Get Your Head Out Your Butt and Put It High

a woman of color wearing a shawl and purple booties

Are you, or someone you know, insecure? Do you, or someone you know, feel most happy when all attention is on you? Do you, or someone you know, seek to discredit others and their relationship to find self-worth? If you answered yes to any of the previous statements then I have unprofessionally diagnosed you with low self-esteem and you need to seek therapy or start to love yourself a bit more.

I am unsure who is to blame for the lack of self-love that I come across on individuals. Is it the parents, whether neglectful or having enabling characters? Is it the individual, their lack of experiences or stubbornness to change? Either way IT DOES NOT MATTER. As a person, one must “find” themselves eventually. With finding oneself one shall LOVE ONESELF. I do not mean latching on a group, drowning in music, or seeking religion just to make yourself feel better or to find an excuse for your F’d up ways.

Unfortunately, I do not have a concrete answer. Heck, life isn’t concrete! But I do wish to bring awareness to the lack of self-love and bitterness that is within people. These same people carry hatred in their hearts and make it spread like wildfire, which inevitably cause things like war, slavery, provocative youth, suicide etc.  I am no genius but I am pretty sure hate and Donald Trump supporters are directly proportional. And for a little laugh, I dare you guys to go to .

QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Do you agree or disagree? Why/Why not?

2 thoughts on “Get Your Head Out Your Butt and Put It High

  1. Amoni this is so true!! Loving yourself is so important and I can personally say it took me a long time to learn how to. It is less about fitting ideals and norms but creating your own. Everyone should be proud of who they are and what they bring to the table.

    • Exactly. I too took time in learning to love myself. I also know that you believe in it I remember reading about you teaching your daughter similar morals.

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