Ugly Duckling Presse is seeking to fillĀ two part-time paid apprenticeships to begin March 2019. Working closely with the UDP Collective, apprentices will undertake important and varied work while learning how a small press operates from every angle and helping to shepherd UDP titles through the editorial, production, and publicity process.
Apprentices play an essential role in running a small press on the day-to-day: from packaging and mailing books, preparing promotional materials, and website maintenance, to executing publicity initiatives and providing production assistance. However, apprenticesā tasks are not limited to in-house administration: they also contribute essential design and editorial work for a range of projects, and work with a high degree of creative and professional flexibility on self-guided projects. Ideal candidates will be exceptionally detail-oriented, organized, and able to self-direct in accordance with time sensitive schedules.
Apprentices must be communicative and open to constructive feedback, passionate about the arts and poetry in particular, and comfortable working in a fast-paced environment while juggling diverse responsibilities. We especially welcome applications from people of color, with disabilities, and of the LGBTQ community.
Apprentices commit to two days per week in the UDP studio, as well as assisting at occasional events, book fairs, and our open-house volunteer days. Apprenticeships are for 15 hours per week at $15/hour.
The yearlong term begins in March 2019. Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Sarah Lawson atĀ office@uglyducklingpresse.orgĀ by
February 11, 2019. Please indicate that you are applying for the March 2019 Apprenticeship in the subject line.