Get Your Head Out Your Butt and Put It High

a woman of color wearing a shawl and purple booties

Are you, or someone you know, insecure? Do you, or someone you know, feel most happy when all attention is on you? Do you, or someone you know, seek to discredit others and their relationship to find self-worth? If you answered yes to any of the previous statements then I have unprofessionally diagnosed you with low self-esteem and you need to seek therapy or start to love yourself a bit more.

I am unsure who is to blame for the lack of self-love that I come across on individuals. Is it the parents, whether neglectful or having enabling characters? Is it the individual, their lack of experiences or stubbornness to change? Either way IT DOES NOT MATTER. As a person, one must “find” themselves eventually. With finding oneself one shall LOVE ONESELF. I do not mean latching on a group, drowning in music, or seeking religion just to make yourself feel better or to find an excuse for your F’d up ways.

Unfortunately, I do not have a concrete answer. Heck, life isn’t concrete! But I do wish to bring awareness to the lack of self-love and bitterness that is within people. These same people carry hatred in their hearts and make it spread like wildfire, which inevitably cause things like war, slavery, provocative youth, suicide etc.  I am no genius but I am pretty sure hate and Donald Trump supporters are directly proportional. And for a little laugh, I dare you guys to go to .

QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Do you agree or disagree? Why/Why not?

All Work & No Play Makes Anyone Dull 😴

One of my favorite idioms state:

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull  boy

I believe strongly in it and I have been a victim of over work by choice. In the following video I brush on three topics

  1. Don’t Work too Hard
  2. Dont Play to Hard
  3. Make the most out of a situation, specifically vacations

look out for images from the trip via Facebook: Amoni AB B or Instagram: @amonib1

QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Have you experienced over working or over playing? | How do you make the most out of your vacations? | If you went to California before, tell me where I should go.


Timing is Everything – 5 Steps To Be On Time

You are told that unless you arrive at a location by 6:00 am on the dot, and not a minute more, your favorite person will be slaughtered. You arrive at 6:01 running in to find a pool of blood and no one in sight. Is it your fault?a pool of blood on a wood floorimage credit

I know the scenario is dramatic, but timing can be sensitive. I’ve had my times where I double booked, cut things close, or arrived late due to outside sources. How ever, I still consider it my fault. Maybe blogging can help me outline some problems. There must be a way to assure timing. Let’s see…

  1. When setting appointments make room for any occurrences. You never know if the train will mess up, which usually happens because the universe is messing with you for not being prepared.
  2. Yes, being prepared will definitely aid to timing. Days before figure out your route and possible complications, know your attire, set out prepped clothing, add the appointment to your agenda, and what ever else.
  3. Maybe it’s timing on when telling someone something, like a giving a heads up to your life partner about coming home late or going out. If that’s the case don’t wait till the last-minute or after the event happens. This will cause the other person to feel duped or unimportant. This also goes for being a no-show at work or school.
  4. When you have little time and a group project must get done, for example two cousins preparing for an event, remembering TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK. Having someone to help means you can be two places at ones and divide tasks. Looking back on a recent event, while Indiyah, my sister-cousin, was getting her makeup done I could have gotten the shoes to save time.
  5. And always understand “Early is on time and on time is late.” A saying I learned while in my NEW training. Which means, if you have to be somewhere at 6:00 am, act like you really have to be there 5:45 or earlier. Sometimes I trick myself when setting appointments and alarms by putting an earlier time.

QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: how do you stay on time/ early? | How does it make you feel when someone tell you news in an untimely fashion? | As an employer how do you feel about lateness and absences?

I post every Monday. In the meantime check out these post:

5 Steps to Start A Business 

7 Steps to Run a Marathon 

8 Steps Towards a Happy Life

5 Steps to Start a Business

Thinking of starting a business or just curious? Maybe you’ll end up using the information to help someone else.

I starting hosting seminars again under my company Vive Entertainment Enterprises Corporation, a service and educational non-profit. I also perform free mentoring through the state: Amoni B NYC. Last Saturday we, my business associates and I, spoke on how to start a business and did a Q/A for those who came or called in.

young women of color sitting at a table

Here are 5 steps to start yours:

  1. Turn Your hobby Into Your Money Stream: whether you have a job or not, you can turn most passions into a business. Perhaps you love to sew, talk or eat. That can turn into being a fashion designer, event host, or food network executive. Maybe not an exec, but a restaurant owner. Either way, take time to ideate on what you can do with your talent or hobby (sometimes you many not be as good as you think but keep motivated and hire others ).
  2. Solve A Problem: You do not need to reinvent the wheel! But make sure there is a market for your business. No one wants to see 5 Salad Bars in a 5 block radius, nor will each one make enough money. Heck, there is competition at the two located in Rockefeller Center. How ever if there is none, there is an opening for what you want to do. Whether you solve your own problem of wanted salad near your home or solving the problem of giving healthy choice options for your neighborhood, you may succeed.
  3. Know When To Be Selfish: This point actually came to me in a dream. I’m always doing for others and sometimes I neglect my needs and wants. If you want to be successful you must be a little selfish. Save your money for your business goals, don’t use what you need to give to your always begging little cousin. Take time out for yourself and try to be too consumed in either direction. Most of all don’t let distractions deter you from the bigger picture.
  4. Training Tuesday Will Land the Deal Monday: No matter what you do, you will need to do research and development. You can’t expect to open a winter accessories cart on the street of Miami if you haven’t looked into the weather. You must plan according to the facts. Ask yourself: What is my target market? What problems will I solve? What and where is my competition? Will I make money, how? What do I have to do before actually starting? Does it make sense? …. You see where I am going with this. Don’t forget to take seminars, ask for help, and shadow people doing what you want to do.
  5. Get Those Documents In Order: It’s simple, based on what you need to do you will need to get incorporated, next  get a tax ID, and after understand the licenses your business needs and apply for them. Maybe it’s just simply stated . If you need help use these free services.


QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE:  Is there anything you looking for help doing? | In need of entertainment services, technical assistance or business help?


Make sure to check out my last post, and stay tuned for my posts every Monday

Is That Any of Your Business?

There is an uprise in new buildings and you neighbors are being scammed and removed from their homes. You are in a stable home.  Is your surroundings any of your business?

It occurred to me that the younger generations aren’t as involved with their environment as they should be. I don’t mean knowing everyone in their building, knowing the name of the guy at the corner store or being at every “mix.” We…. yes I am only 24 so I sorta am considered to be apart of said generation… We need to know more about what is happening in our community as well as being more accountable for the actions of those who reside or try to take over it

Seeing my social responsibility and drive to help others, two elders of Linden Houses, on separate occasions, asked me to be apart of a few community events. Because I had a lot on my plate I declined. That was two years ago and I regret it. Now I am trying to be on my community board and help out the gentrifying east New York community. I want to save the essence of the neighborhood and keep my community looking the same and stop the several evictions, removals, scams, and making the neighborhood unaffordable. I am also looking to be part of my community board, where at lived most of my life, Brooklyn cb5.

I am telling all of you to find you local community board and to at least go to a few meetings per year. Get involved. Know what is happening, especially if it’s going to damage or enhance your current community. It may end up affecting you somehow.

Here is images from the last community meeting on public safety, rezoning, and more

speakers with an audience a speaker with an audience a speaker with an audience a speaker with an audience

QUESTION TO THE AUDIENCE: Now I ask you….. Would you take responsibility or will you ignore what is going on around you?


Stay tuned next week to read 5 steps on How to Start a Business

A Charitable Winter

As an afterschool teacher, I taught my 4:5th grade students to importance of generosity, empathy, and thankfulness during the fall and winter months.  Although it is a struggle to get them to learn tolerance and that there are various forms of bullying to withhold from, they seen to be getting the charitable concept.

We will be doing a play, written and directed by me, this week on 18th of December to show the thankfulness and charity of the holiday season. I will edit this blog to add images of the performance. Here are some images leading up to this point, as far as prep and learning concepts.

Share what you are doing that’s charitable this winter. And check out Vive Entertainment Enterprises @vive_ent they are hosting a homeless clothing drive.

Hope to see you guys next semester.


I show and tell how to get beauty on a budget. This one is not just for the ladies. Guys, you can also do buy inexpensive items or get free products too! (i.e.: skin care, body wash, razors. Check out the tips….

Questions to the Viewers: What are other ways to be frugal? | Has anyone tried my method and have something to share?

7 Steps to Run a Marathon – Congratulations, TCS New York City Marathon Winners!

On November 1, 2015 about 50,000 people traveled from Staten Island through Brooklyn and ended in Manhattan for the annual TCS NYC Marathon. This 45 year old marathon started as the Central Park race, it has grown exponentially being open to anyone over 18. Let’s congratulate the running and wheelchair race winners:

Mary Kietanya woman running a marathon

a man running a marathonStanley Biwott

a man running a marathon in a three-wheeled wheelchaira man running a marathon in a three-wheeled wheelchair




Tatianna McFadden

Ernst van Dyk





Here is 7 steps to prepare for participating in the upcoming marathons:

  1. Check and monitor your health: You should know your capabilities. Check in with your physician and make sure your are able to participate. If you aren’t in shape ask what you can do to perform at your best.
  2. Do research: Explore the marathon. Make sure you know the time you have to finish the race and and the route in which you will take. Know the course, what will be provided, and the map in and out. Sometime if you go in groups or with an organization you will be able to be sponsored or ask for donations for your supplies, time off and training. Now, after you register for the event months to a year in advance lets finish to prepare.
  3. Dress for the part: You don’t have to get the most expensive brand clothing and running shoes, however, they must have good quality. You need to be able to have items that will be able to sustain weather conditions, which includes the environment and the sweat and heat from your body. Your clothing should be able to handle the stress while you train and race on the day of your marathon run or roll. If you buy something and it messes up soon after, return it and consider reading reviews before purchasing over the advice from some sales person.
  4. Eat healthy: From day 1 of your training make sure you have a good amount of carbohydrates, protein, grains, fruits, veggies, and of course, LOTS OF WATER! You can consult with a trainer and make sure you are intaking the right amount of food for the amount of exercise you will now endure.
  5. Do many trail runs: Part of your training, which includes exercise and a healthy diet, will be actual doing trail runs. Your researched the route now use it. Run, or roll, with a partner, or many, how you would on the day of your marathon even. Im sure the first time may be rough and you will be out of breath. But as you continue to practice it will become second nature and be as easy as pie.
  6. Avoid injuries: Keep yourself safe. Try not to sprain anything or continue working through an injury. Get injuries checked out and handle them as soon as they occur. Make sure to take breaks and return to training when they heal. Stretching can help.
  7. REST: Try not to over exert yourself. make sure you have adequate sleep. There isn’t a cure for tiredness except sleep. Not coffee, not an energy drink, and not cold air. If you are tired your body will shut down on you, so avoid that from happening.

Enjoy and do you research for the marathons to come.

Image Credits in order:

Mary Keitany Nyc by Acrb using the CC S-A (Share Alike) 3.0

Stanley Biwott during 2013 London Marathon by Chmee2 using CC S-A 3.0

Ernst F. van Dyke in 2014 Boston Marathon by Gr5 using CC S-A 3.0

Tatyana McFadden alla Maratona di New York del 2011 by Caricato da OttawaAC using the Creative Commons (CC) by 2.0

Out and What Now?


two young men kissing

Milan & Miles uploaded to Instagram (string rights) by Milan Christoper

Two weeks ago I sat in the studio audience for Love and Hip Hop (LHH) Hollywood. Several of us was at first confused to the exact taping. Was this the reunion? Was it now to be part of LHH New York? As more people started to join in we saw our host, T.J Holmesof abc news and Princess, girlfriend of R&B star Ray J. They started playing a, then, never before seen snipet of an episode showing Miles, a Hip Hop artist on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. We was in awe? watching Miles “come out,” or in other words reveal to his love ones that he has been sleeping with someone. I teared at the hurt he subjected his hopeful ex-girlfriend and best friend, Amber, to. Some of the audience members was even kicked off the set for their lack of tolerance.

a rainbow pattern

Marriage Equality by Gthomasbower using CC BY-SA 2.0

Throughout the continuation of our intimate studio setting, which included LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and straight legends and up-and-comings from everywhere. This included Hip-Hop/R&B artist, producers, directors, actors, actresses, activist, and preachers.  There was a conversation mainly pin pointed about being out in Hip Hop for men and females and being impacted by their decision and of those around them. There was several points I agreed with and many points I didn’t. However, the whole time so many other thoughts came to my head. I remembered “outing” a then close female friend of mine in elementary school; I remembered being apart of the Gay and Straight club in High school and helping to fundraise and lead talks; and I remembered being in the Straight in Gay Alliance my first year in college and going to Washington, DC wearing my American Apparel prop 8 shirt to march for equality. But now I became conflicted.

Was not this what we were fighting for? Now, I see commercials where strong male body lifters were subjected as females; I love to watch the Netflix series Orange is the New Black which shows jailed females with various sexual orientations, I twerked to Fly Young Red’s objectifying gay video “Boy *u*sy,” I applauded Caitlyn Jenner for loving her truth, yet I judged Taye Diggs for

a young man wearing glowing make-up

Taye Diggs as Hedwig on Instagram with sharing agreement

admitting to love women’s cloths and wearing glittery black nail polish on the Wendy Williams show, and wanted Yung Thug to expose himself,  and I question whether this agenda is more than the acceptance of my non-straight and arrow brother and sisters.

I am always one to say sexual orientation is a joke and that you should be with who ever you feel comfortable with in your legal rights. Are we finally getting what we hoped for from the US and the media (controlled by the rich), aceeptance of the LGBT community? Or is this just a plot, an agenda of the rich trying to halt reproduction of the human race to limit population. Is the media trying to implant in our children to like the same sex, even if they weren’t born with the hormones and thoughts of those who would normally like the same sex. Is the media exploiting the tv watchers because they know the LBGT community is vast and they want to continue to get rich and make it seem like a platform is being created. I am glad I marched on Washington for a reason, same-sex marriage is legal Nationwide, but was that just to get taxes out of the LGBT community too.

Questions to the audience: What do you think? s it a platform or a hidden agenda? | is this a distraction? | Are females who dress like males accepted as much as males who dress like females? | Can someone like someone of the same sex without being assumed they are less masculine or feminine?

*** Check out I see BIg Freedia a transgender bounce star isn’t even wearing what she had on, she looks more like a man now. *** And don’t forget to watch the episode tonight on VH1. I’ll be sitting in the upper left hand corner.

#BlackLivesMatter includes our Black LGBT community

Black Lies Matter protesters

Black Lives Matter by Miguel form noncommercial reuse

Anything You Want OR Need … for FREE!!

What is something you want to do or have? Did you know you can get it free, especially when you are motivated and put in the research for it. For example, Have you ever walked into a food court of the mall and was offered cinnabon’s sugar donuts, or asian cuisine on a stick? Not only can you get free food but you can request samples from those mall restaurants. At the end of your “food court smorgasbord” you may have a fulfilling snack. Well, that is similar to just about anything you can think of.

colored letters that spell "FREE"

Here’s How:

  1. Events & Activities: You can get free tickets to movies, preescreenings, fashion shows, fundraisers, community events, and celebrities events on sites like EventBrite. And of course many events have goodie bags of freebies. Try looking in Timeout NYC, searching for free concerts in the parks and beaches, download “local” themed apps on your phone, visit hobbies and networking events. Get on tv by searching casting companies like OnSetProductions.
  2. Knowledge Training / Experience: Ask those you know for advice. You can ask companies to volunteer or go on VolunteerMatch. Of course Youtube helps, but there are also sites that allow you to bartering services. Look in the news papers where most jobs offer free training on the condition that you work with them for a time period. I love the DIYnetwork and places, like HomeDepot, that offer free classes.
  3. Food / Clothes: Besides growing a garden and sewing your own clothes, there are organizations and churches that provide free food and clothing. You can even inquire on 311 (for those in NY) for help or on your governments’ website
  4. Shelter Companies like Habitat for Humanity help you own a home as long as you volunteer some labor, but there are other non profits and private funded organizations that provide shelters, rooms, help with mortgage, rent assistance, and utilities (i.e.: heap. There are even grants for new home owners are being energy efficient.
  5. Money Who doesn’t love free money! Apply for government grants, signup with crowdfunding websites, ask those you know, and/or apply for scholarships.
  6. Childcare – Most schools are free, even some pre kindergarten are with programs like Head Start. Some schools and jobs have daycares, just ask. If not contact you local government assistance providers.
  7. Insurance: Contact non-profits, private organization or your government website.
  8. Entertainment Services: There are companies like Vive Entertainment Enterprises LLC or non profits like BRIC Arts Media. You can also find people by looking up hashtags, posting and messaging on sites like Model Mayhem, craigslist, Instagram, and Facebook.
  9. Business Help: Organizations like SBDC at New York City College of Technology, Small Business Association, NYC Business Solutions, NELP (lawyers), and government websites will help small business and entrepreneurs. Go on sites like or to find volunteers and help. The best thing to do is network.
  10. Freebies & Goodies For cosmetics, accessories, cleaning products, and the random, there are nonprofits or organizations that are the middle man like Freecycle. Some places provide free toiletries, others sites give away based on their sponsors.  Hey you might get free stuff for being a loyal customer, like a sephora. where you can also get free samples of cosmetics when ever you want and bigger samples with purchases. There are even sites like Beautystat, and you tubers who have contest and giveaways for their subscribers.

If your need or want isn’t listed here, some of the same sites may still help you. If not, googling the service you need and adding the word free at the end, by putting up post on social media and inquiring with those you know.

Now that you know how to find free necessities and wants, try it for yourself. Get your freebies and tell me all about it.

DISCLAIMER: I am not being paid to share this data or information. Everything is my opinion and I do not take responsibility for what you may encounter during your search.

QUESTIONS TO THE READERS: How do you get freebies? | Have you tried any of the methods? Did it work? | Has anyone got a free iPad or electronic by participating in offers? | Was this information helpful?