Blogging Events Effectively

a young person in glasses with international flags bordering the photo

Last Tuesday, I attended the International Youth Leadership Assembly (IYLA) at the United Nations and the whole time I thought about blogging the event. However I felt I couldn’t create the post last week. Although I uploaded images on social media, I had to leave an hour early to make a meeting with charter school to be a possible affiliate for my organization. I really had to go and did not get to experience the IYLA event fully. And therefore I was stuck.

a seated audience

Of course I could have just uploaded the images I took and wrote on the speakers I did see or parts I did partake in. However, I felt I would not capture it fully and effectively, being that I missed on on substantial parts. Of course I could have took it into a different direction and spoke on the IYLA organization that led the program and the message of “Moral and Innovative Leadership: Vision, Service & Entreprenuership.

Therefore (a week later), I am writing how to capture events effectively.

  1. Stay for the Duration: You should stay for the duration in order to capture everything with imagery and/or with notes.This will also give you a first hand look and ability to connect with what or whomever you need to.
  2. Bring a Friend: I know you may not be able to get two tickets or press releases but try. If its a free for all bring someone to accompany you. Two heads are better than one. While one person is taking pictures, the other is taking notes. While one person is networking the other is making announcements. While one person is bobbing for apples the other is capturing the moment. 😉
  3. Take Images: If a scene can not be found on the internet or its unique to the event, make sure you take your own image. If possible hiring a photography, lol, or just bring a friend. Its always best to have original imagery when speaking on events.
  4. Take Notes: Although you think you’ll remember, when its time to write your blog certain facts or instances will be forgotten. For example I had to try and look up the presenters at the past IYLA event and some topics before I could write the blog that didn’t get published. 🙁 Have a system on notes, try not to just write everything all over the place. Organize your notes.
  5. Have a Focus: What were the special topics that sum up the event. For example: was it about empowering or networking and what took place to show that.

Its Time for A Start

people protesting with "BLACK LIVES MATTER" signs

In the midst of all the police brutality, alleged police assassinations, Black Lives Matter protests, companies trying to capitalize over Black organizations, people and their protest, and the PokemonGo craze that seems to just be tracking your location and predators, there is a silver lining. We are learning to come together as a people again. We are learning to go back to forums of discussion over social media. We are learning that everything isn’t meant to be poured into the digital database, which may be used against us. Thankfully we are learning. However, there are somethings that we should learn to do and that is to take back our neighborhoods.

As I suggested in previously blogs, YOUR COMMUNITY IS YOUT BUSINESS. And, therefore, you have to maintain and stabilize it. Can you look at your past and present contributions and be proud of your service to your neighborhood or the world?

I teach, mentor, volunteer, and I have founded two non-profit organizations, ‘Vive Entertainment Enterprises Corporation’ & ‘Brooklyn Multi-Service Community Center, Corp.,’ and a company called Brown-Pugh Daughters and Sons LLC. I’ve organized, walked, fundraised, and donated to various groups and causes, including traveling and marching in Washington DC for equality rights and Prop 8. The list will be several pages long. ALL in efforts to make my community (East New York and surrounding areas) and the world (I know you may think it sounds cheesy) a better place.

two women and a man at a tent

I am usually modest and rather not go into details. I never look for praise or profits, I just seek RESULTS. I need everyone reading this post to work towards results as well. No matter which part you play in your community, make POSITIVE efforts and try your best for progressive results. Here is 5 things you can do to improve your neighborhood:

1. Look at the statistics of crime, poverty, etc. in your area.

2. Come up with positive ideas to illuminate or reduce those statistics.

3. Develop a plan to implement at least one of those ideas.

4. Get help and/or advice if needed.

5. Start your plan.

For free assistance with business mentorship contact me via BkMSCC or via my NY Mentor site.

For Start-Up services visit my Fivrr, I also personalize orders not included on the site.

QUESTION TO THE AUDIENCE: How have you impacted change in your neighborhood?


I am no longer posting Mondays, Next Week Wednesday fund out The Pros and Cons of Blogging

5 Steps to Start a Business

Thinking of starting a business or just curious? Maybe you’ll end up using the information to help someone else.

I starting hosting seminars again under my company Vive Entertainment Enterprises Corporation, a service and educational non-profit. I also perform free mentoring through the state: Amoni B NYC. Last Saturday we, my business associates and I, spoke on how to start a business and did a Q/A for those who came or called in.

young women of color sitting at a table

Here are 5 steps to start yours:

  1. Turn Your hobby Into Your Money Stream: whether you have a job or not, you can turn most passions into a business. Perhaps you love to sew, talk or eat. That can turn into being a fashion designer, event host, or food network executive. Maybe not an exec, but a restaurant owner. Either way, take time to ideate on what you can do with your talent or hobby (sometimes you many not be as good as you think but keep motivated and hire others ).
  2. Solve A Problem: You do not need to reinvent the wheel! But make sure there is a market for your business. No one wants to see 5 Salad Bars in a 5 block radius, nor will each one make enough money. Heck, there is competition at the two located in Rockefeller Center. How ever if there is none, there is an opening for what you want to do. Whether you solve your own problem of wanted salad near your home or solving the problem of giving healthy choice options for your neighborhood, you may succeed.
  3. Know When To Be Selfish: This point actually came to me in a dream. I’m always doing for others and sometimes I neglect my needs and wants. If you want to be successful you must be a little selfish. Save your money for your business goals, don’t use what you need to give to your always begging little cousin. Take time out for yourself and try to be too consumed in either direction. Most of all don’t let distractions deter you from the bigger picture.
  4. Training Tuesday Will Land the Deal Monday: No matter what you do, you will need to do research and development. You can’t expect to open a winter accessories cart on the street of Miami if you haven’t looked into the weather. You must plan according to the facts. Ask yourself: What is my target market? What problems will I solve? What and where is my competition? Will I make money, how? What do I have to do before actually starting? Does it make sense? …. You see where I am going with this. Don’t forget to take seminars, ask for help, and shadow people doing what you want to do.
  5. Get Those Documents In Order: It’s simple, based on what you need to do you will need to get incorporated, next  get a tax ID, and after understand the licenses your business needs and apply for them. Maybe it’s just simply stated . If you need help use these free services.


QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE:  Is there anything you looking for help doing? | In need of entertainment services, technical assistance or business help?


Make sure to check out my last post, and stay tuned for my posts every Monday