AmoniB’s Profile

entertainment, graphics design, technology, art, esthetics, fashion design, sustainability, social services
City Tech GRADUATE Associate in Applied Science in Electromechanical Engineering Technology &Interactive Media Technologies Certification
BLOGGER – Citytech’s The Buzz ( )
Published Actress / Model | Published Author/Poet | Entrepreneur | Philanthropist| Activist
Notary | Licensed Real Estate Agent | Commercial Drivers License | Makeup Artist Pro Card IMATS
BUSINESSES: | | BPProperties
My Courses
IMT1101 Emerging Media Foundations SP2015
An introduction to interactive multimedia technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project based, cooperative learning. Attendees will be immersed in the protocols and processes of the design process: ideation, presentation, dissemination, prototyping, and production. Participants will explore basic theoretical and applied concepts of audio, visual, tactile and interaction design through creative group projects, visiting professionals, and online documentation of work produced. This course provides a foundational structure necessary for working in the the highly interdisciplinary media technology field. This course lays the foundation for work and research practices that the will be expected to follow in the rest of the academic career and in the workplace.
IMT1102 Production Practices SP2015
This course provides a hands-on introduction to the applied principles and production techniques used in interactive media development. Students will be introduced to the basic theory, practices, and technology necessary for success in digital media courses. Topics include digital imaging, audio and video management, prototyping, project management, as well as, interactive, networked, and physical computing technologies. The structure of this course emphasizes an integrated and creative approach to interactive media with detailed instruction and practice in the technical aspects of production that go hand in hand with critical academic thinking.
My Projects
Welcome to The Buzz, a student blogging site dedicated to all things City Tech–from how to handle the pressures of school, to what movies to see. Join the discussion by adding a comment to a post you like, or by adding a post yourself! And be sure to join the project to get regular updates!
OpenLab Community Builders and Student Bloggers
The group for the Community Builders and Student Bloggers to check in and discuss projects.
My Clubs
This club is open to all City Tech students, but was originally conceived for the students of the Advertising Design & Graphic Arts (ADGA) Department. We have formed to help bring traditional printmaking techniques back into the general awareness of our members in order to ground them more fully in the philosophy and heritage of graphic arts design and production. We work to offer informative lectures, presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations, and field trips for our students to explore all forms of printmaking, including but not limited to screenprint, relief, lithography, and intaglio.