
Homesteaded: verb:Ā to acquire or occupy as a homestead (Homestead: Noun: Ā  Ā the home and adjoining land occupied by a family)

From the short story ” A Jury Of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell. ” When we Homesteaded in Dakota, and my first baby died — after he was two years old – and me with no other then –”

I now understand that she meant that when she lived in Dakota for a certain time.


Elixir: noun :Ā Ā a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is used in medication either for its medicinal ingredients or as a flavoring.

From the “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. Ā “Go away. I am not making myself ill.” No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window. (paragraph 16).

I understand that Louise Mallard had a heart trouble and this substance can possibly help cure her condition, she was drinking it fast as it had alcohol in it and it caused the affect that she could see her whole life through the window.


Tumultuously: adv:Ā loud, excited, and emotional;Ā marked by violent or overwhelmingĀ turbulenceĀ or upheaval.

From “The Story of an Hour”: “Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will–as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.” (paragraph 10)

Now I understand that her chest is moving quickly and turbulently because she is so upset or emotionally damaged.

Words we think of when we think of fiction

  • Story
  • Characters
  • Story-telling
  • Story
  • Make up story
  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Adventure
  • Made up
  • Bringing life to something unreal
  • Plot
  • Reading
  • Generation of robot. Everyone has memory of computer.
  • A story
  • Realistic
  • Not real
  • Fake
  • Not real
  • Fake
  • Imagined reality as compared to a known or learned reality
  • Literature
  • Fairy tales
  • Future technology
  • Anything can happen
  • Resolving an issue
  • Imagination
  • Virtual world
  • Intangible
  • Different world
  • You can make up anything
  • Unrealistic
  • Folk tale
  • Creative writing
  • Fairy tales
  • Other world
  • Pages
  • Dragons & monsters
  • Imagination
  • Imagination
Or thought of a different way:

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Wordle: When We Think of Fiction

Which version?

When we read “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne in a few day, which version should we use? Because the story is no longer under copyright, it is availableĀ in the public domain. When I Google the title, several full-text versions are at the top of the results list. Which version should we use? Look at (no need to read much now–that will come later) these four versions and write a comment in response to this post arguing for one of these versions–and against another if appropriate. Be sure to include specific details that make one version seem better than another. Think about your experience on the site, which you find reliable or unreliable, which are more attractive, which have the kind of extra information you might want to have, etc. What else might help you make the decision.

Please respond by Friday, 2/1.

Option 1: Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

Option 2: Rutgers University, Edited by Jack Lynch

Option 3: The Literature Network

Option 4: Project Gutenberg


Glossary Assignment

Glossary Assignment: Assigned 1/28; Due: weekly throughout the semester

Throughout the semester, we will place a great deal of importance on defining words, both terminology that will help us describe, analyze, and discuss our readings and vocabulary that will help us better understand the material we encounter. Each week, you will choose a word andĀ write a blog postĀ (needĀ help?)Ā in which you do the following:

  • include the word as the title of the post
  • provide the word’s part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc)
  • define it–make sure you’re using the most appropriate definition, which might not be the first one
  • cite the source of your definition–I recommendĀ Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, although you might need to consult a different kind of dictionary
  • identify where you encountered the word (specify the specific page of a particular reading, date of the class discussion, title of the handout, etc)
  • explain what you understand about the passage now that you understand the word
  • if you are defining a term, provide an example based on our readings.
  • (optional) include links and images that help your classmates understand the word or the context
  • choose the category Glossary in the right sidebar when you write a new post
  • add tags to your post that reflect the topic you wrote about
  • add the word to the alphabetized list in theĀ Glossary IndexĀ document
These posts will contribute to a shared glossary for our course, available from the blog menu. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, or to ask me in class.


Welcome to ENG 2001: Introduction to Fiction. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with this OpenLab course site. Use the top navigation bar to explore different course materials. As the course progresses, we will add new material throughout the site, making it a rich resource for the study of fiction.

So that we can get to know each other better before our second class meeting, you will need to create an OpenLab account (you can follow these instructionsĀ to create an account, and these instructions to figure out how to access your City Tech email account), add an avatar and bio to your profile, and join our course. Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, and your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab. If you have any questions about the assignment, feel free to get in touch with me. If you need help on the OpenLab, you can consult the Help section–if you need more help, you can contact the OpenLab Community Team.