NYC Landmarks

It’s always an accomplishment for tourists when they visit NYC’s landmarks. You can easily spot a tourist by the way he or she is dressed to having a camera, and most definitely an NYC guide map in their hands.

Did you know there’s over one hundred landmarks in NYC? Yup, you heard right. That’s why when people tell me there’s nothing to do in NYC, I look at them like if they’re crazy. There’s always something to do here. From inexpensive to free activities.

I’m sure I meet the requirements of being a tourist(lol). At least that’s what my friends told me. They see that I always carry my camera with me or I may use my phone as a replacement. I think what really annoys them is that I suddenly stop at the most random places to take a picture.

a fountain with a statue of an angel a statue in front of a Gothic building tall city buildings a city skyline from a rooftop a large bridge The 9/11 memorial fountain pit the flatiron building the interior of Grand Central Station

The Best


a card that says "While you are working hard to become the best, remember the best is working hard to remain the best."

“That’s a quote that I live by.
It pushes me to to always strive for greatness no matter what.

Being a music artist and photographer it’s hard doing what we do because there are so many of us. So it’s hard to stand out from the rest, when everyone is so comfortable copying off of the next person. So I have to work hard to become better than all these people. But while I’m working to become the best at what I do I have to remember that there’s is already a “best” somewhere in the world holding that title and working their asses off to remain the best so it’s a constant battle to become better than before.”


Why I Started a Food Blog

I started blogging at the age of 14 and I’ve been doing it for 14 years. As you already know I am an active Yelper and have been an Elite member since 2011. I started using Yelp mostly because my sister noticed I like to eat a lot and said I should start writing reviews and it’s from that moment on that I started Yelp in July 2010.

A few years ago I started blogging just about life, but then my boyfriend told me that I should start a food blog – a blog about all things related to food and I thought he was crazy because it requires a lot of sweat, time, creativity, and content. Also what could I possibly blog about? I didn’t know anything about starting a food blog until I did my research, read other food blogs, and attended  a few social media marketing conferences.

a screenshot of a blog page

I started food blogging about five years ago, but I didn’t develop my current food blog: Ambitious Eats until June 2013 when I decided to bring my social media marketing, photography, and writing experience together. I love food and I love to write and share my experience with food and restaurants with others. Food makes me happy and it’s my passion. Besides just eating, taking pictures of it and posting it on Instagram – I’ve always wanted to take it a step further and share my experience in words on blogging.

I’m not looking to be a food blogging superstar or to be as famous as The Pioneer Woman, but in five years I hope my food blog will have a domain name, redesign my blog layout, be invited as a guest to restaurants to sample and blog about them, attend more blogging conferences, and just really bring together my social media and blogging skills together. I also would love to include more recipes because I feel I don’t do that enough and I should.

Do you have a blog and what do you like to blog about?


Virtues from Motherhood: The little things

Every year as our children get older and we do our best to provide for them and nourish their abilities, I wonder if we get too consumed with the cost of life instead of its riches. We as tend to get lost in how much car payments and tuition cost instead of reaping the benefits of the little things. When was the last time you woke up on a weekday morning and didn’t calculate the amount of time you had to get out the door, the amount left in your bank account after your bills get paid. We’re so quick to calculate but we forget to stop and appreciate those little moments that are so rich.

I watch Ava walk home from school on Fridays, skipping, bouncing and prancing along and of course the mom instinct is to tell her to be careful and not fall but the afterthought is that she prances along because life is one big wondrous dance for her. For Ava, Monday might be the start of another week but a week filled with laughter with friends and new adventures. Ava doesn’t know the adult checklist ritual, the phone-keys-wallet poem we sing to ourselves before we leave the house each day. She doesn’t know the money dance that I make my bank account do so all my expenses, especially hers, get covered. I am envious of her bliss sometimes but grateful that I am able to preserve it for her as best I can. I am thankful I don’t have to explain to her why she can’t have or do certain things, I’m glad I can provide her with a strong educational background and a family that loves her unconditionally. Though Ava and I can’t jet set off to islands or 5 star hotels, we can take trips to Disney with my family and we can have Mother- Daughter lunch dates. Those things to me mean more because they’re more personal, they’re filled with more love and laughter and they’re something she looks forward to. Sometimes when I come home early on a Friday Ava and I will walk to Starbucks for a hot chocolate and a cake pop, though it’s not much her excitement for it is real, her being able to order it herself and have a Starbucks cup like mommy does is something that makes her happy, for that I’m glad.

Eventually Ava will grow up and she probably won’t jump for joy when I say let’s go get some hot chocolate but I hope that she remembers the times she did and she remembers the fun we had doing it. The little things sometimes mean more than expensive toys, clothes or gadgets because those things come and go, they hold no significance in photos, and they don’t bring back feelings. So my advice to all moms, to all parents, is to take the little things and run with them. Take a trip to central park, to the Staten Island Ferry, to the local ice cream shop and just surprise your little one with something outside of the routine. I promise they’ll thank you endlessly for it and they will be so genuinely happy that they got to do something new that day and you will have that memory of that little grin in your head the next time you feel guilty about working late. Know that those little things make them smile when they are missing you too and that in the big scheme of things … everything will be alright.

The Reality of Food Racism

There is discrimination currently taking place in the culinary world. One that believes or suggests that chefs should only cook food that is within their own ethnic groups in order to be culturally just. Many believe that chefs should never venture from their realm of cuisine because their palate is best designed towards that genre of food. This has led to uproar and racial disagreement on what chefs can specifically cook for a living in a respectful manner.

This controversy more specifically surrounds Rick Bayless, an Oklahoman chef who has built an entire career around cooking Mexican style food. While many support Bayless and respect his love of cooking an array of Mexican delicacies, some are completely against how he is profiting from a world of food that is in no relation to him as they feel that it is a form of privilege to the Caucasian race.

Rick Bayless plating a meal

Image by: Adam Goldberg

Many, unfortunately, still disagree with Bayless because they believe that the profit that he has made from cooking Mexican food for a living is exceeding more than a Mexican would make while cooking their cuisine. He has become highly criticized for his style of cooking as many feeling that he should not be able to be proficient in his career of cooking from a completely different race of cuisine.

Yet, it still seems racist to disapprove of Bayless because of his race despite his passion for Mexican cuisine although it may question the validity of the authenticity of his food, he still has a right to cook whatever food that he wants to cook. I feel that he is only being swarmed with this backlash because it involves a minority because I have seen a variety of cultures be able to work, cook, and serve French food and no one has questioned the authenticity of it. It is frustrating that in every aspect of our lives, we are unfortunately faced with racism because we are not accepting towards diversity instead we are almost frightened by it. So we argue and make stereotypical guidelines for what seems correct or normal in order to not offend or immense ourselves in a world that accepts everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, et cetera because it feels easier to exclude than to include.

Comment below on your stance on this culinary scandal regarding renowned chef Rick Bayless.

Emotional Intelligence – Why Is It So Important?

the cover of a book called "Tom Norman: Emotional Intelligence" with a photo of a woman from the back in a cornfield, her arms raised

Image Credit

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. What I find so amazing is that some people are born with it and some people learn it along the way. Although some researchers say you either have it or you don’t.

The following excerpt by Jessica Cambridge and Tom Norman discusses the importance of emotional intelligence:

Chapter 1: An Overview on Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (also known as EQ) is the person’s ability to manage, use, identify and understand emotions in optimistic ways to overcome struggles, have compassion with others, resolve conflict, relieve stress and communicate effectively. EQ creates an impact in various aspects of our lives, such as the way we behave and interact with other people.

If you have a high EQ, you can recognize your own emotional state as well as others. Your EQ serves as your level of understanding the emotional aspect of relating with people in order to establish genuine relationships, achieve greater success at work and live a more fulfilling life.

Why EQ Is Very Important?

As we all know, it’s not only the smartest people that are the most fulfilled and successful in life. Perhaps you know someone who is 100% academically-inclined but he or she doesn’t know how to value personal relationships. Having intellectual intelligence (or IQ) is not enough to become successful in life. An above average IQ can get you to college – true! But in the end it’s your EQ that will help you handle the emotions, anxiety and stress of college life especially during examinations.

Emotional intelligence affects:

Your relationship with others – By controlling and understanding your emotions, you’ll be able to express how you understand and feel the emotions coming from your family, friends and work colleagues. Also, this allows you to communicate with them more effectively and develop a meaningful work and personal life.

  • Your mentality – Unmanaged stress creates impact in your mentality, making you susceptible to depression and anxiety. If you cannot manage or understand your emotions, there is a good chance that you will suffer from mood swings which can ruin work or personal relationships and leave you feeling isolated.
  • Your physical being – If you are unable to overcome stress, this can lead to severe health problems. Unmanaged stress speeds up the aging process, contributes to infertility, raises blood pressure, suppresses the body’s immune system and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. In line with this, the crucial step to improving your EQ is by learning how to manage stress levels in your body.
  • Your work performance – Having an EQ helps you shove the social complexities of your workplace, lead and encourage workmates and most importantly, excel in your performance. Today, most companies view emotional intelligence as important as their employees’ technical ability hence they require EQ tests when hiring.

Personally, I think that emotional intelligence can be developed and that we can train out minds to think in a rational way. That means, taking time to think things through before acting.

Exploring Manhattan Bridge

When I resided in New York one of my goals was to walk on all the bridges that is pedestrians accessible. With my love for photography, I was even more determine to complete my goal. Which I have. I often ask myself which is my favorite bridge and my answer is always Brooklyn Bridge but I’m not entirely sure because I love them all; each are unique in its own way.

Of all the bridges I’ve walked, My first time walking the Manhattan Bridge was a bit scary but still exhilarating at the same time. I used the term scary because while walking on the bridge you can actually feel the tremors from the wind and whenever the trains passes by.

Question: Have you been on any of the bridges? How was your experience?


a city skyline


a wire mesh-fence enclosed walkway on a bridge


a river backed by a city skyline, and white fluffy clouds in a blue sky


a city skyline and river's edge, as seen through a hole in a wire mesh fence


a young man of color in a white hat, kneeling in front of a sidewalk drawing of a black floral shape, on a bridge walkway



a city skyline with a bridge over a river


city traffic at sunset




To see the world

a card that says "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. - Walter Mitty; that is the purpose of life"

“I ran away from my problems for 6 days. It felt great. It did. I genuinely smiled and laughed and get to be myself again. I was happy. It was the greatest feeling ever. you know what society does to you? It takes away all those things from you. It is really important to recharge and feel what it means to be you again. You know? I may not have the solutions to my problems, I may still be lost, but I am certain that I found myself once again. 🙂 I am so thankful and humbled that I’ve met lotsa great like-minded people in this journey and never have I experienced any negativity from anyone. This is what I was looking for. Iceland happens to be one of the happiest countries (they’re 2nd) in the world. And I’m glad I came. Walter Mitty: To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.”


My Favorite Places to Eat in Brooklyn

I’m a lifelong resident of Brooklyn and every day there’s always a new place to eat or drink that’s opening up in Brooklyn and everywhere else. As a lifelong resident of Brooklyn, I would like to share with you my favorite places to eat here and why. Hope you’ll feel inspired to try these if you happen to be in Brooklyn.

plates of sushi and salads

There’s a lot of Japanese restaurants nearby where I live, but my favorite one is about a 10-15 minute walk and it’s called Samurai Fusion Sushi which is in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. I like going to Samurai Fusion Sushi because they have a variety of sushi rolls to pick from and they are very fresh and tasty. The restaurant isn’t very big, but it feels very calm and relaxing to eat there. The food here isn’t crazy expensive either.

outside of a cafe with pictures of food dishes

One of my favorite brunch spots is Cafe Luluc (not too far from school, located in Cobble Hill). I usually come on the weekends when I want to go to Cafe Luluc and there’s always a line especially around 10AM-1PM, so brace yourself. However, the line and wait usually moves quick. I’ve only been here for brunch and their brunch is pretty good, top notch. Their pancakes are soft, fluffy, and tasty and I highly recommend it. Just an FYI, this restaurant is cash ONLY.


Prince Tea House opened its second location in Brooklyn last year and I was so excited to try it out. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. Prince Tea House isn’t a restaurant, but it is a tea house and they are best known for their teas of course, light desserts, and snacks. There’s a bit of a wait at night, but if you’re looking for a pleasant experience with tea and snacks, this is your place. I highly recommend the Lady M’s Mille Green Tea Crepe cake, it is literally layers of green tea deliciousness and perfectly moist!

plates of savory food

Dinosaur Bar-B-Que is one of the newer restaurants in Brooklyn and one of the few BBQ restaurants here in Brooklyn. I absolutely love coming here all year round. Their food is top notch especially their chili , brisket, and mac-n-cheese! I’ve also done catering from here for family dinners and food was cooked just right. Never a disappointment here.

seafood dishes

Another favorite restaurant of mine is Mussels & More which I have briefly mentioned in past posts on The Buzz. Last year, I was on a total seafood and mussels binge. I’ve been to Mussels & More a few times and the food and service never disappoints. If you love seafood or mussels, this is the spot to check out. You don’t have go very far for good quality seafood dishes. Their mussels are excellent and come in a variety of flavors and broth.

Well that’s a few of my favorite places to eat in Brooklyn. If you have any questions regarding the places I’ve mentioned, please let me know.

What are your favorite places to eat near where you live? 

Things I want my Daughter to know: Why I have to be the bad cop sometimes


They say a daughter is a best friend for life, someone you will always have. While this is true and you’re the best thing life could have ever given me, remember before I am your friend, I am your mother. As your mother, there will be times that you think I’m being unreasonable, unfair or controlling but understand these choices come from a place of love. My biggest fear is that you might endure harm or hurt as a result of something that was my job to protect you from. You view the world through unbiased and pure eyes and I want to preserve that as long as I possibly can, but sadly the world in which we live can be dangerous and disheartening. So when I say no you can’t go over to so and so’s house it’s not because I don’t want you to have friends, it’s because I don’t know that person’s house, their family or who you may encounter there. The world you’re growing up in is far different from the world I grew up in and an entirely new world from the one that your grandparents remember, people are not always who they appear to be and sometimes innocence is viewed as a weakness. I will always fiercely protect you and that starts with knowing who and what crosses your path.

There are times, even now at seven years old, that you think I’m being unfair or asking too much of you but I assure you it’s only because I know you are capable. Last week you came home with both a math and spelling test with a grade in the 60 percent range, the week before you scored 102% on your spelling test. I was upset with the scores and as a result you lost 15 minutes on your bedtime for an entire week much to your dismay. You complained and groaned while telling me you didn’t know the material, but I know you did and I know when you’ve stopped trying or never started. You see my lovely daughter you are a part of me, you carry traits that I myself have or have had and I know your moves before you make them. It’s funny (well, not really) that when I sit at parent teacher conferences and the teacher tells me “Ava could do so much better if she applied herself” I am reminded of the days when I was in your seat and your grandma was in mine. I know what it’s like to just generally loathe a subject or task and do it reluctantly because it is required of you that is why when it comes to math, I just ask that you do your best and bring home at least a 75%. In other subjects, ones that you’re more than capable in, I expect an 80 or better and you know this, in fact you’re able to tell me when you think you’re getting less than that. I know you’re talented, smart and more than able in most all subjects and I only push you to do better because you can, because I want you to recognize your abilities. I don’t push you because I like to memorize 20 spelling words a weeks or because I enjoy calculating peculiar common core math problems. I do it because I want you to take pride in your intelligence.

You might view me as the “bad cop” for now or until you’re out of your teenage rebellion phase, and I’m okay with that. It took me many years to realize my own mother was not Cruella Deville but a mother trying to guide her daughter on the right path of life. I disagreed, defied, ignored and drove my mother insane from ages 16-22 because I was too wound up in the rhythm of my own drum to realize I wasn’t playing a song, just making noise. Now that I’m older I see that she was right about most things and that because I was mad at the messenger I wasn’t listening to the message. At the age of 25, I have accomplished most of the things I had set out to do when I was 20 but my own blinders slowed me down. I anticipate that because you’re so strong willed and outgoing, and because you’re my child, that you will experience similar phases and anger towards me and my guidance, in fact I’m preparing for it. Just know that even when I seem crazy that there is a method to my madness and that madness is driven by my fierce and powerful love for you and no matter how old you get I will always have “bad cop” moments.
