOnline
Journal Club #2 
Marijuana and illicit drugs: Correlates of condomless anal sex among adolescent and emerging adult sexual minority men
Prof. GurungNov. 8, 1:00-2:00 PMOnline
Academic Works for Student Posters
Adding your poster to CUNY Academic Works creates a unique, permanent link for your resume, CV, and graduate school application.
Prof. BergerNov. 12, 4:00-5:00 PMOnline
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Students will learn about abstracts: what they are and how they are used. They will also learn the necessary elements to writing an abstract and go through a series of exercises in small groups to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful abstracts.
Profs. ElHitti, Garcia, and WongNov. 14, 1:00-2:00 PMOnline
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Description: See above
Profs. ElHitti, Garcia, and WongNov. 14, 4:00-5:00 PMOnline
Journal Club #3 
Examining recruitment strategies in the enrollment cascade of youth living with HIV: Descriptive findings from a nationwide web-based adherence protocol
Prof. GurungNov. 15, 2:00-3:00 PMOnline
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Understand the purpose of a scientific research poster; learn important layout principles and components to create and present effective research posters.
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and XiaoNov. 21, 1:00-2:00 PM
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Description: see above
Location: L540 (Library Eclassroom)
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and XiaoNov. 21, 4:00-5:00 PM

Photo credit: “Workshop” by Daniel Mee via Flickr under the license CC BY 2.0.

Apply to be a HASTAC Scholar!

Calling all students: This is a great opportunity to network with students from other institution and disciplines and to engage in academic discussions at the convergence of technology, arts, humanities, and sciences. Students also have the opportunity to share their research in a very welcoming environment. Please note: you will need a faculty mentor to sponsor your fellowship.

Calling all mentors: consider recommending your student researchers apply to become a HASTAC Scholar, and work with them as their mentor.

See below for information from HASTAC, then Apply by October 31.

pink and white graphic that reads:
Scholars Fellowship + Program
HASTAC Scholars Application

HASTAC Scholars Application 2023

Join a New Generation of Innovative Scholars – Apply for the 2023-2025 HASTAC Scholars Program!

HASTAC Scholar Applications Are Open! Apply by October 31, 2023. 

HASTAC Scholars brings together dynamic graduate and undergraduate students pushing boundaries in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. 

The HASTAC Scholars initiative constitutes an inventive, student-centric community comprising both graduate and undergraduate participants. Annually, a fresh cohort of approximately 100 Scholars is welcomed into the program for a span of 2 years. These Scholars represent diverse academic backgrounds, drawing from a multitude of disciplines, and their affiliations span more than 200 colleges and universities, ranging from intimate liberal arts institutions to expansive research-centric establishments.

Emerging HASTAC Scholars will actively contribute to the development of a vibrant collective that operates at the convergence of technology, arts, humanities, and sciences. Through a plethora of engagements, they will foster this vibrant community – hosting online dialogues, coordinating collaborative book reviews, crafting insightful blog entries, showcasing their research and passions via the HASTAC Scholar Spotlight, participating in Digital Fridays, and undertaking a myriad of other enriching activities.

As a HASTAC Scholar, you will:

  • Connect with scholars globally to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and form new networks
  • Showcase your research through blog posts, videos, interviews, and spotlight features 
  • Organize and lead discussions on academic texts, tools, and critical issues in your field
  • Conceptualize new digital projects and pedagogies and receive feedback from peers
  • Help shape programming that fits your needs and interests as an emerging scholar
  • Gain access to resources and opportunities available exclusively to HASTAC Scholars

We (HASTAC) welcome students from all disciplines who want to rethink higher education and work towards more equitable systems. Every HASTAC Scholar contributes uniquely – we can’t wait to see how you will lead and build community. 

In recognition of our partnership with The Graduate Center at CUNY, we are pleased to announce that CUNY students will be exempt from inscription fees.

If you have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out to hastacscholars@gmail.com. The 2023-2025 cohort application deadline is October 31, 2023. Selected scholars will participate from December 1, 2023, to October 31, 2025. 

Explore past scholars’ work, then join us! Apply by October 31.

Let’s work together to drive change as the next generation of HASTAC Scholars. We look forward to your application!

Undergraduate Research Mixer 9/21

Yes, you can be a paid researcher!
Come to the 27th semi-annual Research Mixer
Learn more about exciting research opportunities at this virtual event
Thursday, September 21st, 12:30-2:00PM
(Zoom LInk, QR Code)
All faculty and students welcome
Sponsored by City Tech's Undergraduate Research Committee (names listed) and the Black Male Initiative Program

You are invited to the 27th semi-annual Research Mixer on Thursday, September 21, 2023, from 12:30 – 2:00PM, hosted by the Undergraduate Research Committee and the Black Male Initiative (BMI) Program.  Each semester, the Research Mixer brings together faculty and student researchers who share an interest in mentoring and fostering collaboration.  This virtual event is also an opportunity to find out about the various research resources and opportunities that City Tech offers. Full-time and part-time faculty from all departments and majors are welcome. Please share this announcement with your colleagues, students, and classmates. 

The Research Mixer will commence with short presentations followed by time for faculty and student networking. 

  • Opening Remarks by Associate Provost Reginald Blake 
  • Research and Internship Opportunities (ESP, JLM RISE, C2SMARTER, CRSP, LSAMP, ReSESS, BMI, CSTEP) 
  • NSF Funded Opportunities (GeoPaths-UP, REU, S-STEM) 
  • Networking Session (Faculty introductions of their research projects)

Workshops: Spring 2023 Schedule

Untitled by Michael Dain via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Welcome to the Spring 2023 Workshop Series! New participating undergraduate researchers must attend four workshops. Returning researchers must complete four workshops. If you have already completed all workshops and do not wish to participate in them again, please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi, undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu — 
SUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.

Presenting Yourself Online
Focuses on how students can create and maintain a professional and/or academic online presence. The OpenLab team supports students developing a presence on their OpenLab sites during their academic career at City Tech and even into their job search post-graduation.
Online Registration
Prof. Rosen + OpenLab TeamT March 7, 1:00-2:00 PM
Being a Professional
Students will learn about professionalism and strategies to develop from varied perspectives.
Online Registration
Profs. Davide and WalljasperTh March 9, 1:00-2:00 PM
Using OpenLab for Your Research Project
The OpenLab team supports student researchers by showing how to communicate about and display research via OpenLab.
Online Registration
Prof. Reitz + OpenLab TeamTh March 16, 1:00-2:00 PM
Research Types and Methods Panel
Before beginning your research project, you need to decide how to design a study. This workshop will give you a brief overview of various types of research using field surveys, secondary data analysis, and laboratory experiments.
Online Registration
Profs. Rahman and KimW March 22, 1:00-2:00 PM
CUNY CATS Time Management
Students will learn strategies for time management.
Location: P501 (Pearl)
BMI CUNY CATTh March 23, 1:00-2:00 PM
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Learn how to use the library and Google Scholar to find sources for your poster and general strategies for the literature review.
Location: L540 (Library Eclassroom)
Prof. PrinceW March 29, 1:00-2:00 PM
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Learn how to use the library and Google Scholar to find sources for your poster and general strategies for the literature review.
Online Registration
Prof. BergerW March 29, 4:00-5:00 PM
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Students will learn about abstracts: what they are and how they are used. They will also learn the necessary elements to writing an abstract and go through a series of exercises in small groups to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful abstracts.
Online Registration
Profs. ElHitti and GarciaTh March 30, 1:00-2:00 PM
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Students will learn about abstracts: what they are and how they are used. They will also learn the necessary elements to writing an abstract and go through a series of exercises in small groups to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful abstracts.
Online Registration
Profs. ElHitti and GarciaTh March 30, 4:00-5:00 PM
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
Create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.
Online Registration
iTECT April 4, 1:00-2:00 PM
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
Create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.
Online Registration
iTECT April 4, 4:00-5:00 PM
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Understand the purpose of a scientific research poster; learn important layout principles and components to create and present effective research posters.
Location: P501 (Pearl)
Profs. Alcendor and XiaoTh April 20, 1:00-2:00 PM
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Understand the purpose of a scientific research poster; learn important layout principles and components to create and present effective research posters.
Location: P501 (Pearl)
Profs. Alcendor and XiaoTh April 20, 4:00-5:00 PM
Academic Works for Student Posters
Adding your poster to CUNY Academic Works creates a unique, permanent link for your resume, CV, and graduate school application.
Online Registration
Prof. BergerTh April 27, 1:00-2:00 PM

Workshops Schedule, Fall 2022

Undergraduate researchers must attend four workshops. Returning researchers must complete four workshops. If you have already completed all workshops and do not wish to participate in them again, please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi, undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu — 
SUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.

Presenting Yourself Online
Prof. Rosen+OL TeamOct. 11, 3:30-4:30 PM
Being a Professional
Profs. Davide and WalljasperOct. 12, 1-2 PM
CUNY CATS time management
Workshop Link
BMI CUNY CATOct. 13, 1-2 PM
Using OpenLab for your Research Project
Profs. Reitz and Rosen+OL TeamOct. 18, 3:30-4:30 PM
Research Types and Methods Panel
Profs. Kim and RahmanOct. 20, 1-2 PM
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Prof. PrinceOct. 26, 1-2 PM
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Prof. BergerOct. 26, 4-5 PM
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Profs. ElHitti and Garcia + WAC FellowsOct. 27, 1-2 PM
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Profs. ElHitti and Garcia + WAC FellowsOct. 27, 4-5 PM
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
iTECNov. 3, 1-2 PM
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
iTECNov. 3, 4-5 PM
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and XiaoNov. 10, 1-2 PM
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and XiaoNov. 10, 4-5 PM
Academic Works for Student posters
Prof. BergerNov. 17, 1-2 PM
Journal Club 1: Is the association between adverse childhood experiences and later depression buffered by the trait of psychological flexibility? Students are required to read an article (see link) in advance of the meeting.
Prof. GurungNov. 2, 1-2 PM
Journal Club 2: Use of dried blood spots biosampling technology in predicting future viral breakthrough. Students are required to read an article (see link) in advance of the meeting.
Prof. GurungNov. 10, 11 AM-12 PM
Journal Club 3: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care continuum of youth living with HIV. Students are required to read an article (see link) in advance of the meeting.
Prof. GurungNov. 16, 1-2 PM

Research Mixer 2/24

From Associate Provost Reginald Blake:

Students, would you like to meet faculty mentors, learn about their research projects, and work with a faculty mentor on a research project?

Members of the faculty, would you like to engage City Tech students in your research projects as research mentees?  Would you like to meet a cohort of our best, our brightest, and our most promising students ?  

Are you interested in learning more about funded research opportunities at City Tech ?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then please join us virtually on Thursday, February 24, 2022 from 12:45 – 2:00 PM for the 24th semi-annual Research Mixer Event (via Zoom), hosted by City Tech’s Undergraduate Research Committee and the Black Male Initiative Program. You will not leave the session disappointed! Please share this invitation with faculty and students, and please encourage them to join in exploring the tremendous research resources that City Tech offers.

See you on Thursday, 2/24 !!

Workshops Schedule, Spring 2022

Undergraduate researchers must attend four workshops. Returning researchers must complete four workshops. If you have already completed all workshops and do not wish to participate in them again please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi, undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu — SUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.

All workshops are online for Spring 2022

Time Management
(Zoom link–no registration)
CUNY Creative Arts Team (CAT)March 10, 1-2 PM
Being a Professional
Profs. Gregory and WalljasperMarch 14, 12-1 PM
Presenting Yourself Online
The OpenLab TeamMarch 17, 1-2 PM
Research Types and Methods Panel
Profs. Gregory, Kim, and RahmanMarch 24, 1-2 PM
Advancing Library Research Techniques
(Registration for 1-2pm)
(Registration 4-5pm)
Profs. Berger and LeonardMarch 30, 1-2 PM
March 30, 4-5 PM
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
(Registration for 1-2pm)
(Registration for 4-5pm)
Profs. ElHitti and BannettMarch 31, 1-2 PM March 31, 4-5 PM
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
(Registration for 1-2pm)
(Registration for 4-5pm)
iTECApril 6, 1-2 PM April 6, 4-5 PM
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
(Registration for 1-2pm)
(Registration for 4-5pm)
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and XiaoApril 14 1-2 PM
April 14 4-5 PM
Academic Works for Student Posters
Prof. Berger April 26, 1-2 PM

May 28 Event: CRSP Town Hall on COVID and Global Equity

CUNY Research Scholars Program is offering an exciting program on May 28!
Register Here

COVID-19 Outbreak World Map per Capita
Raphaël Dunant, Gajmar (maintainer), CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

This town hall event, featuring speakers from Brazil, Egypt, Guatemala, Peru, South Africa, and the United States, will be of interest to undergraduate researchers and their mentors, particularly those interested in how the pandemic has affected people in less affluent countries as well as disadvantaged groups in the United States (for example, the incarcerated).
As rich countries vaccinate their populations and prepare to reopen, many poorer countries and vulnerable populations in the US are struggling for vaccine access. On Friday, May 28th, the CUNY Research Scholars Program (CRSP) will host a Town Hall event to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and global equity issues
This forum will consist of three panels and include speakers from Brazil, Egypt, Guatemala, Peru, South Africa, and the United States. The US speakers will address vaccine access issues among migrants at the US borders, people in US prisons and jails, and vulnerable populations in US cities.  Speakers will also address the gendered impacts of COVID-19, especially in Venezuela and Colombia
Please click here for an updated version of the flyer, which contains the schedule of panels, speaker bios, and a registration link.
An abbreviated version of the flyer is attached.
This event is free and open to everyone. Please circulate widely within your networks. All faculty, administrators, students, and members of the community are encouraged to attend.
We hope to see you on May 28th!