Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2023

Discussion: Introductions

Add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class.

You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, who or what has influenced your creative work, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Include a link to a drawing, photo, or video of yourself and/or your creative work.

Before the next class, read the comments and get to know your classmates! 

Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something?

NOTE: If you don’t see your comment appear right away, don’t worry. To avoid spam, your first comment on the site will need to be approved. After that, if you’re logged in, your comments will appear right away.


  1. Berta Umana

    Hi! My name is Berta Umana and I am a junior at citytech. My major is Graphic Design. I’m looking forward to the new semester and hope to learn a lot. See you in class.

    • Jenna Spevack

      Hi Berta! Thanks for being the first to comment. Looking forward to meeting you and learning more about your creative work.

  2. Jenna Spevack

    Hello everyone.

    I’m your professor for Communication Design Theory. You can call me Jenna (or Professor Jenna or just Professor, if you prefer).

    I’ve been a full-time faculty member in the COMD Department since 2002 and an OpenLab Co-Director since 2011. I’ve taught courses in web design, interactive media, animation, design foundations, and design theory. I wrote this course for our BFA Degree. I also lead the COMD Futures Collaboratory. If you’re interested in AR/VR research, please let me know.

    Before coming to City Tech, I worked as a web designer and an animator/illustrator at Sesame Street’s Interactive Media Department. I’ve also been a visual artist for 25 years. My creative work is influenced primarily by my experience of solitude in nature. You can see some of my recent work on my website.

    Looking forward to working with you this semester!

  3. Berta Umana

    Hi! My name is Berta Umana. Have you ever heard of the homework excuse “my dog ate my homework?” Well in todays world its “My dog deleted my homework.” My Yorkie deleted and posted my introduction trying to reach for his chew toy that was on top of my desk. I have to start again. My apologies to everyone. Like I was writing, I am a junior at Citytech and my major is Graphic design. I started loving art in Junior high school. My homework’s always included art. Today I work in a hospital and you would not believe the amount of art work I have created there. I used to work for the pediatrics department at night where the kids are admitted. How cool is it to be a kid and wake up in a hospital with a your name in a coloring book. Or, your name written in cool graffiti wishing you get well. That was just a tip of the many things I’ve been able to do. Now, since the pandemic the Pediatrics department had to close. I was promoted to the ICU’s. I found a way to give encouragement to my nurses. The link is also just a tip of how I encourage my nurses. When it was time to choose a major at city tech, it was easy. See you guys in class!

    • Chantel Cookson

      Hi Berta I also work in the hospital, in the maternity unit at night. Working over night allows me to have my creative juices running too. I think that was a great ideas to make signs for the kids while they where in the hospital. It probably made them feel so much more comfortable while being there.

    • Sebastian Chapman

      Hi Berta it is so cool how you found your other calling while working and taking care of people. I hope I get to see a picture of this mischievous dog i love puppies!

    • Joseth

      Hi Bertha, nice to meet you. I think your encouragement through your art is really cool and creative. Gives a sense of strength and a “you can do it attitude”.

    • Erick Fiallos

      Hi Berta, is really nice to meet you, i saw ur poster and it is really amazing, hope to see more of your work.

  4. Danny

    Hey! Im Daniel Greene and Im a lower Senior. My major is Communication design and my niches are Illustration and Graphic Design. Hope to have a good semester with everyone.

    • Angel

      Hey Daniel, Nice to meet ya! what do you usually like to illustrate? I’d like to see your illustrations.

    • Jesus Pena

      Nice to meet you! Cheers to a good semester.

  5. Omar S.B.

    Hello class! My name is Omar Sandy-Bourne and I am a Junior in City Tech. I chose this major because I enjoy the thrill of creating. On my spare time, I curate and DJ events, draw/paint and mastering other skills such as graphic/set design, art direction and learning instruments. In a busy and fast paced city of New York where its difficult to make time for things, I try and force myself to practice things that I love no matter how much sleep I lose.

    Furthermore, The book that I am currently reading is The Alchemist. I am so ashamed of myself because I’ve bought the book back in 2018 and NEVER started reading it until now. even though I am only a chapter in, so far the book is amazing. I have a huge list of books that I want to read therefore I hope to knock out at least 25% of it.

    What inspires my creative work? There’s many things that inspire my creative work. I feel like everyday is a chance to be inspired. Growing up, being exposed to rooms, music, design, fashion, film, art. I feel like the world is your mood board and you curate if however you may like. Overall, as of right now I’d say life, the world, people, and my curiosity inspires my creative work. I definitely want to get back to you on this specific question professor!

    • Mahreen Munawar

      Hi Omar! I’ve been trying to read The Alchemist as well and have had it for almost a year now. I’m a few chapters in and it only gets better. I’ve also been trying to read a lot more this year and would love to have you give me some recommendations to a list of my own,

    • Joseth

      Hi Omar, nice to meet you. I gravitated immediately to your comment “I feel like every day is a chance to be inspired”. It’s so so true, if you really sit back and think about everything you encounter during your day, there is a lot to reflect on.

  6. Jesus Pena

    Hello all, my name is Jesus Pena, I am majoring communication design, Advertising pathway. I like to study the history album covers. Below is a link to one I did during my time at CityTech

    • Olya Gasparyan

      Hello Jesus it is nice to have class with you again.

    • Olya Gasparyan

      Hello Jesus nice to have class with you again

  7. Chantel Cookson

    Hi everyone my name is Chantel and I’m a upper senior. My major is communication design and my focus is Web design and graphic design at the moment. It may change to packaging after this semester.

    What I am looking forward to getting out of this class is being able to better define and understand a problem from reading through a brief or just listen to the request of the client. I believe that being able to pin point what a client wants without them actually being able to put it in word, is a good skill to have. Also being able to connect different perspectives and making it something new.

    I am looking forward to connecting and sharing with each other through discussions to better further our goals and future.

    • Joseth

      Nice to have class with you again. 🙂

    • Jesus Pena

      Nice to meet you! Cheers to a great semester.

  8. Joseth

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Joseth. I am a COMD student who has an interest in web design and motion graphics, however, open to learning skills and techniques from all the other areas of communication design. In my spare time, I like to look at documentaries in areas such as murder mysteries, crime stories, nature, and cultural living in other countries. I also like painting, sketching, nature walks, listening to electric and theatrical music, and taking pictures of picturesque scenes outdoors. What inspired me to enter this field was my interest in visual arts. Earlier in my life, I picked up the hobby of painting and thought the avenue of communication design is a good way to make a career out of it. Here is a link to a few items.

  9. Mahreen Munawar

    Hey! My name is Mahreen Munawar. I’m a Junior at City Tech and majoring in Communication Design. I chose this major because I always knew I wanted to be in the creative field but couldn’t figure out what specific field I wanted to go into so I started experimenting with the classes that this major had to offer. I’ve narrowed down to a couple of options for a possible career but I’m still just learning and exploring all that this major has to offer. Some of my interests include fashion, digital design, and branding/ marketing. I also like to paint once in a while.

    I hope to get to know everyone and have a great semester together.

  10. Sebastian Chapman

    Hi All, my name is Sebastian. I love films, fashion, and video games. I enjoy creating art in every outlet possible and I try to be as well rounded as possible. I am inspired by color, the future, the unreal, greek mythology, space, and nature. I am currently an upper sophomore and my current obsession is figure drawing and things with a duplicitous nature. I love when things are more than they appear and I hope to play with these ideas in my designs. I am slowly becoming a typography nerd, reluctantly, and I do enjoy putting posters and presentations together as the grid reminds me of building with Lego and making sure everything fits right in its place. I hope to enjoy this class and to learn as much as I can.

  11. Olya Gasparyan

    Hi my name is Olya major Communication Design. My interest to art and design started when I was in the middle school. When in some of the boring classes like chemistry and physics I started using my notebooks asa a SketchBooks. Until one day I got in trouble for it. I love movies, anime, manga and music.

  12. Olya Gasparyan

    Hi my name is Olya major Communication Design. My interest to art and design started when I was in the middle school. When in some of the boring classes like chemistry and physics I started using my notebooks asa a SketchBooks. Until one day I got in trouble for it. I love movies, anime, manga and music.

  13. Angel

    Hey y’all! My name is Angel Cuevas. I’m currently working for my BFA in communication design.The things that I enjoy doing during my free time are reading comics and illustrating/drawing. I believe that is one of the reasons I chose this major as well as the freedom to express myself through my work. Some things that have inspired me are other people’s artwork such as my classmates and friends and this pushes me to be better and improve my skills. 

  14. Erick Fiallos

    Hello everyone, my name is Erick. This is my second semester here at city tech, I transferred from BMCC after getting my associates in graphic design. I chose this career because I always knew that what I do in my life and professional life would have to do with art, so here we are. I like everything that has to do with the creation of logos, illustrations, paintings, etc. In my free time, I draw and illustrate, and I’m currently painting murals in my house for fun.

    Apart from art, my other hobbies are sports like snowboarding, soccer, downhill biking, surfing, off-roading, gym, and skateboarding.

    I hope to have a good semester and to be able to meet you all.

  15. Shandale Ricketts

    Hello Everyone, My name is Shandale. This is my third semester at CityTech and my major is Communications Design. I like many forms of art and working for a dance company (I still work there) has honestly expanded that enjoyment a lot, since we get invited to a lot of broadway shows and multimedia performances.

    I have a Behance that I show some of my work on but it’s not complete yet. I’m still learning as much as I can.

  16. Nathalie Quito

    Hi all,

    My name is Nathalie and I am currently a junior in COMD. I have been in City Tech for almost 5 years now. I have jumped from math course to science courses to finally landing my way back into art. I studied design and illustration all through high school and am excited to further expand my knowledge into the professional design world! I do believe I have a lot of work to do to build a portfolio for myself. Overall, I look forward to exploring design in not only the artistic but also business aspect.

  17. Chantel Cookson

    While reading, Revisiting the Avant-Garde, I do notice similarities between avant-garde movements from the past and the design field to today.  Creators in the past designed with the intention to create the idealism that human culture could be united. With today’s creator we use design with the intent to persuade our target audience through their emotions.  We as consumers are moved through our emotions.  Creators play on this factor to have users agree to their narrative insuring that it fits their ideas.  Today’s artist is technologically progressing in communications pushing their subjective visions. Having the privilege of digital technology aids in the change of producer-consumer relationship.

    Creatives/designers can assert artistic presence showing authorship thus invoking change in the fundamentals of communication. We still have attachment to the Avant-Garde of the past aiding as part of the fundamentals in art.  Using the objective vision to show that there is a clear-cut message or meaning to which the artwork makes sense about the world at that time. Building on their success covering part of the past but bringing creators into the futuristic idealism connecting international Style, Pop, and postmodernism.  

    With time comes change and my concerns that I think will drive the Avant-Garde of the near future is the issue with social responsibility.  So many people have access to technology today that they can push their agenda without taking social responsibility. As creators, we put out ideas to push for change with the intent. To take credit. For the change. It’s getting harder to weed out the facts from the fiction due to the wide range of accessibility. to technologies.

  18. Christopher Acosta

    Hello everyone, my name is Chris. This is my second semester here at City Tech and I got my associates from BMCC. I’m still trying to figure out where I would like to end up towards the end of my time here. I like to draw and sculpt my own characters or existing characters, 3D model whenever I’m able to, watch anime, and play video games. I look forward to improving my reading and writing skills this semester. It was nice meeting everyone and wish all of us a great semester.

    Here is a link to my Wix portfolio if anyone would like to see:

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